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Refereeing decisions

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
The "hinging" call is the most obvious example. There is no logic nor benefit behind a loosehead bending down like that, and yet time and time again they are penalized, as opposed to the tight head that actually collapsed it


liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
I'd argue in most cases you can see just as well from 15m away on the touchline than from 2-3m
I dont disagree, but my observation still remains that the side where the referee is close by is penalised less, and if the referee switches to the other sides after many infringements is suddenly is fixed up.


Tim Horan (67)
I dont disagree, but my observation still remains that the side where the referee is close by is penalised less, and if the referee switches to the other sides after many infringements is suddenly is fixed up.

There is something immanent about the scrum adjudicator standing right at your shoulder and breathing down your ear.
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Jim Lenehan (48)
I dont disagree, but my observation still remains that the side where the referee is close by is penalised less, and if the referee switches to the other sides after many infringements is suddenly is fixed up.
I think it speaks more to the empowerment of touchies to make these sorts of calls tbh