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QC (Quade Cooper) cited for knee on McCaw

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Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
This could be trouble...

Wallaby star cited

Australian flyhalf Quade Cooper has been cited for foul play in his team's 25-20 Tri-Nations victory over New Zealand in Brisbane on Saturday.

Cooper was cited for kneeing All Black captain Richie McCaw, in the head.

The incident occurred in the 54th minutes of the match.

Cooper and McCaw, amongst others, were on the ground. As Cooper got up his knee made contact with McCaw's face in the jaw area.

This caused an angry response from the All Black, especially McCaw and Brad Thorn.

It is Sanzar's practice for the Tri-Nations to appoint the citing commissioner from the country not involved in the match.

The citing commissioner in this case is Freek Burger of South Africa, the former Test referee.

The citing follows a query from the All Blacks and will be refereed to the judicial officer, Jannie Lubbe.

Source: http://sport.iafrica.com/rugby/news/749130.html

Not good news. Not good news at all.

Sandpit Fan

Nev Cottrell (35)
I'd say he will get a bit of a lie down. Had a look at the replays and don't think he will get the benefit of the doubt given his previous record. Hope Berricks head is in the right place..


After a 'query' from the All Blacks.

Ok fine... I hope the ARU asks a few queries of their own. Crossing the line for the Haka, repeated choke holds on Pococks neck at rucks, Thorne as 3rd man in... the trip on AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) by Williams. I'm pretty sure McCaw threw a few punches a Quade earlier in the game also.

Look... Quade's a idiot.

We all know that. But it was just a stupid 'niggle' thing. There was no malice because if you intentionally knee someone in the head with the intention of hurting them you invariably do. Quade just gave him a little tap with his knee to continue the niggle between the two. Stupid yes... stupid bloke yes. But it was a nothing 'knee' and doesn't require a suspension. Quade was trying to do the old I'm getting up, accidently knee in the head trick. That is all.

He will get suspended however IMO because it's got nothing to do with what damage was or wasn't inflicted or whether it was done with malice or not. He made contact with the head of an opponent with his knee and that's all that matters.

His defence needs to be that it was careless and accidental contact whilst in the motion of getting up and moving his leg forward to get up. Whether the SA from SANZAR agrees is a different matter.

Stupid prick Quade. Gutless coward. He dodged away from Nonu so he didn't have to make a tackle. I'm getting sick of his flick passes rather than go on the floor.

What's he worried about??? A stray boot from McCaw? Well... don't dish it out and give him lip if your not even prepared to go to the bottom of a ruck you soft prick.

I reckon he will get 3-4 games. So Barnes will be back in at 10 for the pool games.


im not defending him, and it was stupid, but it did look like quade tried to get up and his other foot caught while getting up causing a balance issue, but he did appear to give mccaw a needless knee nudge while trying to get up.... i reckon he'll get 1 game/ 2 at most on the lines.


im not defending him, and it was stupid, but it did look like quade tried to get up and his other foot caught while getting up causing a balance issue, but he did appear to give mccaw a needless knee nudge while trying to get up.... i reckon he'll get 1 game/ 2 at most on the lines.

I dunno, he pretty clearly has a look at McCaw directly before he did it. Given how often he seems to try and niggle McCaw, I gotta say where there's smoke, there's fire.

Shouldn't be a suspension though.


Dave Cowper (27)
Cooper deliberately put his knee into McCaw's face when he McCaw was trapped on the ground. It was a punk thing to do and this kid has priors.

If Cooper exhibited some courage in the tackle, some hardness in the defensive duties, then I probably wouldn't be so quick to view his act as just another in a string of regular displays of cowardice he exhibits on the field of play.

I'd like Cooper to focus on hitting McCaw is he is running down his channel with the ball in hand and not just be a road bump or flail half-heartedly away as his normally quick feet desert him so he can't get into position to put a shoulder on charging ball carrier.

Cooper is a sensational attacking talent, but maybe being sat down for a less than taxing game against the Italians, might sharpen his focus.


I'd say he will get a bit of a lie down. Had a look at the replays and don't think he will get the benefit of the doubt given his previous record. Hope Berricks head is in the right place..

Heaslip got five weeks for this effort on McCaw. Given Quade's record I think we're looking at 2-4 weeks... four could mean missing the Ireland game.


Tom Lawton (22)
That was obviously deliberate and twice though. Cooper can claim it was accidental at it was only once.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I think 2 weeks. Not sure if there are carry over points like the NRL judiciary? But I'm sure track record is taken into account which isn't great.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Fuck, not good waking up to this. Went to the game and saw the scuffle, Cooper has to let go of this nonsense he has with richie. Get him where it really hurts amd that's by wining the game.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I think it can only be a couple of weeks at the most.

Working in our favour is surely the fact that it wasn't picked up on the field. If the referee and ARs didn't see it, and no one got injured so it didn't cause a major incident between the teams, then I would think that diminishes the potential gravity of it.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Working in our favour is surely the fact that it wasn't picked up on the field. If the referee and ARs didn't see it, and no one got injured so it didn't cause a major incident between the teams, then I would think that diminishes the potential gravity of it.

I think that could work against us, if he was penalised or carded the suspension might be lenient as he already received punishment on the field.


That was obviously deliberate and twice though. Cooper can claim it was accidental at it was only once.

Yep, agree it was worse, was just using it to work backwards.

Some other thoughts... Simon Shaw got two weeks a couple of years ago for putting his knees into Fourie du Preez's back. In that case FdP was hurt, and I think they take that into account. McCaw wasn't hurt, but it was direct contact with his head, and given the spite between these guys it will be hard to argue it was accidental.


Alan Cameron (40)
Why was mccaw not cited for his malicious and dangerous attack on quades knee? As he Kay there, trapped under all those bodies, he lashed out using the only weapon at his disposal, the head. Headbutting is a blight on this game, and this is further evidence of macaws ability to get away with anything


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Why was mccaw not cited for his malicious and dangerous attack on quades knee? As he Kay there, trapped under all those bodies, he lashed out using the only weapon at his disposal, the head. Headbutting is a blight on this game, and this is further evidence of macaws ability to get away with anything

The ARU should get Billy Birmingham to provide the commentary for their defence material.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
are suspensions only for Tests? Can he be picked for the QLD v Canada game and count that? What about missing club rugby?


David Wilson (68)
Why was mccaw not cited for his malicious and dangerous attack on quades knee? As he Kay there, trapped under all those bodies, he lashed out using the only weapon at his disposal, the head. Headbutting is a blight on this game, and this is further evidence of macaws ability to get away with anything

lol good point,it needs to stopped!!

In all seriousness,this was something I was talking about at rugby club yesterday, and it something my wife pointed out to me, Quade puts in a couple of cheap shots every test now, I know he just a young fella trying to prove how tough he is, but in a test there is a better way, and one of things is doing some big tackles.
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