Mark Ella (57)
Personally I don't see what would be wrong with removing the hit, having the scrum fold together, then a straight feed and a fair contest once the ball is in. I'm all for the physical side of rugby but watching a bunch of 18st plus guys trying to untangle themselves from what looks like a game of twister that's gone badly wrong in order to reset and do the same thing over again is not entertaining unless you have a fetish for that kind of thing.
The only draw back I can see to a stationary start with a straight feed, then contest, is that from the Ref cam it would appear that the referee is rarely in a position to even see the feed let alone judge if it's straight or not.
Also on the flip side in the defence of referees this thing with players going over to officials to voice their opinion soccer style needs to be stamped out. A few yellow cards here and there, rather than telling the captain the player has a bit too much to say, wouldn't go amiss. Hopefully the IRB will do something about it before it becomes the norm.