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Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Or Queenstown? Plenty of tourist accomodation available in February and an international airport.


Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I reckon that the IRB 7's held at the Levin Domain* (sponsored by the Cossie Club of course) would have a bigger crowd than we saw at 2016 Cake Tin.

The JAWF's** would like to spend the day "in the provinces", and it's not too far.

* The support of @WaiopehuCollegeOB's whanau would be needed.

** Just Another Wellywood Friend (I think, and not to be confused with JAFFA which is some reference to a Aucklanders)


David Wilson (68)
Yep be interesting to see where it goes , although Levin Domain sounds great HJ, perhaps not enough area around outside of playing area for team warm ups, but sure World 7s are thinking about it ;). I said before wherever it goes after a couple of years you get fairly empty stadiums, and I predict the same will happen in Sydney in a few years, as really it tends to be a party and not a serious rugby event. So perhaps it should always be held in smaller stadiums, so that it looks full on TV. If you watch Las Vegas etc etc, they all have fairly small crowds, usually fairly creative camera angles needed to make them look full.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Standings after Wellington:

1. South Africa 54
2. Fiji 52
3. New Zealand 47
4= England 41
4= Argentina 41
6. USA 39
7. Australia 35

Australia in NZ's Pool for Sydney.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
1. Sevens is a specialist activity and has been for quite a while. Very few players excel at both 15 aside and 7 aside rugby.
ther. It takes time.
Totally disagree.
Sure,it's not suited to those in tight 5.
But the way its evolved,most who engage in 7's are those who have been bypassed by Super franchises.
for 15's players,they have to take a pay cut if they are to play 7's.
That's why there is no traffic going from 15's to 7's.
Cummins & Foley are two that transitioned from 7's to 15's,but in the main.
Future super players are warehoused in EPS squads etc from a very early age.

Its not 2 different games that require differing skill sets,It's the pathway that stops players from excelling at both.


John Thornett (49)
Rotorua is the black hole that sucked the life out of the National Sevens, Napier is too small and Tauranga is infested by old people who will bitch to high heaven about anything that didn't exist circa 1955.

Push the date back to late February and move it to Dunedin. And tell the overbearing fuzz to f*ck off.

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
I don't 'get' sevens. A little too much like touch footy to my liking, and wondered if the mooted boost the olympics would give would eventuate for the proper game of rugby, they are far too different for that.

Just before going to bed sat night stumbled on it on foxtel, had my last few beers and decided to watch for a while.

Fuck me, didn't I enjoy myself!

So it turned out I watched a good number of the games on sun too. And am pretty sure I'll watch most of them this coming weekend.

Huh, how about that. What a turnaround.

Still not sure the olympics will be that big a boost to the 15 game (which by far is still the better game) but fingers crossed.

Still, as a game in and of itself, very entertaining. Consider me a new convert.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I'll accept that many players who are now playing Super Rugby, and some of these have gone on to Test Rugby, had their start in the 7's game. It's a good way to get noticed by the various Clipboards around the show.

My point about few players excelling at both forms of the game was more directed at the superstars. From the Darkness, Mickkelson, DJ Forbes and Tomaci Cama were all superstars at the shortened version of the game, and when "crossed over" to 15 aside, they are little more than ITM cup level journeymen for their province.

The relatively speaking poorer wages at rugby 7's are probably why there hasn't been a lot of traffic (in the past) from 15 aside to 7's. This has changed with the prospect of Olympic Medals, and some folk are chancing their arm with a transition to 7's.

The days of 7's being a fun pre-season activity for the backs and a couple of loose forwards to prepare for the upcoming winter show are in the past. It takes time to understand the structures, pattens, tactics and strategy of sevens rugby and even longer to develop that intuitive cohesiveness that the top tier 7's teams have.

The Christian Cullen, Jonah Lomu and David Campese's of this world who have excelled in both forms of the game fall into the category of the "very few".

Some of the Tier Two Nations do not have the player depth that the likes of NZL, AUS, ENG, and SAF have and many of their 7's squad players are also regulars in their nations Test Side where they perform adequately but are not superstars.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
My point about few players excelling at both forms of the game was more directed at the superstars. From the Darkness, Mickkelson, DJ Forbes and Tomaci Cama were all superstars at the shortened version of the game, and when "crossed over" to 15 aside, they are little more than ITM cup level journeymen for their province.

Can't argue about Forbes or Cama, but I always thought Mickkelson looked like and played like Latho in the 15s game, but suffered from too many other better No 15s in front of him.


Steve Williams (59)
It's all well and good to say success at 15s is not likely to guarantee success at 7s and vice versa, but I think most Super Sides would be happy to offer Pama Fou and Cameron Clarke a contract, and the 7s coaches would be elated to have a Gill, or a Foley, or a Morahan, or maybe even a Robbie Coleman available for full time duties.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
What positions would you choose for Pama Fou or Cam Clarke if you were the coach of the Rebels @Highlander35?


Steve Williams (59)
Without knowing their club positions, Pama Fou looks like he could be a good rangey winger for mine, in the ilk of the Argie boys who's name escapes me, but he missed last year through injury. While Cam Clarke looks like a nice wee fullback to me.

In 2016 neither would be looking at a starting spot, but I wouldn't mind seeing one of them off the bench as the bodies were adapted for the 15 man game.

Edit: Montero is the one I'm thinking of. 194cm, Fou is 195cm, and about 8kg lighter. Change the body composition and I reckon he'd give 15s a quality go.


Rod McCall (65)
Still try to figure out why our midgets dropped the 7s in Wellengton. They dominate both matches and fall short at the last hurdle.

However I can see this team dominating the 7s. Plenty of flair, just enough grunt and the mixture between experience is also spoton.


John Thornett (49)
Still try to figure out why our midgets dropped the 7s in Wellengton. They dominate both matches and fall short at the last hurdle.

However I can see this team dominating the 7s. Plenty of flair, just enough grunt and the mixture between experience is also spoton.

Plenty of speed and tricky-dicky footwork for sure, but will they still have enough grunt to utilise that speed for a whole match if/when Dickson, Forbes and Messam return to the NZ team?

Still, with two of the three leading teams taking quite divergent strategic paths (with Fiji sitting somewhere between the two), it will be interesting to see which fares better out of NZ power and SA speed.
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