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RWC - Wallabies v Ireland - 17th September 2011

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Ward Prentice (10)
I hope that all here can now see why McCabe and Anyfinger are gone from the side, with Barnes/AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at 12/13.

No penetration. No tries.


I only just watched the game as I was at Lang Park....um......has anybody remarked on what a c^nt Lawrence is? I mean really. If there was real coruuption how could you tell if that rubbish is considered acceptable?


I expected Australia to thump Ireland, who were exceedingly average coming into the RWC. But well done to them; taking the blueprint to defeat the Wallabies - smash them up front, limit Genia's space and options and the rest really takes care of itself. What is so mystifying is how well the Wallabies can play, see first half of Bledisloe II, and how shit they are. I've said it before; the Wallabies have no consistency. I just don't see them winning three hard matches in a row.


Congratulations to Ireland. They thoroughly deserved their victory and their pack, back-row in particular dominated in a fabulous performance.

To the Irish posters here, I applaud you and your unerring conviction in your countrymen. 'Potogold', 'theDubs' and other Irish posters whose opinions I vigorously challenged, enjoy this thoroughly, celebrate well and know that I am feel truly humbled.

Good luck in the rest of the tournament!

gracious in defeat...........cool :yay


Phil Hardcastle (33)
Well done Ireland. Far better to lose to the Celts than to the Poms.

Just the usual under Robbie. String a few good games together then a complete implosion. Ireland were up for it in a big way. We weren't

I am feeling much more philosophical about the loss after a few beers and some shots of Armagnac.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I hope that all here can now see why McCabe and Anyfinger are gone from the side, with Barnes/AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at 12/13.

No penetration. No tries.

Oh god...

Barnes wouldn't have offered more penetration...

McCabe at least put on some dominant hits, and his counter rucking from one of his tackles led to a turnover...

Fainga'a will certainly lose his spot, but McCabe will be safe...


Oh god...

Barnes wouldn't have offered more penetration...

McCabe at least put on some dominant hits, and his counter rucking from one of his tackles led to a turnover...

Fainga'a will certainly lose his spot, but McCabe will be safe...

McCabe did fantastic. Against the now official, most experienced test partnership of all time and who tore England and teams in the HC to shreads with their draw-in and pass technique, the relatively inexperienced McCabe did great. Put in solid hits and did great at the breakdown.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
This thread needs some naza.

With that I might be able to come back and gather my thoughts properly. I had a bad feeling and wasn't wrong. Why this team can't string together more than three wins in beyond me. All I can say is THEY'D BETTER FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW.



McCabe also did a fantastic job of going in to contact upright and giving turnover ball form resulting scrums. The point regarding our shit midfield penetration remains, and I'm still baffled as to why Ben Tapuai and James O'Connor have not been tried at 12 for the Wallabies. Too late now. As far as Barnes/AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) goes, well it's worked before but I'm also a bit reluctant to say it will definitely work again.

We need to see if O'Connor and Cooper can coexist as playmakers, and what O'Connor would be like with Genia's service next year. I hate how I'm talking about next year like it's our next chance to add to the trophy cabinet. But I think think antipodean hit it on the head, these Wallabies won't win 3 knockouts in a row on this year's evidence.

But sports isn't maths or science, so I still have hope.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
He wasn't the only player to get held up and turnover...

I'm not saying that he had a good game as none of our players really did, but he doesn't deserve to be replaced by Barnes...

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Mainly, I'm sick of the Berrick Barnes fanclub looking for excuses to drop McCabe after every match despite how he plays.

And to be honest. Barnes is hardly an esteemed test player.

In regards to this match, and many others like it we've lost, it was lost upfront and those ate the issues we need to address first.

Rebel rouser

Ted Fahey (11)
Smarting like hell over the result. Doesn't help that I have Irish mates. Lots to say about this game:

1. Wallabies have not overcome their habit of allowing themselves to believe their own press. Every so often we are lulled into thinking all we need to do is show up, and those are the games where we end up asking ourselves 'what the hell went wrong'? It's disconcerting that this has been going on for at least 4 years, the other classic example being the 2007 QF versus england, but others are Scotland 09, and Samoa this year. Why have we not learnt our lesson yet?!?

