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Quade telling it how it is

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Ted Thorn (20)
Obviously the fate of QC (Quade Cooper) is close to Qld hearts - objectively, however, he is mainly responsible for his current predicament.
Since the stellar final vs the Crusaders he's had a very poor world cup (even if the culprit was really McCabe), unfortunately he has been plagued by injuries (not his fault), and has maintained an antagonistic attitude towards the ARU, mainly as a tactic to raise the value of his contract. Even more that the "toxic" outburst, his lowest point was saying that he was not sure he would play for Australia if selected.
If this is true, I would have to say that someone talking in these terms is not fit to wear the green and gold again.
The vast majority of Australians, and many professional sportpersons as well, can only dream of getting paid $400K pa.


David Codey (61)
I think there is a very valid comparison between Cooper's situation now and Sharpe's at the end of 2010. In both cases the ARU removed almost all support, leaving them only with provincial contracts.

And do you think that sharpe deserved to be treated like that by the aru?


Tony Shaw (54)
Bottom line for me is this...he said it wasn't about money and he wants to stay and play for the Reds. No-one is stopping him from doing that and still getting paid $400K for it!

Yes the ARU is stopping him from doing that. He needs a contract with the ARU to play that and the ARU know that. But not being happy with punishing him once (actually twice if you count the suspended sentence) they have decided to sink the boot in again. Their "offer" is akin to them saying you will get on your knees, eat a pile of shit of our shoes and then thank us for it. Then, and only then, can you play for the Reds.


Tony Shaw (54)
To say that Robbie Deans won't select Quade Cooper is pure speculation in my opinion. Deans selected him three times this year in a very limited window when Quade Cooper was healthy. Arguably the first Bledisloe Test this year was the only time Cooper hasn't been selected when fit since at least 2010.

You're drawing a reasonably long bow BH. Deans has a track record for not selecting players that he doesn't like. Giteau et al. Also the games that Quade was picked for, what were Dean's other choices? And in one of those games he had Berrick playing first reciever half the time in a move that not only baffled most Wallabies supporters, but I think half of the Wallabies players.

Notwithstanding any of that, there's been a shit ton of "pure speculation" in this thread already so it's probably a bit rough to call it out here.


David Codey (61)
Yes and they offered him one like the one he now thinks he should be offered and he did not accept it, and before that he chose to back himself with a 1 year contract and , right or wrong, maybe the ARU asked Deans whether he thought he'd be picking Cooper next season and maybe he said no.
Whether one thinks deans should be coach the fact is he remains in the job. Cooper doesn't approve and made it pretty clear he couldn't/wouldn't work with Deans. As head honcho to the players Deans is entitled if not obliged to flex his muscle over such outright public insubordination. So Deans would be well justified in saying he's not part of my plans because he isn't my idea of a team player.
On that basis why would the ARU top him up? It's not an extra punishment it's a realistic reflection of Coopers chances in 2013.
He needs to suck it up: he brought it on himself.
I think it sends a good message to young up and comers: you're either part of the solution or part of the problem!

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The issue i see is it shouldn't just be about his value to the wallabies, it should be about his value to rugby and Qld as well.

Don't you think the contracting system is a bit busted when:

- provinces are limited in what they can pay a player by the imposed salary cap
- they then rely on the aru to provide top ups to their most important players to be able to secure their services

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Even more that the "toxic" outburst, his lowest point was saying that he was not sure he would play for Australia if selected.

If someone outwardly declares they will not play when selected how can you give them a contract that pays them if they are on the field or not.
That was the only reasonable tack for the ARU to take. Now, if QC (Quade Cooper) takes the deal offered, stays out of trouble, is selected against the B&I Lions and tears them a new one and then helps the Wallabies to a win TRC 2013 I imagine the ARU would table a new long term deal, and a good one.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
And do you think that sharpe deserved to be treated like that by the aru?

At the time it was probably a 50/50 call. Sharpie was low in the pecking order, behind Horwill, Vickerman, Simmons, and on par with Mumm and Chisolm.

But my point wasn't about whether it was right or wrong, it was how he responded to it. Took it on the chin, and vowed to get better. In the end it has defined his career. Cooper has the chance to do that- take disappointment in his stride and become better for it. If he returns to the top level and succeeds he would become a true legend of the game.

In my eyes you judge a man by the way he responds to adversity. At the moment (and I stress that, as he hasn't said anything yet) it looks like Quade is giving up when the going gets tough. Which would speak volumes about his character.


Tony Shaw (54)
Even more that the "toxic" outburst, his lowest point was saying that he was not sure he would play for Australia if selected.
If this is true, I would have to say that someone talking in these terms is not fit to wear the green and gold again.

QC (Quade Cooper) saying that, upset me a bit, but I moved on. He was pushed into a corner by a few blokes that are only marginally more intelligent than he and he took the bait.

He has since said, repeatedly, that he wants to play for Australia again but no one seems to care about that. He's been tarred, feathered and hung out to dry. He copped the fine etc with humility and admitted he was out of line. This isn't good enough apparently because he disrespected the jersey. JOC (James O'Connor) did the same thing and from what I've read on this forum, we're ok with that. I find that a bit confusing.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
You're drawing a reasonably long bow BH. Deans has a track record for not selecting players that he doesn't like. Giteau et al. Also the games that Quade was picked for, what were Dean's other choices? And in one of those games he had Berrick playing first reciever half the time in a move that not only baffled most Wallabies supporters, but I think half of the Wallabies players.

Notwithstanding any of that, there's been a shit ton of "pure speculation" in this thread already so it's probably a bit rough to call it out here.
FFS, on the one hand you say the coach is a vindictive prick and is unlikely to select Quade.
On the other hand you say the ARU are a cunch of bunts for giving him a match payments only contract.

Torn Hammy

Johnnie Wallace (23)
There will be no news from other rugby nations today. They will be too busy rolling around laughing at the complete ineptitude of the ARU.

My initial ambivalence towards QC (Quade Cooper) developed into respect as his hard work and the clever nurturing of his coach created a player as good as, and destined to be better than Larkham. This is the player we should envisage when we make judgements of him.

At last year's RWC QC (Quade Cooper) would have expected to be targeted by every opposition team's coach players and media reps, but the treatment he got from the NZ public completely derailed him. For me it was the worst exhibition of sportmanship I have ever seen, and I have seen plenty.

My point is though, where was his support. Why didn't the ARU, JON, Deans, his captain, the Oz press or his teamates jump to his defence and label the NZ crowds the 'pack of arseholes' that they were being. For me that same lack of support has been evident throughout his injury, his scratchy form and his contract negotiations.

Protagonist, antagonist- it doesn't matter. We are losing a great player because of ineptitude. Take a bow ARU, the rugby world is laughing at you.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
The issue i see is it shouldn't just be about his value to the wallabies, it should be about his value to rugby and Qld as well.

Don't you think the contracting system is a bit busted when:

- provinces are limited in what they can pay a player by the imposed salary cap
- they then rely on the aru to provide top ups to their most important players to be able to secure their services
Absolutely correct, the Reds should have the right to pay QC (Quade Cooper) whatever they want.
Abolish the salary cap, but insist that budgets must be approved by the ARU as a condition of their grants.


Colin Windon (37)
Quade Cooper still got 400K per year contract for 3 years... Hardly a cash flow issue... If he believes in himself he can play weel withteh Reds and aim to win back a Wallabies spot next year... Every Wallabies game played he'll still get around 11k per match... He has put himself in this position by signing short contracts and poor behaviour...
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