My first post since before the game,
Grrr i bloody knew it, call me superstitious, but there was just way to much over confidence leading into this game, and maybe the same can be said for the wallaz.
The Irish were just unreal, they were truly on fire in just about everything. They had the game plan, structure, and the execution, all topped with supreme determination the wallaz did not meet. POC and BOD just lead brilliantly.
I'd like to think that Poey and Moore could have maid a difference, Moore at the line out alone. I was thinking before the game that perhaps Fainga'a should start over Nau, at least he should have been brought off earlier as he just didn't seem to have the fitness for that long. In general Robbies use of the bench was the worst I've seen in a long time. We have some pretty effective players on that bench and they just weren't getting used til far to late when they could have made a difference earlier.
Im not sure why it seems to be the way that if the ball is available at the back of a scrum, they allow the scrum to keep going until the scrum falls over in some way so that the referee has to blame someone for the collapse of a scrum that's really already over. Unless one scrum is truly pushing the other backwards IMO it should be similar to a maul and 'Use it'. This is not a knee jerk reaction to this game, i've felt this way about any match i've seen when an available ball goes unused, apologies to scrum enthusiasts but that's the way i see the game.
The Irish were absolute genius's with their tact to hold the player up and force a maul. Of course as soon as it as called a maul, they allowed the incoming aussies to knock them over, and as it was not a ruck were allowed to kill the ball by not releasing and lying all over it, and stop the aussies from getting it back. Good on Ireland for using basically what i see as a 'loop hole' in the game, as i have never seen it really used with such a planned intention.
Why is it a 'loop hole' I'm glad you asked! (I'm sure it gives me a chance to upset some of you further!

) Because most facets of the game are about a fair contest for possession and this is one which truly doesn't allow for it. At the ruck we have a thousand rules such as side entry, on the feet, rolling away, so that teams compete for the ball 'fairly', as soon as you force a maul on defensive terms, than allow oncoming forwards to knock you over, all of a sudden there is no need to roll away, or release the player, because its not a tackle or a ruck, it's a collapsed maul. All you have to do is make sure the team can't get it back and you have a penalty! I'm not angry Ire did this, its in the rules (point me out if i'm incorrect about some of this) and they executed it brilliantly. I do feel however it goes against the nature of the game, as any side that might do this (and it's not necessarily easy) is trying to kill the ball more than contest for it, so IMO, is maybe something that should be looked at. And either way, after the 2nd time AT LEAST, McCabe should have lowered his bloody body height.
So for further games, id like to see a centre pairing of Barnes and horne, as they both bring the defensive capabilities as well as more attacking options. Some have said horne hasn't played well for the wallaz, i disagree, and i think he's absolute gun. Also give sharpie a run, and Robbie should have brought over Beau Rob, instead of phibbs.
End rant.