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RWC - Wallabies v Ireland - 17th September 2011

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Chilla Wilson (44)
While we're thinking out of the box cough*alcock I reckon Richard Brown should switch from 8 to 7... could have potential


Michael Lynagh (62)
Well, Brown originally was a 7 who converted to 8. Or was that what you were hinting at?


John Hipwell (52)
Well Paddy, I'm an All Black supporter, and lived with Carlos Spencer,so with Quade I would say when you have a 10 like that you just hope he does more good things than flakey things, then sit back and enjoy the ride.

I hate these comparisons to Carlos. Carlos was no giant in defense and he had a couple of shockers but I don't ever remember him being hidden in defense or consistently not just missing tackles but looking like he's deathly allergic to the contact of the tackle.

Yes - Blues and Carlos Spencer fan here.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
I am honestly getting a bit sick of all this talk about Quade and his tackling. Actually ALL Quade talk for that matter. People are so blinded by their pre-formed opinions of the guy that regardless of his actual perfromance they rush to stick both boots in after almost every game.

The truth is Quade's defence (or lack thereof) had absolutely nothing to do with why we lost the game on the weekend. 0. Nothing. It is just something people love bringing up after every Wallaby loss.

In fact I don't think Quade played too badly on Saturday. Not well, merely OK. He was one of the few players who actually threatened the Irish line. His kicking game was generally good. Yes he threw two silly flick-passes, but they weren't the reason why we lsot. Sure they were frustrating and dumb, but I don't think his performance warrants the level of vitriolic criticism he has been copping in some quarters.


Tim Horan (67)
I hate these comparisons to Carlos. Carlos was no giant in defense and he had a couple of shockers but I don't ever remember him being hidden in defense or consistently not just missing tackles but looking like he's deathly allergic to the contact of the tackle.

Yes - Blues and Carlos Spencer fan here.
I not saying Carlos was a defensive liabilty Bullrush, just at times had brain explosions ah la Quade. I not knocking either of them,actually always a Carlos fan (mind you I known him and his dad for years)and would always pick him and Quade,just saying thats what you get with these players. Campo was same, but I would always pick him in any tean as well.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I am honestly getting a bit sick of all this talk about Quade and his tackling. Actually ALL Quade talk for that matter. People are so blinded by their pre-formed opinions of the guy that regardless of his actual perfromance they rush to stick both boots in after almost every game.

The truth is Quade's defence (or lack thereof) had absolutely nothing to do with why we lost the game on the weekend. 0. Nothing. It is just something people love bringing up after every Wallaby loss.

In fact I don't think Quade played too badly on Saturday. Not well, merely OK. He was one of the few players who actually threatened the Irish line. His kicking game was generally good. Yes he threw two silly flick-passes, but they weren't the reason why we lsot. Sure they were frustrating and dumb, but I don't think his performance warrants the level of vitriolic criticism he has been copping in some quarters.

He ran across field - as he does as soon as there is any pressure put on him.
His catching of the high ball is a disaster.


Ted Fahey (11)
I not saying Carlos was a defensive liabilty Bullrush, just at times had brain explosions ah la Quade. I not knocking either of them,actually always a Carlos fan (mind you I known him and his dad for years)and would always pick him and Quade,just saying thats what you get with these players. Campo was same, but I would always pick him in any tean as well.

Difference is Danny, that campo was at the end of the backline not orchestrating things from 10 which is far more damaging when you are in control of the teams tactics.

Cooper, with front foot ball is a great player. At Super 15 level. He is not the player to win a tight knockout world cup match, especially when Aus will, more than likely, struggle to dominate upfront. Been saying that for months now.


Rod McCall (65)
I hate these comparisons to Carlos. Carlos was no giant in defense and he had a couple of shockers but I don't ever remember him being hidden in defense or consistently not just missing tackles but looking like he's deathly allergic to the contact of the tackle.

Yes - Blues and Carlos Spencer fan here.
Richard bands had him in two knots


Probably after Hendrik Gerber got hold of him.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
I've done it! I've read the whole damn thread! (including the tit for tat 'your country has more dickheads than ours' section. For the record, we have more dickheads than NZ, but proportionally less :fishing).

The Irish played well, including playing to the whistle (or should I say the tone of the whistle?). They have probably been waiting for a bit of revenge for all the times the Wallabies have just beaten them in World Cups when the Irish looked like winning (and deservedly so), so good luck to them.

From the Wallabies perspective, there was nothing new or even completely unexpected. The forwards were often outplayed, but not throughout the match. There is rarely a match where one set of forwards is dominant throughout. We didn't have the leadership, experience or composure to make the most of the periods of momentum - hence the backs get criticised too.

