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Lions Tour 2013

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Chilla Wilson (44)
$297 for a ticket to sit in my Suncorp members seats. Fucken joke for I have already paid for the Suncorp Members sears.... I will be enjoying this game from my couch and be putting that to A reds 2014 Membership. That should cover all the games.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I know it's very expensive but I think you have to consider it from the point of view that this is an event that happens every 12 years.


Chilla Wilson (44)
I was in Cardiff rugby Pub watching the Lions v Wallabies Game when It was played at the Gabba, i can remember being boozed and Proud when we were winning but gradually moved to the Exit door when we started to lose and then lost. Felt like yesterday not 12 years ago..

Still its over priced for what It is,But people still pay I guess

Hope they put a good team together and Manage to keep the same player for the games. Not a different team for Each games...


John Solomon (38)
For those of us criticizing the ARU's ticket pricing scheme (including myself), Pulver has stated that the profits will be used to fund the new 3rd tier competition.

the plastic paddy

John Solomon (38)
For those of us criticizing the ARU's ticket pricing scheme (including myself), Pulver has stated that the profits will be used to fund the new 3rd tier competition.
The pleasure is all ours, if someone feels the need to try and beat the eye out of a young fella to make a name for himself, will he remember how much money the lions makes for Australian rugby.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Can't really blame the ARU for cashing in on what is for them a once in 12 years windfall. If the stadiums are still full then the prices obviously aren't that outrageous. If there are swathes of empty seats like you see at some RWC games then the ticket pricing needs to be revisited. It does price the average guy out of a test ticket but at least the Aus S15 teams have been more reasonable with their prices.

As TPP pointed out it's not a once in 12yrs thing for the Lions fans though and it's a very expensive trip. Most Lions fans will want to go to every game they can and with hotels jacking up their prices too it's a hard thing to afford for the average Lions fan. For many they've been saving since the last one to SA and with the economy the way it is it's been tough for many fans.

On the ticketing front I think it's the responsibility of the Lions rather than the ARU to worry about the cost to the Lions fans and maybe at some point in the future the Lions might play every 2nd 4 years at home rather than tour. But I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. In relation to hotel prices it probably falls more on the ARU, but it would be very hard for them to ask hotels not to fleece Lions fans when they are doing the same.

On accommodation I've mentioned before that it would be great to see something like what happened between Irish and Polish soccer fans during the European Championships. There was a website set up where Irish fans could make contact with Polish fans who would offer cheap accommodation either with flats rented out for a reasonable rate or a few quid to sleep on someone couch/floor for a night.

By now most fans should realise that TV, sponsors and corporate consideration are far more important to our various governing bodies than we fans. So I think it's about time that fans started to organise and look after each other because no one else is going to. We Lions fans may be billed as the enemy for the duration of the tour but we're the ones who'll say fair play if you beat us and then go for some beers with you to swap stories, sing and talk rugby late into the night.


John Thornett (49)
Lions tickets go on sale to the general public tomorrow. I saw this bus shelter advertisment at East Roseville on my way to the Northern Beaches today. Saw another at Frenches Forest. I turned the car around and stopped and took this photo. Sorry for the quality of the photo.


OK, what is wrong with this advert (apart from the reflection)? It is a very poorly executed ad for outdoor media. This is what it looks like when you are stopped in traffic next to it.


Can you tell it's an advert for the Lions tour? Can you read any of the details? Now imagine all those cars driving past it at 70km/hr. I don't think they'll get many ticket sales based on bus shelter promotion. Perhaps a handful of people who queue up there each morning.

The advert itself would be fine in print media, but it is totally useless in outdoor media. Either the ARU were being cheap and told their creative agency to just resize a print media ad for the bus shelter or the creative agency is totally clueless with it comes to the appropriateness of various media.

ARU, if you want to sell tickets for the tour I hope your other promotional strategies are better executed. I like the TV Commercial (TVC), but the bus shelter execution gets a big fat zero.


Dick Tooth (41)
Despite the relatively poor promotion of a once in 12 year event I still think that the test match tickets will be gone in a matter of minutes tomorrow. How many of these tickets will be in Aussie hands is another matter I suppose.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
I'm going to try and grab some tickets today for the Test in Brisbane. I'm hopeful but I am expecting I could be disappointed.

Set piece magic

John Solomon (38)
Just got tickets to the Sydney test. Stoked. Already got one to the Brisbane test in pre-sale so very keen. Bring on the Lions 2013!


Bill McLean (32)
I like the TV Commercial (TVC), but the bus shelter execution gets a big fat zero.

The font is too small for a bus shelter ad. Should have gone with something like a red background and white outline of the Lions logo. Much more eye catching. Say something like "THE LIONS ARE COMING! in large font" No need for the photo which is too dark for the ad. Include some details in smaller font => Tickets from [ticket outlet] from 18 Feb. www.rugby.com.au, Walllabies logo.

But what would I know.

Besides, the ARU doesn't have to try very hard to sell the tickets.


Dick Tooth (41)
Decided not to get Brisbane tickets in the pre sale, logged on this morning to see if I could get one and they appear to be all gone already!


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Brisbane sold out in less than 2mins. Didn't get any tickets. Oh well I guess I'll watch it on TV


Did anyone on here manage to get any for Brisbane this morning?
I know 15 people who tried and none of us got any. I went straight for 1 ticket in best available seats as soon as you could click on "get tickets" and it said there were none available!


Dick Tooth (41)
Did anyone on here manage to get any for Brisbane this morning?
I know 15 people who tried and none of us got any. I went straight for 1 ticket in best available seats as soon as you could click on "get tickets" and it said there were none available!

Tried the same myself, already had Melbourne, Sydney and Waratahs tickets so can't complain too much


Sydney and Melbourne Tests sold out in 15 minutes.
Brisbane sold out in 5.
I'd be interested to know if anyone got any today for Brisbane. Getting a message saying nothing available after 10 seconds when looking for a single ticket in any class is a bit of a joke
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