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Darby Loudon (17)
Rubbish Rb, typically the GPS 1s play the CAS 1s in the final NOT the gps 2S, that happened last year after a last minute win by the GPS 2s over the CAS 1s, and the final is nearly always tight. Expect the same this year.
This varies from year to year. Typically GPS Presidents 2 is on the same side of the draw as CAS 1 so that neither plays GPS 1 in the early rounds. The better of those two teams generally plays GPS 1 in the final but it really depends on the different strengths in that year.

In 2018, GPS 2 beat CAS 1 in the semi and played GPS 1 in the final. It was a great game won by GPS 1. Regardless of who plays the final, boys from all of the teams can be picked in NSW Schools 1 & 2.


Ted Thorn (20)
Firstly congrats to Newington winning the 16A game last week it must have been a good victory and a good one for the Newington boys you cant take that win away from them and they can only play what's in front of them. However that said I understand what Props to the ready is saying. My son has played for another school since year 5 against this cohort of Scots kids. I know last year even when the Scots 15A had kids away for the bush retreat thing, Finnlay Bartlett single handily nearly won the game on his own for Scots in the 15A with two of the best solo tries you could see at schoolboys level. Throw in Leo Jacques and I cant comment on the other two Scots kids (Brial and Fittler) as they have come much later to the school year 8 or so. It would be a very interesting game between Newington 16A at full strength V Scots 16A at full strength, I honestly don't know who would win the match. Maybe end of season game between the two at full strength and we can all sell tickets to the match!
Fittler came in year 8 but Brial has been at the school since year 6 or 7 and has had 2 brothers who have gone through the school. If you watched scots 16a's in year 7 and 8 you would have seen Brial and fittler in year 8.
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Bob McCowan (2)
Is one of them Sam Brial PropsAS?

If so, he is playing very well for Easts Colts 2nds presently...
Sam Brial product of Scots Rugby 1st XV 2021. With terrible injuries in Yr 11 and 12 managing to only get a couple games in the 1sts. He has been tearing up in Easts 2nd Colts. Getting game time in the 1st Colts aswell. He is young for the age group so he has another 2 more years in the colts program. Could compare him to a yr10 Student playing opens rugby at school level.

crazy schoolboy

Peter Burge (5)
Hello Infamous schoolboy

Please, can't you see there is element of Humour there. Further, you seen to know very little about Newington, its History, its social background and it's cliental. To me it sound's like you have embarked on a Left wing propaganda campaign, which is boring for me. Equally, you are indulging in GPS Schools bashing rant, from my perspective. Newington is well established school, in offering boys of merit, to enter the school at no cost to their parents. If you were truly aware, about Newington's social justice programs and the influence of the Uniting Church, you would realise how out of place your post is. Your commentary is cruel, to the majority of Newington parents who work their guts out, to sent their boys to the school.

My apologies, for my bluntness, but for me the efforts my parents went to, and the sacrifices they made were second to none. So its deeply personal and indeed hurtful, that you make out that I am product of some privileged socio-economic group.

Again, my apologies if I being extremely direct, particularly as you have attempted to show courtesy to me. But, I feel really proud that my background is Middle Class, aspirational and of parental sacrifice.

Kind Regards
Hello B&W

No one is saying you are apart of some privileged socio-economic group but the facts are you are fairly wealthy if your parents were able to 'sacrifice' a spare 30-40k a year on school fees.... never the less I think every parent who sends there kids to a private school works their absolute guts out day in and day out whether they are a doctor, lawyer or a Tradie or something along the lines of that, to get to where they have is a huge effort to say the least. So let's not go screaming victim and trying to get the attention you think you may deserve because lots of people are for worse off then you have claimed you are.
I was Makcay Oval and witnessed a Scots 16B's masterclass destroying Newington 31-5. The winger I believe his name to be Felix Lydiard scored 4 tries, I expect him to be in that mighty A's side soon. The forward pack for Scots dominated the Newintgon pack and I expect this to continue, Scots ad Joeys the teams to beat in the 16B's comp.

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Hello B&W

No one is saying you are apart of some privileged socio-economic group but the facts are you are fairly wealthy if your parents were able to 'sacrifice' a spare 30-40k a year on school fees.... never the less I think every parent who sends there kids to a private school works their absolute guts out day in and day out whether they are a doctor, lawyer or a Tradie or something along the lines of that, to get to where they have is a huge effort to say the least. So let's not go screaming victim and trying to get the attention you think you may deserve because lots of people are for worse off then you have claimed you are.
Hello crazy schoolboy
Apologies for my bourgeoise outlook, clearly you are a passionate supporter of the proletariat. But I am not about to joint you, at the barricades any time soon.
But you do remind me of some, dedicated Marxist friends, I knew at university.

Keep well, we need people such as yourself, to remind us that our world is not perfect.



Convincing win by the Scots 16b's. That Scots 16A's team with 4 open boys missing and another 5 on the sickbed is already quite stacked with talent. The winger may have to take a ticket in the line.


Whose Got Next?

Frank Row (1)
I was Makcay Oval and witnessed a Scots 16B's masterclass destroying Newington 31-5. The winger I believe his name to be Felix Lydiard scored 4 tries, I expect him to be in that mighty A's side soon. The forward pack for Scots dominated the Newintgon pack and I expect this to continue, Scots ad Joeys the teams to beat in the 16B's comp.

Can't forget Riverview. Have always had a strong B team in this age group. Played very poorly against Kings but you can see the potential, with some very skilled players in the side. Should be a heck of a game vs Scots, as last time they faced off, I believe a try was all that separated them.


Darby Loudon (17)
Hey joker,
This message is aimed at you. I would love to know your thoughts of the round 5 game of gps kings vs joeys, will the 16As be playing at 12? I think this would be great for these young blokes to play Infront of a large crowd of old boys and schoolboys…. And to also play before most likely premiership deciding games in the 3rds and 2nds and potentially the 1st if kings get their act togther starting next term.


John Hipwell (52)
Hey joker,
This message is aimed at you. I would love to know your thoughts of the round 5 game of gps kings vs joeys, will the 16As be playing at 12? I think this would be great for these young blokes to play Infront of a large crowd of old boys and schoolboys…. And to also play before most likely premiership deciding games in the 3rds and 2nds and potentially the 1st if kings get their act togther starting next term.
Thank you for your question.

the 16A game normally takes place on Number 1 at 11am. This is due to the 4ths plating at 12pm. If they are bumped to number 2 it would be unusual. The college sportsmaster like to try and have as many year 12 games on number 1 throughout the season. Hopefully by this final round the goal would have been achieved. It will be a bumper crowd with three SJC reunions going on. The game deserves a good crowd.


Darby Loudon (17)
Thank you for your question.

the 16A game normally takes place on Number 1 at 11am. This is due to the 4ths plating at 12pm. If they are bumped to number 2 it would be unusual. The college sportsmaster like to try and have as many year 12 games on number 1 throughout the season. Hopefully by this final round the goal would have been achieved. It will be a bumper crowd with three SJC reunions going on. The game deserves a good crowd.
Yes agreed I can’t see this game not being played on the 1 field. It will be packed of old boys, kings boys and the joeys faithful.

each school is quite diffent in their game times for 16As kings ussaly 10am,
Scott’s 12, view can vary I believe. Joeys 11 from your understanding.

would be interested to see if they just made the game at 12 in the future always for all schools to showcase the young talent to larger crowds.
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