I like to watch
David Codey (61)
If it’s true?
Word is next year, club will be told 4 grades and 3 colts. No exception. Hunter and Penrith gone. West Harbour and Two Blues on chopping block.
Meanwhile, bigger clubs warehouse players in 5 Grades and 4 Colts.
Yeah. That's good for the game in general.
No SS clubs south of Uni, or west of uni..
And also, can we please stop this nonsense of refs telling captains to go and talk to their team when they give a warning --- just speak loudly enough so they all hear.
Really, should the referees stop expecting the captains to take a leadership role within their teams?
Really, should the referees stop expecting the captains to take a leadership role within their teams?
IMO it's just a waste of time.
I doubt the captains ever say much about what the ref's warning because everyone knows what the problem is.
The players should know the laws and when a ref tells the captain "another infringement in the red zone and it will be a card" I reckon all the players know what's going on. Doesn't need the captain to call them all together and repeat what they all heard the ref say.
It just delays the game and let's the defence get organised and have a rest.
Why does a premier club need so many grades??
I’m yet to see one legit reason why
I fail to see how 4 grades and 3 colts is a mechanism to spread talent among clubs.
If it was 3 and 2 - than some players missing out on games might head the short distance away from Camperdown and maybe end up at Concord or even Parramatta