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Qld Premier Rugby 2024


Frank Row (1)
I thought the Souths effort to almost get Brothers was quite extraordinary. I reckon if the penalty to Souths right on the Brothers line near the end of the game wasn't overturned a pushover try/penalty try was a likely outcome. Would've been one of the more remarkable results you'd see. As it was I thought the game was good despite the red card. Agree with the earlier comment that Brothers' bench was the difference.


Bill Watson (15)
A few years ago a punch resulting in a red card was a mandatory one week suspension unless the player appealed it to the judiciary or the judiciary reviewed it and called the player in. Let's wait and see.


Bill Watson (15)
The bench did make the difference. The dive that the Brothers bench halfback took after cynically coming offside to stop the pick and drive, would've done any English Premier League soccer player proud. Not sure if it was that incident that resulted in the penalty reversal but it was Oscar worthy.

Sir Charles

Fred Wood (13)
Sounds like a veteran move by the 9, he caught a fish hook line and sinker which probably won them the game - like I teach my U12s, you cannot retaliate and then be upset when the referee reverses the penalty.


Peter Burge (5)
Brothers over UQ - UQ to keep up, then fall by 12. UQ back three and Brothers tight five to fire
Bond over Norths - with Bond to lead by 28, then win by 3 when . Bond jinky counterattacks and a classic Norths fight back to feature
Souths over Easts - Souths to keep doing what they've been doing; Easts to do the same
Upset of the round: Sunnybank to get all of their ducks in a row and get a nice W over GPS. Fast forwards and a backline that gels to capitalise on a couple of GPS lapses. Dragons by 6.


Peter Burge (5)
Something specifically rugby to peruse/listen to during the bye weekend. A Stan Sport commentator and two current Store Local Hospital Cup players - on a weekly podcast talking lots of rugby (club, Super Rugby, 7s International). Click here- Play By Play Podcast
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Jim Lenehan (48)
The reds coaching staff have been doing a qpr tour and checking out all training sessions. They were at souths other week and there was write up on the website/socials