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Shute Shield 2012

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Mr Magoo

I don't believe that any SS Club has a sponsor involved purely foron commercial reasons.
What would a jersey sponsor pay for the right?What is it's economic value? In many SS games, the crowd is little more than lower graders,wives,girlfriends and family.
That is the commercial reality of today's SS.It has nought to do with the quality of management employed by some clubs.In fact some clubs don't even have paid management.
Yes I agree there is a lot of emotion attached to some of th existing sponsors and we thank them for their generosity and support. I suppose I am talking about finding new unrelated sponsors. These sponsors require an ROI and look at image that the team and SS may provide through ABC coverage and association with the club. Competition with other forms of advertising and the reasons you note above diminish our attraction to the sponsors.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Congratulations to Southern Districts player who captained the side this year; Sean Doyle who makes his Ulster debut at 7 in their season opener against Glasglow tonight. Another one the provinces let slip away.


Syd Malcolm (24)
Tips for this weekend?
I think Norths might roll Eastwood and because of allegiance, think Parra has a sniff against Manly...


Trevor Allan (34)
Norths Newsletter :

'Fourth Grade:

After the very competitive game between these two teams earlier in the season, this game had been eagerly anticipated by all. Unfortunately Norths won this game on forfeit after insufficient Gordon players turned up to play on Sunday morning at Parramatta. For it to happen in a finals match, especially one between the second and third teams in the competition, is a sad reflection on the attitude of the players in the Gordon team. The Gordon club officials at the ground were visibly angry at the players, being well aware of how badly this result reflects on their already-struggling club. The Norths team gets a further week off next weekend and can look forward to their next game in a fortnight for a place in the Grand Final.'
I guess everyone has a short memory three years ago Norths were the struggling club being belted by Gordon in a first grade fixture.

It's going to be a great day when tables turn as they have done more times in Gordon's favour than Norths favour in it's history.

Gordon finished 10th in the club championship not 12th.

It's a shame when Norths main motivation of it's Colts recruiting is to take Gordon Junior players rather than develop their own nursery and often with incentives.

You don't see me here mentioning that 10 of the main 15 1st Colts players from Gordon this season recieved a call from Norths offering incentives to play for Norths(usually money) in the off - season(of which more than half were returning players from the previous seasons colts).

Nor the fact that a Norths official turned up to watch Gordon's 1st Colts games four times this season when Norths were playing at the same time at a different ground.

That club would have spent more on players this season than any other club and still could finish in the top quarter of clubs in the club championship.

Follow Eastwood's lead whilst they recruit they do it with a sense of respect. Alcock, Barry & Plokstys whilst recieving money incentive are on less than they were at Gordon. The club and community culture at Eastwood is also fantastic.

For all the Uni haters out there, I believe they do in fact offer a great program and this is the reason for success. They do not set out to pilfer particular city areas. In fact a lot of country players end up at Uni.


Phil Kearns (64)
Gordon should be the strongest club in the comp. No ifs, or buts. What on earth has gone wrong?

I grew up with tremendous respect for Gordon, and a visit to Chatswood, with the Gay Gordons running towards the clubhouse in the second half, was a wonderful, if daunting occasion.

At the risk of repeating myself, what on earth has gone wrong? We went to Chatswood last year for the Eastwood game, and it was an embarrassment. Very few spectators, and a woeful display by the Highlanders.


Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^ And that is what is wrong with Sydney shute Shield Rugby in its current format, and the issues are flowing down to subbies, colts, schools and juniors.


David Codey (61)
I really enjoyed watching that game. Norths came out in the second half and picked up their intensity, Here's to Uni and Norths knocking the crap out of each other in a tough and brutal contest next weekend. Maybe the Super Rugby coaches should be watching more of these games. Not only is there some good talent popping up everywhere but the nature of the games are just wonderful. Fast, hard and physical. We need more of it at the higher levels.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
I really enjoyed watching that game. Norths came out in the second half and picked up their intensity, Here's to Uni and Norths knocking the crap out of each other in a tough and brutal contest next weekend. Maybe the Super Rugby coaches should be watching more of these games. Not only is there some good talent popping up everywhere but the nature of the games are just wonderful. Fast, hard and physical. We need more of it at the higher levels.
Sorry I disagree with you.
I will not knock the player's efforts and Norths deserved the win, but the standard of rugby was very poor today.
It was slow, passing and catching skills were woeful, and I can't remember the last time I saw so many attempted grab tackles.
It was so safe Harvey even ran the ball.
Who out of that match would you elevate to Super Rugby level?
If you have Foxtel, flick it over to 501 and watch some ITM rugby, that is fast,hard and physical and the skills there put today's game to shame.


