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Rebels 2012

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John Thornett (49)
...and what was the crowd in Geelong like? The Twitter feed @rebelslive said the crowd was 'massive' ... What's massive?


Tom Lawton (22)
Jeez, if the Chiefs forward pack are starving you of ball, then you are really gonna struggle to keep possession.
What a waste of attacking talent.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Over 5000 in attendance.

One note on the following. That was my first Rebels game so I can't compare to last year.

If games could be sliced into 5 minute compartments and then reset the Rebels would most probably be good. The Chiefs were too big, too organised and two "methodical".

Thoughts on the Rebels:
-Scrum was good to very good. Held their own ball and actually pushed the Chiefs off their own feed twice.
- Lineout went from poor, to diabolical. Gifted the Chiefs a try with a very poor long throw on their own 5 by overthrowing and allowing teh chiefs to stroll in. Apart from that they missed the jumper a number of times, not straight twice and then tried long throws when teh wind was howling and taking the ball to the Chiefs. Tactically poor. They did steal the last lineout so one small positive.
- Mauls. Despite facing a bigger pack the Rebels held the Chiefs reasonably well. The first try was from a pushover after a lineout. The second try came after the Rebels actually held up the maul. The Chiefs were allowed 4 goes at the maul to the bemusement of all including the Touch judge. The subsequent phases ended up in a try out wide.
- Rucks. The Chiefs domnated the breakdown. Bigger bodies, more committed bodies to the breakdown and more support for their own ball. They won a number of turnovers and gave about none back. The Rebels would get 3 or 4 phases OK and then would have no support for the 5th phase no matter if in the middle or out wide. Just poor work rate and lack of communication or commitment or planning to what was going to happen next. Most Rebel attackes broke down this way.
- Defense: despite the score line there were very good patches of defence. The first 10 minutes fo the 3rd quarter the Rebels were camped on their line and just defended it brilliantly and held the Chiefs out. The Chiefs were awarded 4 "penalties" and just pounded away. Finally a Chief went over the top of a ruck as an unbound missile, without the ball, took out the defence and the Chiefs scored. JOC (James O'Connor) put on some brilliant tackles. Johannsen as well though he also got wrong footed once or twice. Apologies for not knowing the winger but the Chiefs went at the Rebels right winger all second half and made yards with ease.

In attack Johansen made one bust, JOC (James O'Connor) made a couple of half busts, Kurtley looked good and that was about all. It was so disjointed. There was poor to middling ball from the breakdown but the passing was so-so. Phipps made a couple of darts and made some inroads. They actually looked best on the counter with Beale coming from deep.

The Chiefs were better, stronger, faster and more cohesive.

An interesting aside was that every 5 or so minutes the Rebels woudl approach the ref and ask "What the Fuck ?" Even the touchie was shaking his head and going "what the fuck ?". and I'll leave it at that.

Any questions, fire away and I'll answer what I can.


John Thornett (49)
HKTiger, sounds like it wasn't a great quality game. What do you think those at the game who are new to rugby thought of it?


Allen Oxlade (6)
Good question. On the whole they had little idea and were very unhappy/disappointed about "how slow" scrums are. As per the stats on times in scrums, gathered and posted previously they may have a point. A solid Geelong AFL contingent in attendance that thought the game was way, way too slow.

The under 8's touch game at half time was quicker.


Alan Cameron (40)
I remember watching the Blues tear the reds a new arse few years ago in a trial. They were too big, too fast, too organized and just a lot smarter than we were. How did the Rebs go in the intelligence department?


Peter Johnson (47)
I worry about the rebels lack of enforcer type players in the forward pack. I think they are a team who would greatly benefit from a having a guy like Lionel Nallet, Louis Picamoles or Brad Thorn. If I was them I would be trying to poach James Slipper from the reds - he is very good round the field and makes a real impact in the collisions.


John Hipwell (52)
I worry about the rebels lack of enforcer type players in the forward pack. I think they are a team who would greatly benefit from a having a guy like Lionel Nallet, Louis Picamoles or Brad Thorn. If I was them I would be trying to poach James Slipper from the reds - he is very good round the field and makes a real impact in the collisions.

Don't give them ideas.

How many times do you hear that the game will be won up front? The Rebels are really lacking there and could possibly have been better off with Mowen and Elsom than both Beale and Biebs.


Darby Loudon (17)
Don't give them ideas.

How many times do you hear that the game will be won up front? The Rebels are really lacking there and could possibly have been better off with Mowen and Elsom than both Beale and Biebs.

Yeah they're clearly lacking up front, but if their forward pack has a strength it is their backrow so I can understand why they didn't go for Mowen or Elsom. They did recruit a couple of promising young secondrowers but none are currently of the quality needed to give JOC (James O'Connor) and Beale the kind of ball they need to dominate.


Gotta remember it's only a trial match. Keep your powder dry for the real fight in 3 weeks time. Though hopefully Rabs O'Connor will realise his error in leaving the Force to build his rugby brand elsewhere.
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