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RWC 2011 SF1 - Wales v France

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Bill McLean (32)
Harsh as it was, the Ref had to red card that tackle. No place in the game for that kind of rubbish and that IRB memo/directive is explicit. Huge consequences though and I feel terrible for Wales who played with enormous spirit. after we beat the ABs I'd rather play France than Wales though.


Ward Prentice (10)
This is a tad cruel, but what the hell:



Oh lol, already? Haha, dare you to post that on a Welsh forum and link us the thread.

Dai bando

Charlie Fox (21)
All anyone asks for while playing rugby is consistancy, Worst Tackles than the one made by Warburton have not been red carded, Warburton Is not a dirty player it was a good tackle made by a 110 kilo forward on a 85kilo back wArburton hit him and he went up in the air voluntarily nothing Malichious He wasn't driven in to the ground he was let go, Rolland in a moment of madness finished the game as a fair competition, Yellow no one could argue.
Rolland made a mistake not just with the red but other calls too.:angryfire:


Peter Burge (5)
First let me say that I really wanted Wales to win and clearly the guy didn't mean it , but in that situation the ref's hands are tied. It's incredibly unlucky, just like the kick going millimetres below the cross bar. Rugby is a cruel game sometimes. I am also disappointed, but take pride you have one damn good young team.


David Codey (61)
Some good info on the Red card, well, not directly on it, but it is the memo that the unions were sent.

Makes it pretty clear that it was a red card. But I think the real issue is how it has been treated in the past.


The point I've been trying to make.

95% of those tackles would have been given yellow over the last two years.


Knitter of the Scarf
As soon as Warburton got the red, I knew exactly how the game would pan out. The French don't believe in putting in any effort beyond getting the win. They were always going to grind it out. If Warburton stayed on, I reckon the French would have scored a couple of tries. They went intot heir shell, because they calculated that they could save their freakish game for the final.

I really rate the French against whoever they come up against in the final. (I would also have rated the Welsh against Australia).


Alex Ross (28)
I haven't read back through this thread, so I'm sure this sentiment has been expressed many times before, but... I'm absolutely outraged.

That was one of the three most important games of the four year cycle, and it was decided by a trigger-happy ref in the first quarter. If that happens today I'm going to be out tipping cars.

Torn Hammy

Johnnie Wallace (23)
There will be more skittish decisions by the refs in the next 2 matches. They must be wound up after what has happened to Bryce. I think Rolland should have discussed the tackle with his assistants, it all happened too quickly for such an important decision.

The winger Clerc took a very dramatic dive later in the game when following a kick. That made me feel uncomfortable about the send off.


Fred Wood (13)
my condolences to the Welsh,
who will be hurting bad this morning, but none worse in the world right now than sam warburton.
Not that it matters or means anything but Nobody in our crowd, not even those supporting the French agreed it was a Red Card tackle; yellow but not red.
It was a lift, he did not drive him into the ground but not dangerous.


Tom Lawton (22)
There needn't be a drive through for it to be a red though, and he landed on his neck which is quite dangerous.


Alfred Walker (16)
There needn't be a drive through for it to be a red though, and he landed on his neck which is quite dangerous.

The trouble is once a guy has been picked up the tackled player can make it look really bad by moving his body. Its out of control of the tackler.
Thats what i don't like about it. Makes it an easy way to get a someone sent off, if you know what you are doing.


Tom Lawton (22)
I can't see why the tackled player would want to risk injury by making the tackle look worse?
And isn't the impetus to keep the tackle in control on the tackled player?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Wales lost the game because of their crap goal kicking:


1 from 6, can't blame the red card for that.

Right on the money Nugget.

At the risk of ticking the cliche box, too many points were left on the field, the Boyos had their chances to win and just didn't take them.
Losing Warburton just made it more difficult, not impossible, to win.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
As soon as Warburton got the red, I knew exactly how the game would pan out. The French don't believe in putting in any effort beyond getting the win. They were always going to grind it out. If Warburton stayed on, I reckon the French would have scored a couple of tries. They went intot heir shell, because they calculated that they could save their freakish game for the final.

I really rate the French against whoever they come up against in the final. (I would also have rated the Welsh against Australia).

I was once an avid follower of Formula 1. I recall reading in the british press, when Renault (French) were first in formula 1 in the 70s, they would arrive for Wednesday practice where they would always set the fastest time...but having done so they would then break out the camembert and champers and have a picnic for 3 days. Come sunday they would finish middle of the pack, having lost 3 days of development...thats one reason why they were so unreliable.
It is a national trait, apparently.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
But what a way to go?

With a stereotype like that, you would have to imagine that their stress levels, and rates of stress induced heart attacks, are low.
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