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Me when Joeys win by 13+ LOL!



Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)

I was deeply concerned when I heard there was only one Opens team this season.

I hear what you are saying, and you may be right - I would hate for one of these brave lads (and thats in all grades) getting injured on the rugby field for the wise men to then hook High from all forms of rugby.. Its better it happens sooner than later

The compounded problem will be that once GPS rugby at High is gone (moved?), they will never make it back to the GPS rugby fold - having a close view of recent High rugby team performances from recent seasons, they are ISA Div 1 or 2 at best

When I was at school (which was a looong time ago) we had Opens teams down to the 6ths and 7ths (yes, true), and junior teams were easily into the Es.

I do know that a group of concerned old Boys have tried on many occasions to drive positive rugby change, but to no avail.

Very sad indeed

Hello Old High Boy

As mentioned, the problem lies with State Government Policy, about selective High Schools. High has been designated in the academic stream. Hence, only boys of academic inclination are chosen for entry. Many are from non Anglo-Saxon backgrounds and Rugby is not in their Social and Cultural DNA.

However and its only pipe dream, if High were to placed in the selective Sports stream, such as Wesfields,Matraville or Hunter. Then High would get first pick of sporting talent entering year 7 as well as later intakes from CHS schools. Bob Outsider, tried for this but was unable to beat the state government educational policy. Who knows Old High Boy, one day there maybe a change in government policy, by which Sydney Boys High can become a sports high. After all there is more money in elite sports, than secondary school academia.
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Frank Row (1)
I have been an avid reader of this forum for many a year and let me say. I am appalled at the number of delinquents who have come onto this forum and started trolling. Joker, you can back me up here, I am sick of it.

Keep rucking,


Staff member
While the game this weekend is being held at Leichardt, not much discussion is being made about this change.

As an older bastard, I have always enjoyed visiting the grassy splendor of "The Swamp" or "Wolf den" as named by the students. There is something quaint about the old wooden grandstand that the visiting students occupy and the more modern (It has been there since the 1970's I think) stand the view boys use. It is rare in this day to see two schools side by side at a match. Newington is the only other I can recall that has the two student groups close to one another. Riverview provides this opportunity which in turn creates spectacle and atmosphere.

This is what AAGPS schools do very well. With the enormous tunnels of Scots and their screeching bagpipes, to the drum beaters of Riverview, the swordsmen at Kings and the banner wavers of Newington, this adds so much to the day. This is why many people enjoy the game, not just the rugby but the whole occasion. This weekend will Riverview be allowed to do their tunnel? This (while annoying) adds so much. The opportunity wont be there.

I find it such a shame that Riverview felt they needed to move it away from their grounds. In 1996? I was living on the other side of the Lane Cove river when the big game was on, I was unable to make it but I could easily hear the cheering as it wafted across the water. I knew when it was full time as the Riverview noise was immense. Will this be the same at Leichardt? Will this now be the norm for schools who feel they cannot control their grounds and crowds? If Kings with their 125 hectares and many, many entry points can do it, then why can't Riverview do it?

Joeys horde at View, 2018.



Staff member

"Hey Joker, why do you ask for tips?"

For those who have not noticed we are running a season long tipping competition. Entries closed a long time ago.
Each week I collect the tips from those who registered (30 in total). On Saturday I publish everyone's tips and then Sunday the results.
For those who missed out as they were late to the game, I encourage you to predict and give us your thoughts.

All tips have a points spread. (eg +7)

1 for a draw
3 points for the win
5 points if the win is achieved 1-5 points over your spread
10 points if you tip the exact margin
20 points if you tip the exact score (including a drawn score)

Please message me your tips ASAP.

TIPS- Week 10.jpg

King boydy

Frank Row (1)
News out of the joeys camp

kyan boddington has been called up in place of jack Barrett

Kyan is a highly touted prospect hailing Mosman. His work on and off the ball is outstanding definitely one to watch for the future


Frank Row (1)
predictions for this weekend
Joeys - Riverview; 23-21
Shore - Newington; 10-32
Scots - Kings; 19-12
Hi Tarz,
Pretty good predictions, however I believe that Joeys will put a few more than 2 points on view with Max Jorgensen and Kyan Boddington coming into the line up. I think the Joe boys will rise up the occasion at the 8th wonder of the world.
Thanks Scrum Half


My predictions for this weekend
Scot’s 22-13 Kings
Newington 24-19 Shore
Joeys 27-12 View

and a little cheeky one
Joeys 10th XV 67-5 St Pats 4th XV


Allen Oxlade (6)
As an insider at SBHS I can advise that the intake is solely based on State Government guidelines. There is no way to vary this whatsoever. They have to accept any boy that applies and is successful in the selective exams. Each boy and parent is told upon entry that they must play sport on Saturday however getting them to do this is almost impossible. Excuses are aplenty. There are only 180 boys entering in year 7 and usually there is only one or two boys that have previously played rugby. It is very tough to convince parents to allow their boys to play rugby.
On a brighter note the current crop of 1st XV players are mostly year 11 boys. The captain (no.10 and year 11 boy) did not play last week (injured) and has been in the 1st XV since Year 10. The other main player who is in the forwards is out for the rest of the year. They started with only around 22 players in total and one player is in his first year at rugby. These two boys mentioned would in my opinion make most 1st or 2nd XV teams.
The school has recruited some very capable coaches and expectations are that next year these boys will be much better physically and more competitive.
Confirming that you said only 22 players in opens rugby? Sad if true. It feels like the GPS and CAS might be asleep at the wheel or at least more should be done to create a good rugby experience for High. Big winning and losing margins doesn’t help anyone. It kills the sport.
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