David Codey (61)
I'm watching the ITM Cup at the moment. It's 32-30 to the home team at half time. No defensive to be seen at the moment. It is fast though. Frighteningly fast actually.

The skills level of the game today wasn't the best. I'll agree on that level but the intent most certainly was there and both teams are far more capable than they showed this afternoon. It's not at the level of the ITM Cup (Heartland Championship probably) so it's a little unfair to make comparisons if you ask me. As for who I'd like to see given shot. It wasn't necessarily a reference to the game but the competition in general. If you have been watching (and I know you have) you'd have seen the players coming through.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Sorry I disagree with you.
I will not knock the player's efforts and Norths deserved the win, but the standard of rugby was very poor today.
It was slow, passing and catching skills were woeful, and I can't remember the last time I saw so many attempted grab tackles.
It was so safe Harvey even ran the ball.
Who out of that match would you elevate to Super Rugby level?
If you have Foxtel, flick it over to 501 and watch some ITM rugby, that is fast,hard and physical and the skills there put today's game to shame.
Depends which Super Team, if we are talking the Tah's well I could choose quite a few who would develop.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
It was slow, passing and catching skills were woeful, and I can't remember the last time I saw so many attempted grab tackles.
It was so safe Harvey even ran the ball.
Who out of that match would you elevate to Super Rugby level?
If you have Foxtel, flick it over to 501 and watch some ITM rugby, that is fast,hard and physical and the skills there put today's game to shame.
Beautiful work!
As an aside I think Norths 12 could hold his own at a higher level.


Trevor Allan (34)
Gordon should be the strongest club in the comp. No ifs, or buts. What on earth has gone wrong?

I grew up with tremendous respect for Gordon, and a visit to Chatswood, with the Gay Gordons running towards the clubhouse in the second half, was a wonderful, if daunting occasion.

At the risk of repeating myself, what on earth has gone wrong? We went to Chatswood last year for the Eastwood game, and it was an embarrassment. Very few spectators, and a woeful display by the Highlanders.


Agree. Mismanagement is the problem. Gordon are now paying off debts and will be for a few years unless they declare bankruptcy and start again with a new board(all happening at the moment). EGM's etc.

A few people have put in massive money to keep the club alive. Kudos to them but in reality they are possibly also the reason the club is struggling due to it's poor financial and club management.

If Gordon get there act together I believe some reasonable crowds will come back. Look at Eastwood, Gordon should be looking to follow a similar model.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
Agree. Mismanagement is the problem. Gordon are now paying off debts and will be for a few years unless they declare bankruptcy and start again with a new board(all happening at the moment). EGM's etc.

A few people have put in massive money to keep the club alive. Kudos to them but in reality they are possibly also the reason the club is struggling due to it's poor financial and club management.

If Gordon get there act together I believe some reasonable crowds will come back. Look at Eastwood, Gordon should be looking to follow a similar model.
Yes Gordon can do more with their rugby, now they need to find a benefactor/sponsor like Eastwood did with North Ryde RSL.
Like many Shute Shield clubs, their licensed club that was supposed to support them, ended up doing the opposite and becoming a financial drain.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
did i hear correct around the traps over the weekend? The Rugby News (weekly program) is not going to be around next year....and ABCTV is seriously considering their position televising games..?


Peter Johnson (47)
Apparently this goes on every year for a few ABC shows. For example the crew at Mediawatch are only ever put on one season contacts and are effectively unemployed each summer break.
It is a way of penny pinching that the ABC have to do.

So quite possibly a similar thing is happening here.
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