There probably isnt anyone else eh. Who the fuck wants to be a ref?Fun game. All over the place.Wacko Jacko has no idea how to ref forwards. Just leaves them to it. Couldve sworn the Beale pass for 2nd try was forward? And Dmac lost it for his try? Oh well, says Jacko. "Yeah whatever, play on, let the players decide it." How the fuck he's managed a gig reffing his old team is just comical. The seppos etc would be incredulous. "Look, I know you've got a small population but surely you could find SOMEONE else to referee the match rather than an ex-player from the home fucking team." It's like if Wayne Rooney rocked up to Old Trafford in 5 years time wielding a shiny new Acme Thunderer.
Fun game. All over the place.
Wacko Jacko has no idea how to ref forwards. Just leaves them to it. Couldve sworn the Beale pass for 2nd try was forward? And Dmac lost it for his try? Oh well, says Jacko. "Yeah whatever, play on, let the players decide it." How the fuck he's managed a gig reffing his old team is just comical. The seppos etc would be incredulous. "Look, I know you've got a small population but surely you could find SOMEONE else to referee the match rather than an ex-player from the home fucking team." It's like if Wayne Rooney rocked up to Old Trafford in 5 years time wielding a shiny new Acme Thunderer.
There probably isnt anyone else eh. Who the fuck wants to be a ref?
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Yeah i was being facetious.Just not right Derpus. They manage to bring SA refs over for most, if not all, the Aus v NZ games, but I can't remember the last time there was a neutral ref for NZ games against Aus in NZ. And it's not a matter of having the best refs. All NZ refs are on par with the worst of the Aus and SA refs.
That's pretty much how I saw the game.Tahs - too many errors and some pretty poor decisions at crucial times; also some pretty good play at times. Chiefs - too much class, better kicking game, clearly better overall. Still hurts, though. That steal from Retallick was a killer. He's not a bad player.![]()
There probably isnt anyone else eh. Who the fuck wants to be a ref?
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
That's pretty much how I saw the game.
Tahs still a work in progress, but I can actually watch them now.
I was literally doing chores in preference to watching them earlier in the season.
Not sure if they are improving or the kiwi sides suit them (or me?) better, but it's certainly more enjoyable to watch.
He's very tradesman like. Traditional winger good at what he's supposed to be good at but he's not exceptional. You need players like that.I also have to add, isn't Cam Clark going well, I think you almost notice because it good to see a good young wing who is not big, but more skill and speed etc, I like Bridge from the Crusaders for the same reason I think.
Can't be too hard, can it? Rasta was over here for tonight's game. Wouldn't be hard to schedule him for the NZ game and for Jacko to have the Reds/Highlanders. Surprisingly, had that happened, the Reds would have ended up with the better referee. Rasta is very poor at 7s and really doesn't have a clue about, or a feel for the 15 man game.
I think they're improving but they lack some polish. Defence scrambles quite well but got a bit ropey at times. They were close.
I never get how effort is ever less than 100%. These blokes should be so fucking pumped to play for their State/Country. Don't get it at all.If you look at the 2017 version, the 2018 version is a marked improvement, and that is all I want to see; improvement and actual effort
I never get how effort is ever less than 100%. These blokes should be so fucking pumped to play for their State/Country. Don't get it at all.