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Rebels 2013

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Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Absolutely could not disagree more.

But, I will be arguing in circles on this so I might just have to quietly step out. :)
Daz Ive got your back on this one, Not a Phipps fan at all eithier. Behind Genia Australian Rugby (not just rebels) are very light on quality halfs, Stirzaker ahows some promise and a great pass. Agree with BH that SS and tests/super rugby are vastly different but we wont know how Stirzaker holds up at this level untill he gets a shot.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The Rebels conceded 60 more points last season than any other Super Rugby side. That is almost 30 points per match (28.88 to be precise).

Now Phipps did miss a lot of tackles in 2012 (equal most), however the missed tackle list is littered with 9s and 10s. 10 of the top 15 missed tacklers were halfbacks or fly halves.

I don't think the Rebels poor defence can be blamed solely on Phipps.


Geoff Shaw (53)
Daz Ive got your back on this one, Not a Phipps fan at all eithier. Behind Genia Australian Rugby (not just rebels) are very light on quality halfs, Stirzaker ahows some promise and a great pass. Agree with BH that SS and tests/super rugby are vastly different but we wont know how Stirzaker holds up at this level untill he gets a shot.

I think what Braveheart, Kronic, SS and anyone in their right mind is trying to get across it that Phipps will start Round 1 and Stirzaker will get more time off the bench. Your not going to start a player with 4 appearances off the bench over a guy who has been playing for the Wallabies.
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Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Agree and another thing whilst not being a phipps fan I will say his effort and commitment is unquestionable. These are definately the attributes that have got him so far and credit to him. Just dont think his game backs or overides his enthusiasm. I like the idea of bringing on Stirzaker as 'enforcer' has suggested above, just backing the younger to be first choice by end


The Rebels conceded 60 more points last season than any other Super Rugby side. That is almost 30 points per match (28.88 to be precise).

Now Phipps did miss a lot of tackles in 2012 (equal most), however the missed tackle list is littered with 9s and 10s. 10 of the top 15 missed tacklers were halfbacks or fly halves.

I don't think the Rebels poor defence can be blamed solely on Phipps.

No, no. It can't and I am not saying that is the case. Defence is shit at times but I am not putting that on his shoulders.

His inability to give good ball, control the play, make good decisions and "see" the game? Yes, I'll say that all day long.

He will start the season, as he should, but 2013 should be the year Stirzaker becomes a genuine selection chance.

Like I said, there are 4 key issues that I think stop the Rebels winning more than they lose:

1) Defensive liabilities across the ground. Heads drop and not even Mortlock or Delve could stop it.
2) They get so excited when they score that they let in a handful of tries before they get their heads back in the game.
3) Hooker, especially attacking line outs, are woeful at best. Sackable at worst.
4) Scrum half.

But, that is just my opinion and I understand others will disagree.


Phil Kearns (64)
Any analysis of a player's defensive capabilities needs to be a bit deeper than just the bare numbers, how many tackles missed.

Any given player can choose to attempt to make tackles that are (a) well within his capability to execute (b) difficult to execute or (c) very difficult to execute. (Okay, I am making these categories up, but I hope the point is made).

Some players might have a terrific record for executing tackles that are well within their capabilities, and if they are clever enough (or lazy enough) to avoid difficult defensive situations, they will look like good defenders, on paper.

I am not putting Phipps into any particular category, by the way, just suggesting that it might be a bit more complicated than just "number of missed tackles".

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Should start Angus Roberts at fly-half also, over Beale etc. etc.
hahaha heaven forbid somebody have a different opinion to you 'Kronic', the higher authority on Rugby. Look out Hilly...

I think you will find it was never suggested that roberts be picked OVER Beale just exploring a option to have Beale play at the back.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Phipps is the least of the Rebels problems.

If he was so bad then coaches would stop selecting him and select alternatives in his place (Stirzaker or Kingi).

People are comparing Phipps form as a test halfback against Stirzaker's form as a Shute Shield halfback. It really is comparing to apples and oranges.
I think all people want is to see Stirzaker get a run so we can compare the Super Rugby form of both. A bit of competition for starting spots should be good for everyone.


Geoff Shaw (53)
Ma'afu is a capped Wallaby and I wouldn't want him in Melbourne Uni front row, let alone the fucking Wallabies. Nothing against Phipps personally, but for all of his "experiences", what has he learned, really?

And herein lies the issue. Ma'afu would be the single most dominant front rower at Dewar Shield level, this is simply a fact. But he's poor at Wallaby and Super rugby level you say? Yes, he is but they are worlds apart in standard and this truth holds to claims about Stirzaker.

Stirzaker is a very dominant SS halfback, so was Phipps. Remember how impressive Phipps was at 7s level too? Since then Phipps has at times been a decent Wallaby and Super rugby halfback, but at other times he's been poor.

Stirzaker's crisp pass, his speed of play, and his small frame have not yet been subjected to Super rugby level pressure. In my mind the bloke is oozing potential but his form sheet at Super rugby level is non-existent.

My three points are:
1) Phipps is on an upward tangent. He is a 2 year investment that is about to pay out, discarding him is a ridiculous notion.
2) Stirzaker has earned his place is a Super rugby squad and he's a man of great potential. However, he has done nothing more than this at this stage.
3) If Phipps shows poor form and if Stirzaker shows good form over time then nobody would be qualms about him becoming a starter. But the notion that Stirzaker is better then Phipps is a self-evident truth is quite silly.


Geoff Shaw (53)
I think all people want is to see Stirzaker get a run so we can compare the Super Rugby form of both. A bit of competition for starting spots should be good for everyone.

That's certainly a rational point of view and I'm sure many people want that, but it's not what's been said by many.


John Solomon (38)
hahaha heaven forbid somebody have a different opinion to you 'Kronic', the higher authority on Rugby. Look out Hilly.

I think you will find it was never suggested that roberts be picked OVER Beale just exploring a option to have Beale play at the back.
Jog on buddy.

I picked Roberts because he was another fly-half in our squad. Could of said Hegarty also, although he is now listed as a fullback on the site.


Now, now boys. Let's play nicely and remain civil.

It has been a clean debate thus far. Please help keep it that way.


ok this is way off topic but I was in Rebel Sports in the bourke st mall and I saw only 1 wobbs top (not unusual - this is melb after all) that was reduced (very unusual up and down the whole eastern seaboard).

But it made me wonder, is there a new wallabies jersey due?


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I think so, the promos the Wallabies were doing in Sydney earlier they were wearing a diff jersey to the current one
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