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CAS Rugby 2023


Charlie Fox (21)
Hey RoD, personally I wouldn't refuse this either.

However, I think it just adds to the skill gap problems that have been mentioned previously. For instance, the bottom ISA teams would not and will never be able to compete with the likes of Knox and Barker. As we have seen in the trials, the only schools that could compete evenly in the CAS would be St Augustine's and Oakhill (even still, Knox put 50 on Oakhill a few weeks ago).

BUT, it does create fairer competition between the bottom schools which means the likes of Aloys, Kinross, and Pius wouldn't be running out to get smashed every week. I think Rugby AU needs to take this into serious consideration.

Hey mate,

I think you're a little confused on what has been proposed. Happy to explain it to you though.

If we were to combine the two comps we would actually be creating a tier system that would go a little something like this (perhaps some slightly disagree but this is roughly the schools in each).

Tier 1
- Knox
- Waves
- Barker
- Oakhill
- Augs
- Pats

Tier 2(One of these schools would likely be dropped)
- Cranbrook
- Trinity
- Aloys
- Stannies
- Pius
- Gregs
- Kinross

Tier 3
- I believe the ISA already have a tier of pretty much non-rugby schools such as Redfield College. This would remain the same.

The goal would be for teams to compete within their tiers. So you don't get large mismatches, although there will still be age groups that are stronger/weaker than the rest, it would be far more even then it is now. This would be huge in helping some of the struggling schools build rugby culture. This would also likely be reviewed at the end of every year. Say for example, Cranbrook have a resurgence as they are arguably the strongest tier 2 school in the rough draft above. They would likely replace Pats or even Barker depending on how things go moving forward.
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Ward Prentice (10)
Hey mate,

I think you're a little confused on what has been proposed. Happy to explain it to you though.

If we were to combine the two comps we would actually be creating a tier system that would go a little something like this (perhaps some slightly disagree but this is roughly the schools in each).

Tier 1
- Knox
- Waves
- Barker
- Oakhill
- Augs
- Pats

Tier 2(One of these schools would likely be dropped)
- Cranbrook
- Trinity
- Aloys
- Stannies
- Pius
- Gregs
- Kinross

Tier 3
- I believe the ISA already have a tier of pretty much non-rugby schools such as Redfield College. This would remain the same.

The goal would be for teams to compete within their tiers. So you don't get large mismatches, although there will still be age groups that are stronger/weaker than the rest, it would be far more even then it is now. This would be huge in helping some of the struggling schools build rugby culture. This would also likely be reviewed at the end of every year. Say for example, Cranbrook have a resurgence as they are arguably the strongest tier 2 school in the rough draft above. They would likely replace Pats or even Barker depending on how things go moving forward.
Confusing as to why Cranbrook is in a lower tear to Auggies and pats despite beating both of them.


Frank Row (1)
Indeed. I am sensing some bias...

Please make an educated decisions based on recent results instead of Cranbrooks weak history.

Auggies, although decent for an ISA side, would lose to Barker, Knox and Waverley every year.
yes likely, due to the vast array of talent that these schools poach from Auggies extremely strong development. Some recent examples include the likes of barkers fullback Poynton and 10 Dene and Knox's 10 Jecks, just to mention a few over the past two years. Maybe if Augs could offer scholarships they could compete in retaining this talent.


Frank Nicholson (4)
With this years heavily heated Cranbrook and Waves rivalry. Death Valley this weekend will be arguably the biggest game of the season.

We will see a massive crowd and some controversial chants from the schoolboys.

Cranbrook are currently 2-0 winning the AFL and the Basketball...

Very very very excited.
Biggest game of the season...?

Didn't know Knox and Barker weren't playing each other this season


Frank Nicholson (4)
Hey mate,

I think you're a little confused on what has been proposed. Happy to explain it to you though.

If we were to combine the two comps we would actually be creating a tier system that would go a little something like this (perhaps some slightly disagree but this is roughly the schools in each).

Tier 1
- Knox
- Waves
- Barker
- Oakhill
- Augs
- Pats

Tier 2(One of these schools would likely be dropped)
- Cranbrook
- Trinity
- Aloys
- Stannies
- Pius
- Gregs
- Kinross

Tier 3
- I believe the ISA already have a tier of pretty much non-rugby schools such as Redfield College. This would remain the same.

