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Playing rugby this year? POST HERE!

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George Gregan (70)
We get a couple of blokes like that down in the depths of 5th Division - one guy we've had for several 2nd Grade games this year makes it very clear that he's a fat bloke, and if he misses a knock-on or penalty its probably because he's well behind play with his view obscured by a dozen other fat blokes :)

But at the very least I'd be able to ref the scrums properly. Oakhill has a tighthead who doesn't pack straight probably because his arse is wider than his shoulders, and the refs always do our blokes for boring in.

the gambler

Dave Cowper (27)
barbarian said:
An example- recently a player from Barker Old Boys asked the referee if he was 'from Oatley' AFTER the game had finished against Oatley. No swear words, no threats.

Ten weeks. He got a red card, and ten weeks on the sidelines.

Thats harsh but was also a very stupid call by the Barker kid. Even if it was after the game he was still suggesting the ref was biased. Had he gone up and said "you are f?$king shit" he probably would have got away with a slap on the wrist.

On a similar note I was pretty stupid earlier this year. I played in a game where a ref gave a shocking performance. However what annoyed me the most was that he had his jumper out and socks down throughout the game. After buying him a beer in the clubhouse after the game I asked why didnt he tuck his shirt in. After shrugging his sholders I said "didnt your mum tell you that if you cant be a good ref at least look like one". He didnt take it too well and walked away. He was happy to take his beer with him though.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
the gambler said:
barbarian said:
An example- recently a player from Barker Old Boys asked the referee if he was 'from Oatley' AFTER the game had finished against Oatley. No swear words, no threats.

Ten weeks. He got a red card, and ten weeks on the sidelines.

Thats harsh but was also a very stupid call by the Barker kid. Even if it was after the game he was still suggesting the ref was biased. Had he gone up and said "you are f?$king shit" he probably would have got away with a slap on the wrist.

On a similar note I was pretty stupid earlier this year. I played in a game where a ref gave a shocking performance. However what annoyed me the most was that he had his jumper out and socks down throughout the game. After buying him a beer in the clubhouse after the game I asked why didnt he tuck his shirt in. After shrugging his sholders I said "didnt your mum tell you that if you cant be a good ref at least look like one". He didnt take it too well and walked away. He was happy to take his beer with him though.

Yeah it certainly was stupid of the bloke, but refs need to learn to take this sort of stuff. There is a difference between actual ref abuse and general backchat, and too often the latter is taken as the former.


Trevor Allan (34)
barbarian said:
Having had experience with the refereeing community, I can make one simple observation (that has been backed up when I have played on and off this year)- most refs are wankers. Plain and simple, on the field and off. Wankers.

More specifically, I didn't meet many that I would shout a beer at the pub. They only ref because they can't play (which is acceptable for the old ones) and most are overly confident, slightly dorkish blokes who would get eaten alive on the field. This comes across on the field- for so many it is just a big power trip, where good natured banter is taken as a mortal insult.

An example- recently a player from Barker Old Boys asked the referee if he was 'from Oatley' AFTER the game had finished against Oatley. No swear words, no threats.

Ten weeks. He got a red card, and ten weeks on the sidelines.

Refs are wankers.

Some are good blokes, but at the NSWRRA they are in the minority. There is so much internal politics that I just couldn't take it. I am now happily playing Subbies footy, yet now have to face refs that penalise you for shouting "offside, sir" after a kick. I mean, Jesus, harden up.

The best refs are the ones that can take a bit of banter, and chuckle and even give some back. They are the ones you shout a beer after the game, as they don't really take themselves that seriously. If you can be like that, Nicko, then I tip my hat to you. Because those are the refs we need.

I have to admit I know what you are talking about I referee at the ripe old age of 16(started as a 13 year old) but still play school rugby. Given up reps for the current point in time though. It's starting to pay dividends though I am on a scholarship with NSW Rugby called the District Advancement Program. For guys under 18 basically who are talented. It get's no worse than the refs appointed to Subbies Colts games every week. These guys are usually the ranked the worst/very inexperienced senior rugby refs in the Association and are taking their baby steps in senior rugby.Their are occasions when you get older very average refs as well.

Deadset in 2 years of watching my brother play Subbies Colts(First Division) I would have seen maybe 3-4 decent refs in 20 odd games.

As you guys get through the grades though you should find you are getting better refs(A fair bit better) are some of you saying you aren't? As subbies colts is the lowest point of refereeing bar the list that says you are on standby with NSWRRA!


