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Competition - Link's top priority with the Wallabies

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Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
What do you think Link's top priority with the Wallabies is and why?

Top answer wins a double pass to the Tahs vs Reds match this weekend at ANZ Stadium.


Tony Shaw (54)
Getting rid of the shit heads and building a team of guys who will die in the ditch for each other and the Wallaby jersey.

The tickets include flights right?

EDIT: Crap! I forgot the why part. The Wallabies over the last few years at least have played some great rugby. They have also played some horrible rugby. At times it has looked as though the group of guys wearing the gold jerseys haven't even been introduced to each other. It's a team sport so to try and play Rugby without first sorting out the "team" part of it is akin to trying to have a shag with your clothes on. You may be able to get the job done from time to time, but that's not how it's supposed to work.

As for the shit heads? Too many guys (and 1 is too many) that think they are above the team. This will tear the group apart. It may happen slowly, or it may fracture quickly - one thing is for sure, it will happen. Set the expectations and set the consequences, then follow through, no exceptions.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Get a Wallaby burger on the Hungry Jacks menu.

It's important that the Wallabies have a burger sporting their own Brand so even when they get hungry at 4am they can be out there promoting themselves.

In all seriousness, I think team culture is a very important thing to improve. I think the best way to do that is to empower the players and particularly the senior players to set the tone and enforce it. This isn't a school classroom where no one else cares besides the teacher (or in this case, coach). Link should make it clear that it is their peers they are letting down with poor behaviour and if players can't meet the expectations of their peers in every aspect of their involvement with the Wallabies then they won't be picked.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Win the Grand Slam on the Spring Tour.

Why? This:

L V.jpg


Dick Tooth (41)
Link has two equal top priorities, a kicking coach and a scrum coach however I'm going to go slightly against the grain and say that a kicking coach is more of a priority.

If the goal is winning the World Cup a world class kicking game is crucial. The Wallabies would have won the Lions series, and probably 4 or 5 more games under Deans if they had a reliable 90% kicker. Lilo looks like he could be this guy but he still needs a coach to ensure that bad days are kept to a minimum. Also the Wallabies kicking in open play is mostly poor, they have to learn the art of tactical kicking and this should apply to every backline member in a Super rugby squad in Australia. To get out of their World Cup group the Wobs are going to have to beat England and Wales, both of these teams are going to play a tight game and try and do what the Lions did; get field position and milk set piece penalties. If the Wallabies improve their tactical kicking game they'll have a massive "out" and probably negate most of the threat posed by both teams. Kicking IMO should never be the first option a player takes but it should be a skill they are capable of executing to a very high standard as its a one that can be mastered through practice. This in itself will contribute to a culture change in the Wallaby camp as well.


Peter Johnson (47)
I think his top priority will be to get the team playing good football.

By good football I mean playing to a structure, executing their moves and building pressure on opposition teams in both attack and defence. If you do this the results will look after themselves. And I reckon as the results pick up the team culture will as well.

In terms of expectations I think it's not unreasonable to for us to expect to win all of our home games in the RC and an away win in argentina as well. As long as we run the All Blacks and Springboks close in our away games I will be relatively happy. Top it off with a grand slam tour to finish the season.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Win the Grand Slam on the Spring Tour.

Why? This:

View attachment 3909
Being an acceptor of mediocrity, as has been pointed out to me before, I concede that the Rugby Championship may be too soon to see a huge upswing (but I hope not).
I really think the EOYT / Grand Slam needs to be a big priority. Obviously a huge ask, but nothing would stamp Australia back at the pointy end quite like that.


Mark Ella (57)
I find it hard to break from the majority view on re-building the Wallaby culture, but it is a fundamental to any team endeavour.

Why? - the Wallabies no matter how good the tactics, the fitness and the who the opposition is, unless they have a totally committed squad they will struggle. There can be nothing less than a zero tolerance to any behaviour or actions which do not meet the requirements to advance the respect of the team. This isn't just about off field behaviour, it is about being prepared personally for the games including uniform being washed, ironed and selected correctly. It is about how individuals act towards their team mates. It is about generating respect, for one self, for their team mates, for the team. If they can't do that, when the chips are down that 1% will come back to bite them.
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Bill Watson (15)
I think his top priority will be to get the team playing good football.

