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Shute Shield 2018

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Rugby Central

Charlie Fox (21)
True, but according to Pulver all that is involved in running a Shute Shield club is pissing money up against a wall which they are world class at.

An interesting case of pots vs. kettles there. But sadly not an entirely incorrect statement. With nearly all clubs selling their licensed clubs and now Eastwood selling off TG Milner, it's a fairly sad indictment on rugby governance in Australia generally.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
^^^^ that's a bit unfair.
Small to medium community clubs throughout NSW have been absorbed by a few of the powerhouse clubs.
Very few have survived let alone thrived.

If you want to attack governance, I'd be looking at clubs Financial Reports.
How many are readily available? of those that are available, how many don't look like they have been designed to camouflage sensitive spending?

Green grass

Chris McKivat (8)
Yeah but even without pokies, a club like Randwick (a street away from the main drag in Coogee and 300m from the beach) managed to go bust?
How does that happen?
What has become of the site now?

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Also - the clubs thrived before RBT and before there were so many other distractions from having a few schooies after the game etc etc.
I doubt that any rugby community in the world operates under tougher overall conditions than Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Yeah but even without pokies, a club like Randwick (a street away from the main drag in Coogee and 300m from the beach) managed to go bust?
How does that happen?
What has become of the site now?

because no one went there


Dick Tooth (41)
I remember Thursday nights was a huge piss up at Easts for all grades before heading off to The Sheaf etc into the wee hours. That was the 80s..times have changed

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Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I don't doubt it. It is naive, at best, to expect the clubs to ignore their own imperatives (i.e. survival!) when the bodies responsible for the health of the game generally do SFA at this level to promote the game's health. The clubs have a reasonable track record for looking after the interests of oz rugby. Making the emus viable should always have been a NSWRU/ARU job - from about 1980!!

During the late 90s/early 00s Penrith were going ok; 4 grades of colts and 4 grade sides. The lower sides were a bit ordinary, but the two 1st grade units were quite competitive. This was only achieved through NSWRU/ARU funding of DOs and other paid officials. Sadly about 2003, the funding was pulled, to be "pissed up against the wall" via astronomical player payments (at the time super rugby players/Wallabies were paid more than NRL and AFL stars to play less than half the games) and a plethora of highly paid middle and upper management consultants. It's a long road back from here, but as you say, it's not the job of volunteers at other clubs to make Penrith viable - it's the role of those charged with the custodianship of the game. Maybe Roger Davis could head out and see if they need a hand (just needs to pretend he's going to a GPS rowing regatta and turn left in stead of going straight ahead), or Raelene, and Pulver should have plenty of time on his hands now - maybe he can walk the walk..

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Yeah but even without pokies, a club like Randwick (a street away from the main drag in Coogee and 300m from the beach) managed to go bust?
How does that happen?
What has become of the site now?

Competing with the Coogee Bay Hotel where you could walk in off the beach in your swimmers. The old rugby clubs had no attraction for the 18-30 yo crowd ie those who spend good part of their lives in pubs and clubs.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Yeah but even without pokies, a club like Randwick (a street away from the main drag in Coogee and 300m from the beach) managed to go bust?
How does that happen?
What has become of the site now?

I think they might have managed it twice.....they were never the most welcoming club post match..........spent a lot of time trying to poach the best players from the day's opponents by talking about some bloke called Dwyer

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
We could probably start a thread just to discuss the woes of Penrith and other struggling clubs and how to fix.

Not an easy fix.

Need to engage the community more and attract quality players.

I think it probably does need some intervention from RA or SRU/NSW. Perhaps some scholarship money to attract some colts maybe to study at UWS.

Perhaps some development contracts for players coming through but conditional they play for struggling clubs that are nominated.

A bit of marketing and promotion, get some public interest. I would be trying my hardest to get Anthony Mundine to play for them, even if only 1 game. (he says he will play NRL for no pay to any club). Then make this the first TV match of the season. It would be a publicly stunt, but you need them from time to time.

Maybe some other players at the end of their careers give back to the game by playing a season with Penrith.


If someone thinks it's worthy of its own thread, please do.

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Arch Winning (36)
We could probably start a thread just to discuss the woes of Penrith and other struggling clubs and how to fix.

I think it probably does need some intervention from RA or SRU/NSW. Perhaps some scholarship money to attract some colts maybe to study at UWS.

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Unfortunately that will never happen, Penrith don’t have anything to barter with to make it worthwhile for the uni


Dick Tooth (41)
Unfortunately that will never happen, Penrith don’t have anything to barter with to make it worthwhile for the uni
I don't know if the Uni needs any bargaining tools. The Unis are cashed up. I can't see how UNSW or Sydney Uni benefit from their scholarships apart from attracting more players to Randwick or Uni. Could be good PR

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Arch Winning (36)
I don't know if the Uni needs any bargaining tools. The Unis are cashed up. I can't see how UNSW or Sydney Uni benefit from their scholarships apart from attracting more players to Randwick or Uni. Could be good PR

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Wsu put hardly any emphasis on sport, cashed up yes (no where near as much as the other unis you mentioned) but sport isn’t a high priority. They have like 4 sporting scholarships for the whole university across all sports some unis have more scholarships for one single sport on offer

Sydney uni and Randwick benefit from shared facilities (Penrith has nothing to offer), prestige (Penrith brand ain’t too crash hot), scholarship holders probably contribute to their rep uni sport program (wsu just grab Holden cup players to play 7’s because the NRL pay for them to go to uni) and in the case of Randwick/unsw id very much imagine there would be other fincancial incentives given by Randwick to unsw

Good PR? Really? Average joe doesn’t care about rugby union let alone the shute shield or Penrith rugby

I’ve spent a lot of time around university sport, point I’m trying to make, big hell no on getting scholarships unfortunatly


Dick Tooth (41)
Fair enough, but in my day, Uni were the whipping boys until they got the University to work with the rugby club to improve and look at them now. Randwick were rhe champs then, but when they fell behind, they adopted the same policy plus more with UNSW. Agree it might not work, but I meant PR meaning they're putting back into the community. Yes I'm I dreamer:)

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Phil Kearns (64)
When was your day, Silverado? Uni has always had a huge potential advantage, in that they have a guaranteed input every year of young rugby players, who are able to train close to where they attend classes.

I probably go back a bit longer than you, and for sure Uni has had its ups and downs, but they have had some very good sides over the years.
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