I thought the independent citing commissioner decided who was cited, not at the request of teams / coaches? Is this not the case?
There is nothing inherently safe about that type of throw - it's quite high force / impact, and get the rotation wrong by a few degrees and it could be catastrophic - neck / head / shoulder / collarbone or vertebrae. Sure, they do it in the WWE or whatever they call that "sport", but they practise and train to do and receive those moves. I agree that it was more likely luck that he landed innocuously, rather than Gill ensuring he landed safely. I'll be amazed if Gill does not cop a few weeks. He's not a dirty player, but it was just plain stupid.The weird part for me in these types of incidents is that is doesn't seem to matter how a player lands, the ref always seems to say that the tackler failed to bring them down safely. Don't get me wrong, this incident was particularly ugly but White landed legs first didn't he? Or would it be more the velocity with which he hit the ground or do you think the ref decided that Gill had little control over how he landed?
They put it up on the big screen at the game there may have been a 13458 but Im pretty sure there wasn't. I should have put in a bid to win the prize they give away I said it looked about 13k in here.
from memory i said 1 week. so yes later tonight it will be changing![]()
And just look where Slipper is bound, or not bound as the case may be. Some infringement on both sides. All in all, Benny A got the better of James in that set of scrums, and James looked to be shattered by the last couple of resets.
Yeah, Gill will probably be gone for about four to five weeks I'd say, plus one for the bye. It'll be like a 6 to 7 game suspension, plus 2 for deterrent, take a couple for contrition, take a couple for a clean record.
Not generally no. Although over the past year or so he has lost it on the pitch and swung at players. He's often accused of being too much of a gentleman but it appears when he does lose his shit ,he loses it properly.
That's a ridiculous comment.
There is nothing inherently safe about that type of throw - it's quite high force / impact, and get the rotation wrong by a few degrees and it could be catastrophic - neck / head / shoulder / collarbone or vertebrae. Sure, they do it in the WWE or whatever they call that "sport", but they practise and train to do and receive those moves. I agree that it was more likely luck that he landed innocuously, rather than Gill ensuring he landed safely. I'll be amazed if Gill does not cop a few weeks. He's not a dirty player, but it was just plain stupid.