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RWC 2011 SF1 - Wales v France

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Jim Lenehan (48)
Was tearing it up at 15 earlier in the season. I remember watching him play a few years ago for the Scarlets, you could see the skills but he was such a nervous player I didnt think he would make it as a 10.

Hook breaks the line a lot at 10 but he is quite selfish and doesn't manage the game all that well. His natural position is probably 12. Roberts has managed to get into some form that has been lacking since he came back from RSA. Love this guys commitment but sometimes they get caught up in his carrying ability and forget to use him as a decoy.

I look forward to watching the French reserve half back come one. He captained the U20's from 10 and played for Toulouse a bit last year. Good talent and built like a mini version of Byron Kelleher. One for the future as Lee would say.

So, who do you want to win?


John Thornett (49)
Well the bloody Aucklanders didn't even get over 16,000 to watch the Blues in a semi-final, what hope did they have of selling out this match.

It's easy to blame the GFC....so yeh its the GFC's fault


Ted Fahey (11)
Can'y even give tix away. Same as SA vs ARG at the 07 rwc sf. The IRB is still living in the world pre-GFC.

Ilie Tabua's Shadow

Can'y even give tix away. Same as SA vs ARG at the 07 rwc sf. The IRB is still living in the world pre-GFC.

The IRB and NZ have actually sold quite a few tickets for this tournament. Possibly $220m odd.

But you're right in that there were problems with selling out the quarter final games in Melbourne in 2003, and for all 4 of the quarters in 2011, including the All Blacks' game.

$300 to $800 a ticket is a lot of KFC for a Kiwi.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
Before the two semis kick off in a couple of hours I'd like to congratulate New Zealand on putting on a very enjoyable Rugby World Cup. There's a lot to be said for the RWC going somewhere rugby's appreciated; unfortunately for NZ it's probably the last time it'll be there due to the financial requirements of staging it.

Now that "bag an Aussie" or "slag Quade" seem to have died down, and the Poms have been rightly dispatched, it's the game which is being talked about. There's no doubt the four teams who want to play rugby have deservedly reached the serious end of the tournament. May the best teams win.

On the money side: it'd be great for New Zealand if tourist numbers take a significant turn upwards the next few years making the whole country benefit from this wonderful event.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Well said Lindy, and on the generic 2011 RWC topic: people were saying before the RWC that one of the requisites for the winner was to have a world class flyhalf.

- The French are using a fine halfback there (I would have swapped the Yack and Parra).

- Wales used Priestland, a good fullback when I have seen him for the Scarlets, but only reasonable as the 10 and are now using their 2nd ranked guy, Hook, who has always looked like a centre with 10 on his back when he's played there.

- NZ has lost Carter and are now using a player most Kiwis would have not have ranked as 3rd string during the Super season.

- and Cooper has been shite.

But one of those teams has to win the thing.

Dai bando

Charlie Fox (21)
Wel I'm up,??? shouldn't have gone to bed as I have'nt slept much, Wales France, Well The ABs would prefer to play Wales as we have'nt beaten them for 58 years so why would they think we could now, France is their bogey side, but they have to get pass Australia first, Carter is out there are questions being asked about McCaw.

Rugby is now a 22 man game, but individuals can on times make the difference, Carter and McCaw have been the difference on many occasions.
If Mccaw is not 100% fit Pocock will win the collision.
But back to France, we all know they can be sublime, or absolute dross, there is trouble in the French camp, the Talk is that the coach has lost the dressing room and that the senior players are now in charge,
This is a little worrying, Lievremont has been enigmatic with his choices, Now I'm off to cook myself some breakfast before the game, see you after whatever happens :yay:yay:yay

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Think I just saw a gnome in the crowd.

He's f&*king with Hughie the Weather God (known to all off shore yachtsmen) and sending it down.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Have a big breakfast Dai. I'm getting my bolognese right now for tea, carbo loading in preparation for the energy sapping that will occur tomorrow night watching the Wallabies no doubt.


The usual team on Fox, so Kearnsy's raving about hookers again. The last guy to have that big a hooker hang up was jack the ripper.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
welcome aboard Karl. Feel free to comment. Try to keep it constructive and related to the game, and facts. "Play the ball not the man".
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