The goal would be for teams to compete within their tiers. So you don't get large mismatches, although there will still be age groups that are stronger/weaker than the rest, it would be far more even then it is now. This would be huge in helping some of the struggling schools build rugby culture. This would also likely be reviewed at the end of every year. Say for example, Cranbrook have a resurgence as they are arguably the strongest tier 2 school in the rough draft above. They would likely replace Pats or even Barker depending on how things go moving forward.
It would make the combined CAS/ISA comp very entertaining (for some schools) but It will ruin the rich history and culture that a lot of us grew up with.

Perhaps the CAS and ISA competition are due for a change.....


I know this year Cranbrook has 7 teams in the opens, which shows how much the program has grown over the last few years. I remember a time where Cranbrook could barely field a 3rd XV! Fielding 7 teams is great for a school that in recent times has been considered as a program with no depth. I think Cranbrook is slowly evolving into a higher quality rugby school (Especially with this years 1st XV) which is great news for all of CAS as it makes the competition more competitive instead of the same 3 teams always dominating.


Ward Prentice (10)
I know this year Cranbrook has 7 teams in the opens, which shows how much the program has grown over the last few years. I remember a time where Cranbrook could barely field a 3rd XV! Fielding 7 teams is great for a school that in recent times has been considered as a program with no depth. I think Cranbrook is slowly evolving into a higher quality rugby school (Especially with this years 1st XV) which is great news for all of CAS as it makes the competition more competitive instead of the same 3 teams always dominating.
Don’t drop out of the Kings game next year and we might believe the program is taking itself seriously. Cranbrook have a good team every 5/6 years and claim to be world beaters, then go back wanting to play teams like Pius once they can’t be bothered to keep it going. They will get picked at CAS no doubt, they look like superstars with the teams they play, but last year showed the disaster that was.


Don’t drop out of the Kings game next year and we might believe the program is taking itself seriously. Cranbrook have a good team every 5/6 years and claim to be world beaters, then go back wanting to play teams like Pius once they can’t be bothered to keep it going. They will get picked at CAS no doubt, they look like superstars with the teams they play, but last year showed the disaster that was.
I'm fairly certain kings dropped out of the trial game, claiming that 'they weren't ready for it, and needed more training.' So maybe check your sources before you make claims like that. This years team is also a significant improvement on last years outfit, with a few new faces around the squad and old faces with some experience under their belt.


Ward Prentice (10)
I'm fairly certain kings dropped out of the trial game, claiming that 'they weren't ready for it, and needed more training.' So maybe check your sources before you make claims like that. This years team is also a significant improvement on last years outfit, with a few new faces around the squad and old faces with some experience under their belt.
Don’t worry mate, Pius will be ready for you next year at home.


Watty Friend (18)
Chances are you're a Waverley kid on a forum trying to troll people who actually want to discuss the CAS comp. College of knowledge never fails to make me laugh.
Relax Johnny, JJ is not a kid, and I think there is no need for anyone to have a crack at any of our schools, they are all terrific, may have some misgivings, BUT let's be honest, we all live in a bubble. Boys who attend any of these schools should ALL be grateful.

Now back to footy.
Sat is shaping up as a cracker, particularly for Cranbrook and the Waves, for several reasons.

1. It's the opening game of the comp, so EVERY school will be pumped.
2. The weather is looking terrific, which means the footy should be free flowing, not a bog.
3. This particular game is a local derby, many people know each other well, and Cranbrook typically win the Cricket in summer, and the winter season is usually the domain of the Waves.
4. There are several school reunions, and numerous more people than normal will be there as Cranbrook are confident.

4.45pm will tell!

We welcome you to Death Valley! ;)


Watty Friend (18)
Don't know where "Death Valley" came from. In my day, we called it "Concrete Park", because the surface was rock hard.
Ok Snort, for once I have some history for you.

I was at the same match up v Brook a few years ago, and a good Cranbrook mate of mine said "We used to always dread playing at Death Valley, in fact, we used to look at the season schedule when it came out to check".

Dumbfounded I said, "Death Valley?" and the answer was "Yep the surrounding hills, and we used to get hammered".
Which isn't always the case!
So it was given to us by others, NOT named by us.

We do like the gift though :p

There is also a little sign above the locker room door, that all the boys slap as they leave for the game, which has been there for many years,, it says, you are at Queens Park INTW.
These initials are prevalent on most/every mouth guard, such is the passion.

Cheers Ol Rival!