Having had experience with the refereeing community, I can make one simple observation (that has been backed up when I have played on and off this year)- most refs are wankers. Plain and simple, on the field and off. Wankers.
More specifically, I didn't meet many that I would shout a beer at the pub. They only ref because they can't play (which is acceptable for the old ones) and most are overly confident, slightly dorkish blokes who would get eaten alive on the field. This comes across on the field- for so many it is just a big power trip, where good natured banter is taken as a mortal insult.
An example- recently a player from Barker Old Boys asked the referee if he was 'from Oatley' AFTER the game had finished against Oatley. No swear words, no threats.
Ten weeks. He got a red card, and ten weeks on the sidelines.
Refs are wankers.
Some are good blokes, but at the NSWRRA they are in the minority. There is so much internal politics that I just couldn't take it. I am now happily playing Subbies footy, yet now have to face refs that penalise you for shouting "offside, sir" after a kick. I mean, Jesus, harden up.
The best refs are the ones that can take a bit of banter, and chuckle and even give some back. They are the ones you shout a beer after the game, as they don't really take themselves that seriously. If you can be like that, Nicko, then I tip my hat to you. Because those are the refs we need.