2. Every so often Deans simply forgets he has a bench to use. Wtf is going on with this?! Our game plan had not worked for 60 mins, so why not change it up? Especially now that our bench is actually genuine quality.

3. TPN copping a lot of flack on this forum for his play today. Some of this is fair - he did not play well - but must be kept in perspective. He has not played a full international for some time now. It was unlikely he would hit his straps straight away. The blame is certainly not his to carry alone.

4. I was one who thought we would survive without a genuine openside, but have now seen the error of my ways. McCalman was clearly not up to the job and I'm pretty certain we did not get a single turnover from him all night. Furthermore, the Irish were getting fairly quick ball.

5. I've been saying since day one that McCabe is a concern at IC and got lambasted by many. I find myself returning to my original point. He is a hit up merchant and one dimensional. He offered little in attack (although solid defence). Fainga'a in addition is making the midfield totally anonymous.

6. Immaturity in the wallabies backs is very concerning. Cooper made horrible decisions all night, as did Beale. Neither seemed to understand what was needed was to get into our game by holding onto the ball. Very disappointing.

7. It's a real shit fight from here on out. If we win the world cup, it will be via SA, NZ and (probably) England. There's no doubt we'll have earnt it if we do, but geez, we've just made our job a hell of a lot harder!!!


Arch Winning (36)
Think in cool reflection (is that possible?) many will agree McCabe had a good game other than the two held up in maul calls and a bounced tackle that came to nothing. He stepped up in a tough game again and was there for some might have been runs.

Against a defensive side we needed to move AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) to OC at 56 mins, if not starting.

Quade showed no patience today. For me he cops a lion share of the blame, we need him to play smarter percentages in tight games.
McCalman was a mistake, possibly the biggest one, and that wasn't his fault but Deans and selectors. As was the bench error.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
To lose both Moore and Pocock was a bridge too far. Replace them with TPN who is on his way back from injury and McCalman, who has not played 7 since the 13bs.....and what do we expect?

Surely now Deans will see that Higgers is the next bloke into 6 or 7 if needed. It should have been Hodgo, but what is done is done.
Samo had a very quiet game as did Rocky.
No-one really stood up when it was needed.

It's a shocker as we have now made it almost impossible for us to win the thing and have also given Emgland a fucking leg-up to the final.
Unforgiveable Dingo!


Well done Ireland, a simple yet very effective game plan executed to perfection.

Dominated the forward exchanges, dominant defensive effort and dominant scrum effectively shut down Genia and Cooper.

I'm a Kiwi and I can say Lawrence was horrible BUT both teams were stuck with him so I don't think either team were advantaged by his inept reffing tonight. Twice he got in the way of both halfbacks passing, missed an obvious knock-on, no clarity @ scrum time and looked like he was guessing @ who to penalise.

Wallaby forwards and Dingo Deans should take the heat for the loss. Wallaby forwards got beat up and Deans was out-coached. Ever heard of your reserves bench? There were 2 pretty good impact forwards there in Higginbotham and Palu.


McCabe did fantastic. Against the now official, most experienced test partnership of all time and who tore England and teams in the HC to shreads with their draw-in and pass technique, the relatively inexperienced McCabe did great. Put in solid hits and did great at the breakdown.

In defence McCabe was good. But he offers zero, zilch, nada, nuthin in attack. In fact both midfielders are defensive specialists and puts pressure on Cooper to "create". IMO a Barnes/AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) midfield is your best bet. 2 playmakers in Cooper/Barnes and a penetrative Centre in AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) who is wasted on the Wing.

Grandmaster Flash

Johnnie Wallace (23)
Fainga'a and McCabe should be playing 12 and 13, not 13 and 12. (but doubt we'll see them both starting together again this RWC). Robbie loves getting his positions mixed up - Alexander and Kepu, and Giteau/Barnes for two whole seasons.

Anyway, biggest disappointment is that this opens up the door for the Poms to glide into the semis/final. ANYONE BUT ENGLAND
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