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Scotland v Australia 12Nov16 Saturday

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Trevor Allan (34)
It's about time the backline showed something. They have been terrible all year. Let's wait to see if this is a flash in the pan, or the start of a decent Larkham era.

This is why it would be madness to change anything about it. Finally starting to click. As mad as rotating out any of Timani, Coleman or Arnold.


Mark Ella (57)
One of the differences was that Phipps uses his forward ball runners whereas Genia is all about getting straight out to the backs.

That is the main reason I would retain Phipps this week over Genia.

Genia may do a little more himself (smiping) but I reckon Phipps is a better "team" player.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
The barometer for Phipps' game IMO is his running. If he's getting away from the ruck and taking a few steps forward before distributing, he's an exponentially better player. It fixes the defence around the ruck and makes everyone's life easier.

His running game was great against Wales. There were no Genia-esque breaks, but there were plenty of small touches which had big impact. Look at Foley's try - after the Timani turnover he takes the ball forward for a few steps, and in that time draws in or fixes two wider defenders, creating space on the outside for Coleman and Foley.

He's still well behind Genia in that regard, but it's a sign his form is improving.


Mark Ella (57)
Our backs attacking game was very good. Suppose Larkham deserves some credit, no question. But what had happened to our backs performance prior to that - shithouse. I know plenty will always blame to forwards non go forward, That is just a part of the problem.

We should beat Scotland this week and would expect the backs to continue great form this week.

Larkham will be totally vindicated (in my eyes) if our backs perform equally against Scotland, Ireland and England. If they don't of course it will totally be the forwards problem or some other wishy washy excuse.


Tony Shaw (54)
You know I have come on these wallaby threads and seen a lot of criticism of Larkham as an attack coach and as Brian smiths nice little blitz blog shows Larham deserves a lot of credit for those attacking backline plays. But yet seen no credit or dues given to him.

Credit should be given when credit is warranted. Gees tough crowd.

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There's a link in the Wales match thread to an analytical piece on Rugby World that is absolute gold. It analyses the three first half tries in depth and shows why the play was so brilliant and why Wales "looked" so poor. I would have said that analysis on G&GR is pretty good, but that RH article leaves it for dead.

They certainly credit Larkham for the play.


Mark Ella (57)
Half? Not up to your usual standard Gnostic. I'd say the difference in speed is negligible. and his pass is clearly better. Also he doesn't push over water boys.

I've been crook with a delightful case of Plague my daughter brought home. I promise I'll try better Sully.:)

Dalai Ninja

Ward Prentice (10)
Nadolo clearly now a superstar. In that game Taqele was very good, but he's got a long way to go to be consistently anywhere near Nadolo.

Yes, very much so. I rate Nadolo as the best wing in the world or thereabouts. Taqele is very much the same style of player.


Mark Ella (57)
Team has to be same starters as last week.
Probably Genia will replace Frisby on the bench

It would be nice to start Genia not only because he is in better form, but it would be nice to know that we can have a successful Genia/Foley combination, rather then relying on a Phipps/Foley, and vice versa with Phipps/Cooper - who would no doubt finish the Test.

So sick of this reliance on the halves combinations, both combo's should be able to play together, Genia to play a faster game (then his usual speed) with Foley, and Phipps to play a slower game with Cooper.


Trevor Allan (34)
It would be nice to start Genia not only because he is in better form, but it would be nice to know that we can have a successful Genia/Foley combination, rather then relying on a Phipps/Foley, and vice versa with Phipps/Cooper - who would no doubt finish the Test.

So sick of this reliance on the halves combinations, both combo's should be able to play together, Genia to play a faster game (then his usual speed) with Foley, and Phipps to play a slower game with Cooper.

I don't know if you really appreciate how difficult a thing this is to achieve. All four halves would have to be able to alter their style of play, the way they have played together for very large periods of time (years). I don't find it surprising that Genia and Foley don't click the same way Phipps, Foley and Folau do. And i'm pretty certain that Phipps would not at all complement Cooper's style.

