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Galloping Greens

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the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Sorry to hear Muggleton is moving on, Wicks defence has been very good this year.
On the subject of Colts players coming through, how many in First grade today have come through wicks colts?

I think (but not 100% sure) all of the following who have played 1sts this year came through the Colts:
Tristan Goodbody
Jesse Harris
Tom Connor
Stephen Hoiles
Ethan Ford
Andrew Deegan
Nathan Roye
Tom Bennett
Mark Baldwin
Tim Wright
Ned Hanigan
Will Munro
Andrew Norton
Oli Nicholson
And there's a couple of others like Jack Pennington and Jack Johnson who have played some 1st grade too I think.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
And of course David Horwitz came straight from school to 1sts and has never played a lower grade or colts game.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Listing Deegan & Hanigan does your argument no good at all.
They are 2 of the 5 Oz Schoolboys that were recruited from last year.
That if your argument is that Randwick are responsible for developing them into 1st graders.
Kellaway is another from that draft,but I believe he never played colts?


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Thanks coach- very informative. It would be good to see a higher percentage of ex-colts in the regular run on each week.
Depth is building and 2016 is a good target.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
From the coaches list there are 14 colts players to have played 1st grade this year.
Is that good or bad,given Hugh Arse calculated that 48 players have had 1st grade time this year?

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Listing Deegan & Hanigan does your argument no good at all.
They are 2 of the 5 Oz Schoolboys that were recruited from last year.
That if your argument is that Randwick are responsible for developing them into 1st graders.
Kellaway is another from that draft,but I believe he never played colts?

I was just responding to the question. I wasn't making any claims about developing players. I believe you're right that Kellaway has only played a couple of grade games and no colts and he's only come off the bench a couple of times in 1sts which is why I didn't list him.

If you're going to apply the argument that Oz schoolboys don't count as being developed by the club (whether they play colts or not) then it would put a big hole in Uni's claim to be developing players for S15 and Wallabies wouldn't it?

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
From the coaches list there are 14 colts players to have played 1st grade this year.
Is that good or bad,given Hugh Arse calculated that 48 players have had 1st grade time this year?

There have actually been only 36 players in the starting line ups this year (ie not counting players who have come off the bench is 1sts).

20 made their Wicks 1st grade debut this year (some had already played 1sts at other clubs), 17 of them were new to the club this year.

I believe there are only 3 players who were at Randwick last year who played their 1st run on games in 1sts this year ie Norton, Nicholson and Harris.

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Was it the year before last then that the Wicks were in a battle for the spoon?

Was Kelly in charge then or was that the straw that broke the back of the Morrison regime?
John Maxwell was thrown into the deep end (after a long stint out of first grade coaching) and appointment coach in 2012. The side struggled lose to Penrith at coogee and only managed to not get the spoon after a couple of late wins. The lower grades only made the semis due to the comp being plit in half (terrible system). So to a decent extent the club waslooking pretty dire. A panel external from the board of Frier, Ben Whitaker and Owen Fineagn I think interviewed a few candadates and appt Kelly.

The program and professionalism of Kelly improved the place almost immediately from where it was. The fact that he brought to the club some young promising guys that he had association with from school and his academy to me is only a big bonus and probably a major reason for his appointment. Cant see how there is anything wrong with this, thats basically how the world works people follow people hey have faith in.

The onfield performances have been largely inconsistent but as an earlier poster mentioned the investment in the colts and younger guys will pay dividends in the end.

Kelly has his flaws as a coach - selections and game plan wise but will he leave the Club in a better hands then it was and heading forward --- undoubtably he will.

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Have been an interested reader of this forum for quite some time, especially this thread. I think the criticisms of Kelly is a bit harsh. Something that has gone largely unnoticed has been your 1sts colts who are currently sitting in 2nd position behind Uni. With the bulk of these boys as i understand being 1st year out of school, i would expect Randwick to win the colts competition next year.

If the right environment is being built up top, those boys will all flow through to grade. You have also lost your 1st choice 10, and another back who likely would have had plenty of game time and stabilized your outside backs ranks. They come back ion the next fortnight or so, look for some improvements then and judge the coaching staff and management team with a full deck! The price of success at this level is losing players to representative duties, hard to judge a coach on performances with those players missing!

If Randwick do it right for the next 3 years, im calling it now, Shute Shield Champions in 2016!
Agree completely with this sentiment

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
I was just responding to the question. I wasn't making any claims about developing players. I believe you're right that Kellaway has only played a couple of grade games and no colts and he's only come off the bench a couple of times in 1sts which is why I didn't list him.

If you're going to apply the argument that Oz schoolboys don't count as being developed by the club (whether they play colts or not) then it would put a big hole in Uni's claim to be developing players for S15 and Wallabies wouldn't it?
This is the most candid post you have ever made Coach!
Just have a quick squizz at Jack McCalman, Tom Robertson,Mitch Whiteley and Gus Pulver?
Were they developed by Sydney Uni?
No, they were developed by TKS, SJC,View and Shore respectively.
But what does Uni offer them?
What are the other teams realising now that education as well as Rugby are the genuine option.
Just do not try and claim them as "Your Own"
That just shows contempt.
And as far as @ILTW's statement re draft of 2 SJC boys, if you delve a little deeper you may find that management were not the obvious reason for them turning up at Randwick...

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Just to clarify BW.
My poorly made point was in a similar vein as the one you made,that being that Randwick can't take credit for developing 3 Oz Schoolboys that all debuted in 1's in their first year out of School.
This was made in response to a point that the Coach later confirmed he did not make.
Clear as mud?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I think if you go scratching below the surface at most Shute Shield clubs, the numbers of "locally developed juniors" will be less than most supporters would claim there are.

What is a "locally developed junior" anyway?

Many kids are lost to the village clubs from 15's onwards until they leave school.

Many second stringers from the Under 12's Village club system, get turned into rugby machines while at a private school, and then re-register with their District club for Colts. Who did the development there?

Some kids hit their prime in colts.

The whole development argument is a fairly fruitless exercise.

Without doubt there are players like Harris who has played in nothing but Myrtle Green, and you have players like Poido who now bleeds Myrtle Green having got there via Goulburn Fizzy Reds, and UNSW Div 2. Is there any difference in their commitment to Coogee Oval?

The game is now professional, and the vast majority of the players will migrate to clubs where they think they will get the most benefit from.

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Some good performances out there today for the wicks. Wow Deegan is definately one for the future and look to be a top notch goal kicker too. Goodbody and Connor are excellent around the field and after the first 20 the scrum turned it around and went really well. Carraro and Hoiles showed class. Thought Figg after a hard week was very good and Munro played well in the second half.

The halves are a worry, Koteziky I dont think is a 5/8 and Harry was marginally better. I wouldnt mind seeing 9nugget , Deegan 10, Horwitz 12 and Kellaway 15 when all are back. mix in wrightat 13 and ford and penno on the wings

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
Some good performances out there today for the wicks. Wow Deegan is definately one for the future and look to be a top notch goal kicker too. Goodbody and Connor are excellent around the field and after the first 20 the scrum turned it around and went really well. Carraro and Hoiles showed class. Thought Figg after a hard week was very good and Munro played well in the second half.

The halves are a worry, Koteziky I dont think is a 5/8 and Harry was marginally better. I wouldnt mind seeing 9nugget , Deegan 10, Horwitz 12 and Kellaway 15 when all are back. mix in wrightat 13 and ford and penno on the wings
Do you think that Messrs Kellys plans may come to fruition sooner rather than later?
Investment in youth.Tomorrows leaders today!

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Do you think that Messrs Kellys plans may come to fruition sooner rather than later?
Investment in youth.Tomorrows leaders today!
Deegan looked like he was well and truely up to it, Kellaway is class, if there were older more experienced guys who were better id pick them but there aren't. There seems to be not alot of players at the club between the ages of 24 - 30 - Timmy wright being 31 and then the rest of the backs seem to be between 22 and 18. Sean Foley, Toby browne are guys in that 24-30 bracket and they are overseas


Jimmy Flynn (14)
This was the third time I saw Deegan playing. He was very good at 15 for colts against UNi. Then he had an ordinary game at flyhalf in grade and again yesterdays very good game again in 15 showing maturity and looking comfortable in his game. He did get hammered whilst dancing but bounced right back.
There seemed a noticeable mental improvement in all grades yesterday though 4ths have a way to go yet if they wish to make the finals. They tend to play as individuals even though they have some very good players.
Always a pleasure to see Bannon dart,weave, dart some more and score. He must be the most elusive player at the club.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
It will be a learning experience.
Pretty big ask for this many youngsters, to be up against arguably the best backline in the comp.
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