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Rugby Championship 2012: Our Backline

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Dick Tooth (41)
To be fair, Horne only stuffed up one try in the first game.

Otherwise he was solid.

And his defence has been perfect. So, I hardly think it warrants subbing him for a player with less attacking capabilities.

Like I said, pretend he didn't. Pretend that ball didn't somehow defy the laws of physics (I have no idea how it didn't come loose watching those replays) and it was ruled a knockon.

That would suddenly be: 2 horrendous cases of white line fever from the same player, with the same result, and we'd also have most likely lost the 3rd test.

How then would people be talking about him?

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I think your prejudices are causing you to lose your mind.......

Pretend he didnt'?

But he did.

He did.


John Solomon (38)
Screen Shot 2012-06-25 at 6.27.13 PM.png

Horne's run 23m with 2 close defenders
Digby's run 19m with no defenders

I'm honestly astounded people could look at this and believe the right play is for Horne to run the angle.

I need to double post this in the "Why the Tahs can't win a game" thread.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Actually, what I think Horne did wrong is to turn to turn and fend. If he kept running to the line and dived he would've been fine. And dropping the ball like that is criminal (and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)-like), and he was damn lucky that he got the try.

Either way, the defence from our centres was fantastic in the Welsh series. The attack was woeful. From Horne, I'd like to see some angles (which McCabe did a bit), some broken tackles (from memory, I can't remember him breaking one, and I'm pretty sure A. Finger broke more tackles in one run off the bench in the second test than Horne did the entire series) and Horne showing a passing game this year before I am sold on him.

I think McCabe showed a bit more of an all-round game in the three tests, and would award him the "slightly less mediocre" award of the three. If we go a Cooper-Barnes combo, or Barnes-J'OC combo, I think McCabe would be my pick at 13.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Like I said, pretend he didn't. Pretend that ball didn't somehow defy the laws of physics (I have no idea how it didn't come loose watching those replays) and it was ruled a knockon.

That would suddenly be: 2 horrendous cases of white line fever from the same player, with the same result, and we'd also have most likely lost the 3rd test.

How then would people be talking about him?

But then pretend Julia Gillard was assasinated that day. By Robbie Deans. Then we wouldn't be talking about Rob Horne at all.

Unless it was discovered he was an accomplice in the murder of Gillard. In which case he'd probably come into it, with certain posters thinking Fainga'a would have made a better accomplice.

But I think we can all agree that Horne should certainly serve some jail time for his role in the hypothetical murder of a sitting Prime Minister.


Fainga'a in for Horne..

I don't care how much promise Horne has, lets let him display those promising qualities at Super Rugby on a consistent basis before promoting him to test level

Either that or move AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) back to the centres is my preferred option


Arch Winning (36)
Well Barbar, if Horne had been involved it wouldn't have been as just an accomplice, that was the whole point of the debate.

But I agree somehow someone would have said Ant would have been a better hitman (and I'm inclined to agree), and then Slim would have said whaaaat???!! , , , McCabe is better, , ,


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
View attachment 2510

Horne's run 23m with 2 close defenders
Digby's run 19m with no defenders

I'm honestly astounded people could look at this and believe the right play is for Horne to run the angle.

I need to double post this in the "Why the Tahs can't win a game" thread.

That difference of 4m assumes that a) the pass gets to Ioane instantly and/or b) the defenders stand still.

The reality is that Ioane is very flat making the pass to him more difficult and far more likely to either go forward or make Ioane slow down his run.

Ioane is hardly in the perfect position to receive a long pass at pace.


John Solomon (38)
That difference of 4m assumes that a) the pass gets to Ioane instantly and/or b) the defenders stand still.

The reality is that Ioane is very flat making the pass to him more difficult and far more likely to either go forward or make Ioane slow down his run.

Ioane is hardly in the perfect position to receive a long pass at pace.
Ever played Rugby?

You run forward, pass the ball, and Digby catches it 10m off the line and strolls in.

The passer slows up the defence as well.

Though if you think Horne would stand still and fling the ball sideways, you have less respect for him than I do... and he should be dropped.


Bill Watson (15)
Assuming everyone is 100% fit...

9. Genia
10. Cooper
11. Ioane
12. Barnes
13. Mitchell
14. JOC (James O'Connor)
15. Beale

Time to convert Mitchell to a 13 so we can get all the superstars in the same backline.


Chilla Wilson (44)
I wish Beale would cut out his miracle play crap that he always attempts. In 2010 when he really burst onto the scene he didn't try to offload all the time but now it almost a crime for him to go to ground after a half break.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Ever played Rugby?

You run forward, pass the ball, and Digby catches it 10m off the line and strolls in.

The passer slows up the defence as well.

Though if you think Horne would stand still and fling the ball sideways, you have less respect for him than I do. and he should be dropped.

Yes, I did.

I was a forward, but Digby is very flat to be catching a pass when he is 10m from the ball carrier. Anyway, this discussion has got well past the point of being at all constructive.


David Codey (61)
I need to double post this in the "Why the Tahs can't win a game" thread.

Horne's butchering in the first game was a lot worse, but I have two more examples for that thread.

AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) inability to pass the pill when he had two unmarked players on his inside likely butchered a try.

AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) allowing the slowest player on the park to be the only real chaser when the welsh grabbed genia's poor pass and scored in the second game. The lack of effort there was criminal.


David Codey (61)
Actually, what I think Horne did wrong is to turn to turn and fend. If he kept running to the line and dived he would've been fine. And dropping the ball like that is criminal (and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)-like), and he was damn lucky that he got the try.

Either way, the defence from our centres was fantastic in the Welsh series. The attack was woeful. From Horne, I'd like to see some angles (which McCabe did a bit), some broken tackles (from memory, I can't remember him breaking one, and I'm pretty sure A. Finger broke more tackles in one run off the bench in the second test than Horne did the entire series) and Horne showing a passing game this year before I am sold on him.

I think McCabe showed a bit more of an all-round game in the three tests, and would award him the "slightly less mediocre" award of the three. If we go a Cooper-Barnes combo, or Barnes-J'OC combo, I think McCabe would be my pick at 13.

Agree about McCabe and that the defense was good, but it wasn't really tested though, was it?

Train Without a Station

To be fair, Horne only stuffed up one try in the first game.

Otherwise he was solid.

And his defence has been perfect. So, I hardly think it warrants subbing him for a player with less attacking capabilities.

Can anybody show me some examples of this amazing attacking ability that Rob Horne supposedly has? Obviously playing at 12 and 13 for the Reds in 2010 and 2011 the inferior attacking Fainga'a would have stunted their backline attacking ability with his inability to play an attacking role... Must be why the backs were so shit the last 2 seasons.....


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
But then pretend Julia Gillard was assassinated that day. By Robbie Deans. Then we wouldn't be talking about Rob Horne at all.

And Black Caviar didn't win. Fuck, that Rob Horne's got a lot to answer for!

Assuming everyone is 100% fit. 13. Mitchell. Time to convert Mitchell to a 13 so we can get all the superstars in the same backline.

If anyone's going to replace Horne at 13 it should be either AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) or McCabe, any others can form a queue.


Actually, Horne has the worst super rugby stats of possibly any 13 in the comp (both in defense and attack) so maybe the likes of A Fanigaa, A Smith, Cummins, and Inman might want to line up in that queue? :cool: I wouldn't mind seeing Beale at 13 though.
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