Quade Cooper gets criticised heavily because he is being given a pass on defending (and because he is so often all mouth and no trousers), so it is expected that he make up for that by pulling rabbits out of his butt. This whole situation is not really his fault - it is the coach who sets things up this way. I can't see how it is good for morale.

Robbie Deans. He doesn't play the matches, but he decides who does (squad selection, team selection, bench use), and the tactics (or maybe he is having trouble with communicating his intentions to the team? Is he just a dumb fucker who tries to use big words and complicated sentences to hide it?).

All in all, very disappointing, but not at all surprising with the history of the coach and the selections. The worst bit is that any team with even half a brain will do an Ireland/England/Scotland/Samoa on us and probably get some success, especially targeting QC (Quade Cooper) as often as possible.

At least the Wallabies are still ranked 2nd in the IRB standings! :yay

Pete Damon

This subtle racism is typical of the mindset of the Australian team that went out to face Ireland on Saturday. As an Aussie (currently working in Dublin) I have been ashamed of the arrogance of my nation. From Campese down to the online forums there was a streak of arrogance running through our build up to the match against the Irish that was clearly unjustified.

We totally under-estimated the Irish and were shown up both on and off the park. The Irish were far more intelligent than us in how they approached the match, they were more physical on the pitch and they destroyed us at the set piece. I had to hang my head in shame at some of the pre and post match comments made by some Australians. Thankfully, my Irish friends didn't hold it against me. I hope we have learnt from this hard lesson and that we will be more respectful of our opponents, starting with the US, in the future.



Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
Really Pete! Racism! The first sentence of your first post. And it's Subtle Racism. We Australians get called a lot of things but Subtle is never on of them. Surely you can back it up with a few examples of the Australian racial comments towards the Irish team.


This subtle racism is typical of the mindset of the Australian team that went out to face Ireland on Saturday. As an Aussie (currently working in Dublin) I have been ashamed of the arrogance of my nation. From Campese down to the online forums there was a streak of arrogance running through our build up to the match against the Irish that was clearly unjustified.

We totally under-estimated the Irish and were shown up both on and off the park. The Irish were far more intelligent than us in how they approached the match, they were more physical on the pitch and they destroyed us at the set piece. I had to hang my head in shame at some of the pre and post match comments made by some Australians. Thankfully, my Irish friends didn't hold it against me. I hope we have learnt from this hard lesson and that we will be more respectful of our opponents, starting with the US, in the future.


Racism? Really? What a load of crap. It is a sport. People say silly things about how good their team is. Equating that with the scourge of real racism because your Irish friends are bagging you is just weird


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
The other thing that pisses me off is that ever time the Aussies lose to a team ranked below them they are deemed to be 'arrogant'. On Saturday we weren't arrogant, we just had a bit of a shocker and the Irish played well. Nothing arrogant about it.

Racism is a whole new level of crazy though.


This subtle racism is typical of the mindset of the Australian team that went out to face Ireland on Saturday. As an Aussie (currently working in Dublin) I have been ashamed of the arrogance of my nation. From Campese down to the online forums there was a streak of arrogance running through our build up to the match against the Irish that was clearly unjustified.

We totally under-estimated the Irish and were shown up both on and off the park. The Irish were far more intelligent than us in how they approached the match, they were more physical on the pitch and they destroyed us at the set piece. I had to hang my head in shame at some of the pre and post match comments made by some Australians. Thankfully, my Irish friends didn't hold it against me. I hope we have learnt from this hard lesson and that we will be more respectful of our opponents, starting with the US, in the future.


I disagree

We aren't arrogant enough. There was nothing arrogant about that performance

Arrogance is giving the V for victory sign aftyer you smash the bowler for 6 and then doing it the next ball just to f%$# with his head.

The wallabies are baby lambs


In fact I don't think Quade played too badly on Saturday. Not well, merely OK. He was one of the few players who actually threatened the Irish line. His kicking game was generally good. Yes he threw two silly flick-passes, but they weren't the reason why we lsot. Sure they were frustrating and dumb, but I don't think his performance warrants the level of vitriolic criticism he has been copping in some quarters.

Quade was one of the better players for the Aussies. he made a few breaks and opened up the play for others to make breaks. A lack of finishing cost us the game. We bombed 2-3 tries that we might have scored if we held the ball instead of going for the miracle pass. Quade made a few mistakes but what he did behind a pack that was so badly beaten up was impressive.

The pack was toilet.......to a man
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