By good football I mean playing to a structure, executing their moves and building pressure on opposition teams in both attack and defence. If you do this the results will look after themselves. And I reckon as the results pick up the team culture will as well.

In terms of expectations I think it's not unreasonable to for us to expect to win all of our home games in the RC and an away win in argentina as well. As long as we run the All Blacks and Springboks close in our away games I will be relatively happy. Top it off with a grand slam tour to finish the season.

Unless the opposition plays better footy... :)


What do you think Link's top priority with the Wallabies is and why?

Top answer wins a double pass to the Tahs vs Reds match this weekend at ANZ Stadium.

Culture, and losing that sense of entitlement. A very nice line in the sand from day one will set the tone. I seem to recall a certain rugby website in Australia did something similar.

We need a vision that is achievable and realistic. We need to get back to when the Wallabies were part of our DNA. When the players understood that come hell or high water, we had their backs.

We need the players bleeding for us again. And we need to bleed for them. Not because they are a Wallaby team, but because they are OUR Wallaby team.

I want to bleed Green and Gold again. I want a tribal response when I go to a game, because you don't fuck with family. It's US v THEM.

Not too much to ask, is it?


Sydney Middleton (9)
His top priority should be discipline.

For better or worse, public perception is a huge part of rugby being successful in Australia. At the moment the public sees the Wallabies as unappreciative of how amazingly fortunate they are to be able to represent their country. Link needs to outline exactly what he expects from every player in the team, whether it be on the field or off, and needs to back it up with a zero tolerance policy, including QC (Quade Cooper) (who admittedly seems to have his head screwed on this season).

This discipline will have a trickle down effect for the team culture that many people have mentioned. The people that have been doing the right thing and playing well must be sick and tired of some of the bigheads and will respond well to this approach. The bigheads will either have to shape up or ship out, leading to a more cohesive team.


Bill McLean (32)
Culture, and losing that sense of entitlement. A very nice line in the sand from day one will set the tone. I seem to recall a certain rugby website in Australia did something similar.

We need a vision that is achievable and realistic. We need to get back to when the Wallabies were part of our DNA. When the players understood that come hell or high water, we had their backs.

We need the players bleeding for us again. And we need to bleed for them. Not because they are a Wallaby team, but because they are OUR Wallaby team.

I want to bleed Green and Gold again. I want a tribal response when I go to a game, because you don't fuck with family. It's US v THEM.

Not too much to ask, is it?

I felt a sense of deja vu reading your post as your sentiments were similar to those being mentioned when Cheiks was appointed to the Tahs head coach role at the end of last year. It's coming together for the Tahs and you can see the results from the change. I hope Link can bring about the same at the Wallabies.

Try-ranosaurus Rex

Darby Loudon (17)
All you have to do is read the title of this thread: competition

What is Link's top priority? Competition.

The premise of competition manifests itself in a number of different ways:

1. Create healthy competition for jerseys: It could be said that many players have become complacent under Dean's in their time at the Wallabies and many feel they have the right to wear the jersey as opposed to the privilege. By creating competition for spots in the team in their best positions (ie. Beale, Folau and Mogg a all competing at Fullback), places in the team will be earned, not granted. If Beale has Mogg breathing down his neck for the 15 jersey, would have he stayed out to 4am? Unlikely.

2. Ensure the Wallabies are Competitive in the Bledisloe: The All Blacks are the envy of wold rugby, it's definitely hard to surge that they are not the best team in the world. We need to be competitive against them. We need to be going into a Bledisloe cup with Tom Waterhouse offering odds of less than $2:50 (hell, even $2:00). If we're competitive with the All Blacks, the rest will follow.

3. To make our scrum more competitive: We need our scrum to be consistently competitive, not hot and cold then colder like it has been for the past few seasons. Yes it has improved, but it still is not consistently competitive.
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