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Lions Tour Thread

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Trevor Allan (34)
rustycruiser said:
Just in, Parrisse got 8 weeks for his eye gouge effort. No way Schalk will get off that easy.

well, he has..... :angryfire:

from foxsports:
South Africa flanker Schalk Burger has been suspended for eight weeks after he was found guilty of eye gouging British Lions' winger Luke Fitzgerald.

The incident took place just 32 seconds into last Saturday night’s second Test between the Springboks and the Lions, won 28-25 by the world champions.

Fellow Springbok forward Bakkies Botha was also suspended by the disciplinary panel for two weeks for his charge on Lions prop Adam Jones, who left the field early on Saturday night with a suspected dislocated shoulder.

still out for tri-nations. but i think a lot would say he didn't deserve to be in the team anyways... brussow will get the chance.


David Codey (61)
I reckon the penalty for a clear cut eye gouge should be in the order of a half a year. We won't see it happening much after that.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Is he out the 3N or just for the first few games?

I don't think he deserves to play again this year from watching it. Just as weird as the short suspension, was DeVillers post match conference where he tried to explain why it didn't even deserve a yellow card????

BTW are the TMO allowed to get involved in foul play decisions?


Rod McCall (65)
Blue said:
cyclopath said:
Jatz said:
Is Burger the dumbest man in international rugby?
Well, he's on the podium for sure.
Wait to see if he is defended as " a really top bloke off the field". Total knob, deserves a big ban, not to be part of a Lions winning series by the Bokke.
By the way, well done to the Bokke, and a bit of hard luck to the Lions.
Very intense game, great to watch.
I don't care what he is like off the field. He has serious issues and I really hope we don't see him in Green and Gold again. He is a disgrace to the jersey and has cost us too many games with his brain explosions.

Enough already.
Youcan say the same about Bakkies or Bismarck. Vokket you lot are laughable.

ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
PB - when those two players eye gouge we will say the same thing about them. It was blatant and after all is said and done it shows a real lack of character when someone resorts to that sort of action. IMO its a real shame as I am ususally a big fan of Burgers play.


Ken Catchpole (46)
ACT Crusader said:
PB - when those two players eye gouge we will say the same thing about them. It was blatant and after all is said and done it shows a real lack of character when someone resorts to that sort of action. IMO its a real shame as I am ususally a big fan of Burgers play.

I don't like being pedantic but "resorts to" is a bad choice of words. "Resorts to" usually means what you do after you have tried all your regular practices. I don't think Burger had tried any other practice in the all of 23 elapsed seconds.

Perhaps better wording would be "it shows a real lack of character when someone chooses to that sort of action as his first course".

Disgraceful. Worthy of Corne Krige at his very worst.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I was a little suspicious of O'Driscoll's "hit" on Roussow. To my eye, O'Driscoll drew his head back as he approached and then threw it forward just before contact. Looked to me like a head butt. I must note that my eye was not at its best at the time, somewhat compromised by strong drink and the extremely annoying pom sitting at the next table.


Trevor Allan (34)
mark_s said:
Is he out the 3N or just for the first few games?

I don't think he deserves to play again this year from watching it. Just as weird as the short suspension, was DeVillers post match conference where he tried to explain why it didn't even deserve a yellow card????

BTW are the TMO allowed to get involved in foul play decisions?

you're right, my bad. he'll be back for the september matches, pending selection of course


Rod McCall (65)
Must say the one thing I did enjoy most in saturdays test was the way they got stuck into each other. I do agree Schalk cross the line there but so did plenty before him. If you think they go on the ditch playing father XMast , forget it, its suppose to be hard as nails and a head or fist here and there can be expected. Nutters like Schalk, Bakkies & Bismarck is like time bombs in this situations.

Schalk will miss the best part of the 3 Nations, but he'll be back make no mistake.

BoD's hit on Pakslae was high and no arms and all those legal shite, but to see a big Boer like Paksale sidestepping was one thing I'll remember for a long time. He is a hard man make no mistake and got just one thing in his head, to go back and play.

the gambler

Dave Cowper (27)
Cmon PB. We all know you like your rugby hard but there is no justification, explanation or excuse that will wash with this one. I suggest you just let this one go for a couple of weeks and just say "no comment" otherwise you will lose respect. Hard is fine, thuggery is not.


Rod McCall (65)
Come on Gambler, I have qouted he crossed that line or do you want me to kneel in front of you on his behalf?


