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CAS Rugby 2015

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Allen Oxlade (6)
A few thoughts on Knox 1sts v Trinity - this game proves that any team in the comp can beat any other team if the ducks line up. The ducks were very close to lining up at Warrawee on Saturday. The sublime performance of K displayed at Waverley was not repeated. This was very much due to a committed and talented Trinity outfit. Sure K was missing Stenning and Armstrong in the backs but every team have injuries and has to make changes. With a bit of luck T could have won this one but K try line defense was first class. K scored 2 tries from line outs close to the line via very well executed rolling mauls but it wasn't all plain sailing for the K line out - twice they short arm penalized for failing to throw the ball in an appropriate time. I would like to see stats on the game like possession and territory. K seemed to make more unforced errors than T and took strange options that put their team under pressure. I don't think there was a try scored from a line break by either side. It was a real arm wrestle. and I would have given the forward battle to K in a very tight decision. The T back line performed well and made very few errors but both sides had trouble penetrating. The T no 8 stood out and was very hard to tackle. It was unfortunate for T that I'll discipline cost them a chance of forcing a victory when back chat was penalized on the K try line late in the game. The Trinity 15 was also excellent and set the position up for the first T try backed up by a bullocking run by T no 2 who had some good moments.
I am sorry I will miss next Saturday's game V Aloys.

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Excellent summary - absolutely how I saw the game too. It's interesting how the "strange options" in the Barker (ignored the wet weather and seemed to be trying to play a dry weather game until sense prevailed) and Trinity games affected the team, whereas the performance against Waverley was notable for the good options the team took at just about every turn. I agree that the injuries to Stenning and Armstrong shouldn't be focused on - especially as I thought Woodcock in particular played an excellent game - as Knox's depth should see them deal with injuries better than many other teams.

Like you I'll miss the Aloys game - certainly looking forward to seeinf how that one plays out.


Bob McCowan (2)
A little summary of the teams I've watched this year.

I think trinity have been underrated this year as a result of their early loss to Waverley, not sure if this was a consequence of their lack of preparation. However I think they have potential to finish in the top 3 upsetting some bigger schools. Trinity's strength is their forward who are aggressive and genuine line benders, however their weakness is their backs who lack the ability to be line breakers though I hear they have added a state centre?

Barker appear to be in trouble this year (this comment is based on their one game against aloys which could have been a one off, we all have bad days). What appears to be troubling for barker is not their skill level but their rugby thinking which results in wrong decisions and silly mistakes. That being said they were strong pilferers of the ball and performed great choke tackles. However in my opinion barker strongest worry is their lack of ability to unlike aloysius compensate for their lack of size through creativity or smart rugby, something that will probably improve with experience throughout the year (could be as they have a young team, not sure if true)

My old school aloys similarly seem to be shaking of some cobwebs and starting to perform well. Aloy's in my opionon are the opposition of trinity very classy backs with Lawson and diamond the stars (both in my mind CAS 1 contenders) however with not the strongest forwards which appear to be suffering some of the traditional aloys depth crisis ( think there second rowers, who were pretty good are injured). That being said aloys scrums are surprisingly good, I particularly rate the tight heads scrummaging and the forwards mobility is promising however is undermined by a lack of size which was a problem against Trinity and probably will be so against Knox.

Hoping for a good win against Knox, stranger things have happened at wiloughby and with a big Alec diamond you never know.

Side note worryingly injuries to star players five eighh (season long) and Slavsen (no idea the injury) could be damaging

Probs can tell I support aloys and probs a bit bias, but aren't we all a bit bias to our old schools


Frank Nicholson (4)
My thoughts on the Knox Vs Aloys game:

- Knox will dominate in the forwards, hard to see it any other way. Trinity or Waverly may be slightly larger, hard to tell? But the Knox forwards are very fit and committed led by Chapman and Swinton there would seem to be too much strength for Aloys to put a huge amount of pressure in the forwards.

- Knox's backs are strong too, particularly in defence. Williams would be my pick of them although Yr.10 Woodcock played very well against Trinity.

- From what I have seen Aloys seems to have some strong offensive power in the backs particularly in Diamond who looks very hard to stop.

From Knox's point of view if they can contain Diamond it would be hard to see them losing. However Aloys must be thinking that if they can get some nice ball to Diamond or Lawson they are very hard to stop and that could put them in with a shot. I'm definitely looking forward to the game and I think it will be a good one.


Allen Oxlade (6)
A few thoughts on Knox 1sts v Trinity - this game proves that any team in the comp can beat any other team if the ducks line up. The ducks were very close to lining up at Warrawee on Saturday. The sublime performance of K displayed at Waverley was not repeated. This was very much due to a committed and talented Trinity outfit. Sure K was missing Stenning and Armstrong in the backs but every team have injuries and has to make changes. With a bit of luck T could have won this one but K try line defense was first class. K scored 2 tries from line outs close to the line via very well executed rolling mauls but it wasn't all plain sailing for the K line out - twice they short arm penalized for failing to throw the ball in an appropriate time. I would like to see stats on the game like possession and territory. K seemed to make more unforced errors than T and took strange options that put their team under pressure. I don't think there was a try scored from a line break by either side. It was a real arm wrestle. and I would have given the forward battle to K in a very tight decision. The T back line performed well and made very few errors but both sides had trouble penetrating. The T no 8 stood out and was very hard to tackle. It was unfortunate for T that I'll discipline cost them a chance of forcing a victory when back chat was penalized on the K try line late in the game. The Trinity 15 was also excellent and set the position up for the first T try backed up by a bullocking run by T no 2 who had some good moments.
I am sorry I will miss next Saturday's game V Aloys.

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This is a much more accurate report of the game than the one posted by someone else on GG&R.
The other report was obviously trying to talk up the Knox players when they were outplayed especially by the Trinity number 8 who was the best forward on the park


Herbert Moran (7)
Its hard to see McLennan not making CAS 1st after that performance. He had a very intimidating presence on the field and ran the ball very well.
Did anybody see him play against Aloys or Waverley?

I saw McClennan against Aloys and he was very physical, with some hammering tackles in defence (quite legitimately) leaving opposition players winded and slow to get up. He picked up a yellow card (I think for a careless high tackle), but he came back on and scored a barnstorming try to seal the game.

Harry McClennan played prop last year for Trinity's 1st XV and was one of their best, and he looks even bigger this year and very imposing at number 8. Curiously, Trinity's number 8 from last year was James Wayland, who was only a year 10 boy in 2014 (and was also one of their best). This year they've swapped and Wayland is playing prop, the position from which he captained the NSW U17s side earlier this year. Wayland is another very strong player, who breaks the line in attack and manhandles opposition forwards in defence. His fitness and work rate look to be much improved from last year, as does his discipline.

In McClennan and Wayland Trinity have two strong, physically imposing forwards who tackle aggressively and bend the line every game with hard running on good lines. No doubt both will be strong contenders for the CAS 1st XV.


Frank Row (1)
I saw McClennan against Aloys and he was very physical, with some hammering tackles in defence (quite legitimately) leaving opposition players winded and slow to get up. He picked up a yellow card (I think for a careless high tackle), but he came back on and scored a barnstorming try to seal the game.

Harry McClennan played prop last year for Trinity's 1st XV and was one of their best, and he looks even bigger this year and very imposing at number 8. Curiously, Trinity's number 8 from last year was James Wayland, who was only a year 10 boy in 2014 (and was also one of their best). This year they've swapped and Wayland is playing prop, the position from which he captained the NSW U17s side earlier this year. Wayland is another very strong player, who breaks the line in attack and manhandles opposition forwards in defence. His fitness and work rate look to be much improved from last year, as does his discipline.

In McClennan and Wayland Trinity have two strong, physically imposing forwards who tackle aggressively and bend the line every game with hard running on good lines. No doubt both will be strong contenders for the CAS 1st XV.

After seeing McClennan's performance against Aloys, I was surprised he lasted as long on the field as he did. I've no problem with aggression, leading with elbows and knees is a different matter. I didn't see the trinity game against Waverley, however, I believe he collected 2 yellows in that game, which saw him sent off. 2014's conduct revisited.


Frank Row (1)
Did you really watch the game or is this sour grapes?

I was at the game. Trinity earned the win. They withstood an early Aloys onslaught and showed composure and commitment. Aloys never regrouped from injuries to 3 key players. As far as McClennan's performance, ignored comments and take onboard the judgement of the referees' in the first two games, and you can add in the referees from 2014.


Stan Wickham (3)
As the North Harbour and South Harbour battle in the 16's approaches and the selection for the CAS 16's side for 2015 is picked.
Can they continue the Winning streak of Coming first in the schools competition beating GPS like the CAS team did last year, by one point?

Mind you that CAS team ended up having 7 NSW players.
1. James Wayland (Trinity )
2. Hugh Margin ( