Bb, I think one fact worth recalling is that this is not a Conference of Neutral and Objective Professors of Calm Rugby Analysis Dedicated to Independent Belief, it's an Aussie rugby fan forum.
There's nothing wrong with being proud of, for example, Link's obvious achievements, or the Reds' team strengths, etc. There's bound to be some passion and bias here and there, just as there very clearly is from SA fans here and on SA rugby fora. I recall you and PB expressing together and right here much SA-derived joy that the Cheetahs beat the Rebels - do you feel that's 'unbiased' emotion?
Your quest lately and here seems to be (a) make the Reds' fans here admit the team has weaknesses in 2012 that it didn't have in 2011 and (b) insist that every supportive assessment here of the Reds is wholly unbiased and objective (by your standards). I mean, why?, what would or does this achieve exactly? You talk of how annoyed you are at this or that, as though that emotion for you is all a big surprise upon entering this place and we should be worried that you're annoyed with us.
I'd hate to lose you, and I consider you a good ruby analyst with many interesting and knowledgeable points to make. It's just that your constructive impact would be 300% more if you didn't demean those inputs by every time you reach about the 3rd iteration of interaction here, starting to get very personal and highly aggressive with a fellow Reds poster and where you do often appear arrogant, lecturing and self-righteous as though you are dealing with nothing but biassed fools. And then you come back for more