Ken Catchpole (46)
Yep, PB gave a clear "no no" to Burger's actions. He then wrote, as I did just above, of other instances in the same game - NOT to exonerate Burger in any way, but because there were some interesting "incidents". I didn't see the nut-punch - can someone tell me about that?

the gambler

Dave Cowper (27)
I want you to say he crossed the line without saying BUT for once.

Every time we hear "but the ref was a tosser who gave him no choice but to take action into his own hands", or "BUT thats the way we tough men play rugby in SA" or "but I know he his father and he is a good bloke off the field and he tried to shake his hand at the end of the game".

No excuses, no explanations please simply, and you can say it with me, "Shalk once again commited an act of foul play and deserves to be punished".


Nathan Sharpe (72)
mark_s said:
BTW are the TMO allowed to get involved in foul play decisions?

Technically, not unless its in-goal/act of scoring a try. However, there is a further limitation: the referee must ask about the foul play. A simple query "Try or no try?" must result in one of two answers: "Try" or "No Try" (the latter with an explanation perhaps of knock-on etc). Rarely will you see a TMO asked about foul play, though I remember Andre Watson doing it to identify a player rucking someone in a S14 game.


Rod McCall (65)
the gambler said:
I want you to say he crossed the line without saying BUT for once.

Every time we hear "but the ref was a tosser who gave him no choice but to take action into his own hands", or "BUT thats the way we tough men play rugby in SA" or "but I know he his father and he is a good bloke off the field and he tried to shake his hand at the end of the game".

No excuses, no explanations please simply, and you can say it with me, "Shalk once again commited an act of foul play and deserves to be punished".
Not sure what you mean, did I say all of that. Sure he cross the line and deserve to be punish and WAS punish for 8 weeks. What other do you want?

Nothing me or you say will change that? Life goes on and he'll be back.

the gambler

Dave Cowper (27)
I may have jumped a little too far but you do have a tendencay to make excuses for your players who have committed acts of foul play. As soon as I saw the incident i thought to myself, I wonder how PB will shift the blame for this one. I then read this...

PaarlBok said:
I do agree Schalk cross the line there but so did plenty before him. If you think they go on the ditch playing father XMast , forget it, its suppose to be hard as nails and a head or fist here and there can be expected.

and was not surprised to see the first word after you referenced the incident to be a BUT. OK you might not be making excuses but you are downplaying the severity of the incident if you are saying plenty before him have done the same thing.


Rod McCall (65)
Ag vok why should I even try to argue.

Just one tip, dont try and read my mind, you may make a mistake.

There are rules and penalties for the rules like anything in life. If he cross the rule he pay the penalty just like many before him who cross the line.

Thats something I hope you understand.

but life goes on.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
Biffo said:
...my eye was not at its best at the time, somewhat compromised by strong drink and the extremely annoying pom sitting at the next table.

It's a bugger that strong drink (says he, a fine wine merchant!), but Poms at the next table is beyond the pale.


Andrew Slack (58)
the gambler said:
Cmon PB. We all know you like your rugby hard but there is no justification, explanation or excuse that will wash with this one. I suggest you just let this one go for a couple of weeks and just say "no comment" otherwise you will lose respect. Hard is fine, thuggery is not.

Paarl would defend Burger even if he pulled a gun and shot someone's brains out on the park. He's from the Cape.

Paarlbok, do you really think its okay to stick your fingers in someone's eyes, wiggle your hand around nicely so that you have a finger in each eye and pull? Is it something you would want your kid to do the next time he plays rugby? Think again. You are letting yourself down in defending him. I am very sad that it has come to this, but there is no place for this in sports. A fine player will always be remembered for one thing and one thing only. A mindless thug.


Andrew Slack (58)
PaarlBok said:
Ag vok why should I even try to argue.

Just one tip, dont try and read my mind, you may make a mistake.

There are rules and penalties for the rules like anything in life. If he cross the rule he pay the penalty just like many before him who cross the line.

Thats something I hope you understand.

but life goes on.

Sometimes we need to stop and think about it a little bit.

To say he has been punished and that's enough ignores the damage this incident does to the Bok jersey, and the image of rugby in SA and how it is perceived from the outside. Our rugby image suffered under Krige and has improved a lot but now it's right back in the gutter.

Thsi tour will not be remembered by most people for the rugby. That's a pity. We can thank Schalk for that.
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