George Gregan (70)
There was a young bloke (late teens?) reffed our 2nd Grade game against Harlequins a couple of months back - he was actually pretty good though I thought he could have handed them a couple of yellows for a trip and a high shot. The assessor would have filled him in though.


Best ref I ever had was a woman, in a subbies semi final 6 years ago. Good sense of advantage, sensible rulings.


formeropenside said:
Best ref I ever had was a woman, in a subbies semi final 6 years ago. Good sense of advantage, sensible rulings.

Oh, I thought you were going to say she was hot. :(

I hate women refs, I always get in trouble when I call them 'sir'. We had one once who penalised us for swearing, not at anyone, just swearing.


George Gregan (70)
And so they should you dirty little fluffybunny. :)

Had a female ref in the last round of 5th Div last year - she was actually pretty good and didn't mind being called "sir", realising it was a reflex.

Had a couple of comments posted on the Renegades' youtube videos about how we were a bunch of pussies and that Campbelltown would take us apart - so they should being a First Division club, but it gets me to thinking: wouldn't a challenge game between our First Grade side and another club in a higher Division be a laugh? :)


George Gregan (70)
:lmao: Yeah probably true. Maybe someone local like Blacktown would be a good challenge, but it would be fun to stick it up one of the traditional clubs :)


Chilla Wilson (44)
NTA, isnt that what trials are for?

Actually I think that subbies would be much better (and draw more players) if it was district based rather than player number based, like Soccer (And I think League) is.
Nearly every club has more players for home games than away games, and thats partly because the average away game is probably an hour travelling time each way with Sat traffic in Sydney. We used to love local derbies when I played - lots of players, more fans and bigger bragging rights at stake.

Subbies could then have a tier system where the winners from the districts play off in a Sydney championship round.

The differences in player numbers would quickly lead to more or less clubs in each district.


George Gregan (70)
Trials are OK but we're in a fairly unique situation: our best talent is far in excess of what a normal 5th Div club could expect to field.

Your suggestion about having localised comps is good; the issue is it would isolate Western Sydney even more in rugby terms. We play two other clubs just up the road from us in Oakhill and Norwest, but the next nearest clubs are Div 3 (Blacktown / UWSH / Hawkesbury Valley) and they're still half an hour away.

the gambler

Dave Cowper (27)
I see the argument behind having it more regionalised but I agree with NTA and think it would only serve to marginalise the west even more.

Besides, where would subbies rugby be without bus trips to places like Newport or Campbelltown?


Knitter of the Scarf
When I played for Blackheath we used to travel 6 hours to get to Tullamore. The rest of the time it was just 2 or so hours out to cultural hotspots like Cumnock and Molong.

Took us a while longer to get back, though ...


George Gregan (70)
Got on for 20 minutes of First Grade today after I was completely snubbed by Second Grade. We won both but I'm starting to get pissed off that I don't get considered for Seconds and now the coach has an excuse - "they want you for Firsts" doesn't happen when a heap of players better than me show up at the last minute. I've stayed warm for Seconds and then miss the starting lineup for Firsts. Which today was not a bad thing because we needed those better players. Firsts was about 34-12 (Lane Cove are getting really good - though there is a dispute over the score) and Seconds won 22-11 and completely didn't deserve to. At least we got the bonus point in both which we desperately need.


Alan Cameron (40)
Geez Nick, you should be captain-coach by now. Its only a matter of time before Oakhill poach you.


George Gregan (70)
I wouldn't play for those fluffybunnys - though if I was the sort of bloke to tell the club to fuck off then I'd probably be the kind of bloke that plays for Oakhill :nta:

Its not about me talking myself up. Its about the fact that I'm acknowledged as good enough to fill in for Firsts (which is kind of the definition of a reserve when you think about it) yet not good enough to warrant a run-on for Seconds. I realise I'm not actually good enough to play First Grade - and I've even told the coaches that so they don't have to dance around that fact - but if I'm not fucking good enough for Second Grade then don't fucking play me at all.


Alan Cameron (40)
Yeah, it sounds like a bullshit situation to be in. And hard to keep any sort of form when you're not getting consistent rugby in, week in week out. Should give you plenty of motivation to take out the opposition !


George Gregan (70)
Or at training.

This happened last year when a bunch of guys suddenly turned up at finals time and a few blokes including me got shafted. We should have the numbers for both sides to have full XXII and if I don't make that then what is the farkin point of busting my arse all season holding spots for some prick who will just walk in.


Isn't there a minimum number of games a player has to have played for any grade to be eligible to play in the finals of said grade?
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