Undervalue developed relationships at your own peril, after all, its a team game.


Mark Ella (57)
I don't know if you really appreciate how difficult a thing this is to achieve. All four halves would have to be able to alter their style of play, the way they have played together for very large periods of time (years). I don't find it surprising that Genia and Foley don't click the same way Phipps, Foley and Folau do. And i'm pretty certain that Phipps would not at all complement Cooper's style.

Undervalue developed relationships at your own peril, after all, its a team game.

You talk about the Phipps, Foley and Folau combination.

Until last week Folau has been playing poorly (for 12 months)

Train Without a Station

Combinations are a load of rubbish.

No combination and completely different styles didn't stop Cooper working well with White in 2013. Likewise the 10/12 axis of Cooper/To'omua.

The lack of combination didn't stop Foley working well with Genia against England in 2015. Same goes with the Foley/Hodge 10/12 axis last game.

The combination didn't help Phipps and Foley combine well against England in June. They as a combination had quite a poor game vs NZ last year in Sydney also.

Generally the forward pack's dominance is what will decide how well the halves combine.

Players need to work together as a combination and complement each other certainly, but it's absolute baloney that Super Rugby combinations are important to being effective at test level. Look at NZ's selections in this regard.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
So sick of this reliance on the halves combinations, both combo's should be able to play together, Genia to play a faster game (then his usual speed) with Foley, and Phipps to play a slower game with Cooper.

Part of it comes down to training restrictions.

If we're doing opposed training then it naturally works to have pairs training together.

As soon as you start mixing and matching those combinations (particularly if it is with the same 11-15) then you either need to train for many more hours or reduce the amount of time each combination has in training.

That's where structures are so important because it means that whoever is in a certain position is aiming to do exactly the same thing but the reality is that Genia & Phipps and Foley & Cooper all have slightly different styles to the way they play.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Our backs attacking game was very good. Suppose Larkham deserves some credit, no question. But what had happened to our backs performance prior to that - shithouse. I know plenty will always blame to forwards non go forward, That is just a part of the problem.

We should beat Scotland this week and would expect the backs to continue great form this week.

Larkham will be totally vindicated (in my eyes) if our backs perform equally against Scotland, Ireland and England. If they don't of course it will totally be the forwards problem or some other wishy washy excuse.
Let's be fair - we saw improvement against abs in last bledisloe and in wales game - our 2 most recent games. In defence of the coaches they have perhaps introduced new styles of play which take time for players to adjust to. We have seen continued improvement over the last two games so what is not to like about that? Do we worry about where the wallabies were 10 games ago or in their most recent 2 games? I mean really?

Lot to be positive about - as one poster said rugby is for enjoyment - not to suck on a lemon. And lot to like about last two games wallabies played in terms of improvement? Could ask glass half empty or half full...but I think some supporters can't even see the glass.

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Alfred Walker (16)
You talk about the Phipps, Foley and Folau combination.

Until last week Folau has been playing poorly (for 12 months)

not true at all.

Folau played very well in June against England.
Had a good game against NZ followed up by Wales game.

He had 1 poor game during the RC , rest were fair to good but not up to his usual standard so yes he was below form.


John Eales (66)
Yeah I'm not sure that the pre-existing combinations are that crucial. Sure, all other things being equal, if an established combination v and non-existent one was all you had to go off, you'd go with the established combination.

Bear in mind these 4 blokes have been training together in the Wallabies for years now so they know each other pretty well. It's just convenient that the two best 9s and the two best 10s happen to come from the same two franchises. We know that Phipps/Foley, Genia/Cooper and Genia/Foley all work, and as TWAS points out they can not work too. The only combination that hasn't really been tested (I don't think) at a high level is Phipps/Cooper, but it certainly seemed to work OK against Uruguay. I won't be fearful of it if it gets trotted out against any team this tour.
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