Phil Kearns (64)
Strew / Wam / Gnos
If I am reading your posts correctly we are in a non reversible down-would spiral that can be slowed down but not stopped.
I guess I am saying we are heading towards this point and you are saying we are past this point. Or have I not fully understood your posts.
Back in the fifties the game here was on the brink of extinction as an international sport, and we were saved by a couple of sensationally successful inbound Fijian tours.
I believe we are in a similarly parlous situation, partly because our fortunes as a sport depend too heavily on (a) our national team continuing to be competitive, and thus able to attract sponsorship, viewers, and spectators. Any prolonged period of failure would be disastrous. (B) Fox Sports retaining a commercial interest in our involvement in Super Rugby. The media landscape is changing, apart from anything else, which adds a level of uncertainty which we just do not need.
Am I optimistic? I believe we can ans should survive, but it willl require World Rugby to get serious about the Laws of the Game and particularly removing some of the idiocy of scrums as a "contest" subject to arbitrary and baffling adjudication, the rolling maul (the only phase of game in which the ball carrier can not be tackled - try explaining that to a newcomer to our game), and of course the contest for possession after a tackle, the adjudication of which demands the forensic skills of a medieval theologian, and is similarly uninteresting to the layperson.
Finally, World Rugby simply has to do something to introduce a system of transfer fees. We have a couple of hundred Aussies playing in foreign leagues: why are we not compensated for producing them.
Again, am I optimistic that these sorts improvements will be implemented?