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Force V Bulls - 2011R10

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Rod McCall (65)
The total sum of your contributions is usually to waltz into the thread after the game and slag off the opposition supporters. Do you have any thought's on the actual rugby being played? Or do you just like to attack the other teams fans?

There was one particular thread where a few Force fans had a whinge, as we felt we had copped the rough end of the stick from the ref. But that does not give you carte blenche to continually come into threads and abuse/disrespect the opposition fans.

Because the SA sides have dominated for a while, you have a superiority complex, and anyone who doesn't agree with your views is immediatley wrong and a whinger. If you go back and have a look through the game thread I actually blamed JOC (James O'Connor) for lifting the player, and giving the ref the chance to card him. I and most of the other posters also commented that the ref had a good game, before we had even won, so it wasn't just being a gracious winner.

Your different view points on rugby are appreciated, but if your just gonna continue to troll us, don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.
Fuck me , now I am trolling, OK let me get the qoutes on this thread alone and show you the trend going by the Farce lot and decide for yourself.
I know JOC (James O'Connor)'s effort was fairly innocuos, but every time you lift a player you run the risk of getting a card, and with dickface lawrence as the ref it is a gaurantee.
Lawrence is a nob. If I were the touchy I'd give him an upper cut for condescending behavior.
Not putting the touchy down all. He did exactly the right thing. Being treated like a kid who'se managed to crap in the toilet for the first time when he's the ref's equal is sad though.
It's Lawrence........ what else would you expect?
JOC (James O'Connor)'s cards was terrible there has been so many good tackles like that this weekend and not penalized or carded. Penalty would have been maybe acceptable
Major rubbing it in like a sad tosser
Yes. In 6 years of dealing with yarpie teams in Perth never has the white flag been put up so early. The body language of the Bulls was, "I wanna go home" all week, including naming the team 3 days earlier than would normally occur. And now the Bulls are 17 for 17 in losing their last game on tour. If you don't think pyschology plays a major part in top level sport you are full of it indeed.
the one Farcer attending the match
A Punch to the head.....and still on the field!!!!
Well played Force. As an aside, having watched the game at the ground how is it that the Bulls loosehead prop - Greyling can full on punch the Force halfback Sheehan in the head in open play, in front of referee and assistants and have absolutely no action taken- unbelievable. Last time I checked it was an instant RED CARD offence. I am tired of the double standards on this type of cheap play. This clown Greyling should have been OFF the field for the rest of the game.

Citing coming up I am sure.......yeh right!!!!
and he throw in a great example for Farcers
A nothing incident...................unless it was the other way around!!!
Its fucking sickening. Credit however to one unbiased Force supporter tho
Nicholas Hart
Quoting Blue
Seriously, Force supporters are starting to become the most insufferable in the whole comp. The constant booing and crying over every ref decision.
I actually agree with this... and I am a Force member.

The amount of tantrums I've seen at games by Force supporters this season alone has led me to believe that we have a disgusting culture within our fan base. Some people might call these idiots a minority - but the reality is - before, during and after every game ..... people on a range of social media constantly complain about refereeing and I never understand why?

Mark Lawrence is a world class referee. His rapport with players is probably the best in the international scene; and certainly super rugby. He might have made a very harsh call on J'OC .... and I agree it was not the right call - but - I'm quite happy with every other comment and decision he made for the remainder of the game. He controlled the match very well, and was aware of every tactic known to man by each team attempting to exploit the referee on every occasion.

I even heard some people attempting to make reference with the fact that Mark is from SARU so must be favouring the Bulls? ... Another ridiculous and unfair remark.

I'm hoping that those "supporters" of the Force who in recent weeks have been highly abusive and aggressive to the players, the club and the referee will just piss off and take their version of support elsewhere - because - the namesake of supporters is to get behind your team on every occasion... not trash-talk them for 4 weeks, and then after a win pretend to be a fan again.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Finally just watched the replay on Fox & have to say that I was impressed by patty Dellit he had a very good game.


Trevor Allan (34)
well now that ALL of the dirty laundry has been thrown out, can we dispense with this back and forth? someone (or actually multiples of you) be the bigger man/woman/person and let it go. clearly this isn't going anywhere productive and someone's going to get the mods involved. i join TBH and horsie in calling for a truce.

and i don't care that i wasn't involved in this before or if you think i don't know both sides of the story. most of us, even the newer ones, have been around long enough to know this isn't how it's done around here.



Mark Loane (55)
Fair enough Newb, point taken.

But for the record, my quote above was edited by Paarl. It was actually written as
It's Lawrence........ what else would you expect? (though his reffing so far hasn't been bad)

To take off the end part of the quote is my case in point.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Am moved by what was written about PB in here, to the point that I should say that PB has contributed a lot to this forum especially when one must consider the fact he has given a lot of his valuable time despite being a busy family man to give us so much insight into the South African rugby scene, we, the forum members, are a lot richer for this.

Therefore PB should be given much more respect than he has been shown here.


Rod McCall (65)
Fair enough Newb, point taken.

But for the record, my quote above was edited by Paarl. It was actually written as

To take off the end part of the quote is my case in point.
Oh vok now you honestly want me to paste the full qoutes? I just put up the bits needed.
You draw this detail shite out of me with your trolling qoute, something I hate and always the excuse coming from the trollers themself.

This is the end of it for me cause I'll respect Newb's request and expect the same from you lot.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Fuck it! Or vokket, for Paarl.
All of you stop the shit.
There has been enough over the past few days.
We have all had enough of this petty slanging off at each other and name calling.
Last chance to get this thread on track or it gets nailed shut.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Jesus my quote is from what I have seen. How Is it wrong too just say what I think from what games I have watched without some meat head having a whinge about it.

Sorry too keep this going everyone but paarl needs too accept other people's opinions. I'm not the only one with my opinion either. Every news source said the same thing.

Paarl just leave it and accept people's opinions.

I know I shouldn't write this but I'm not going too let you quote something I have said in a bad manners. Also you are taking parts from everyone's post so it's taken out of context.

Go the force!!!!


Dave Cowper (27)
I think this thread has run it's course cyclo. I can't see anything to be gained by keeping it open.
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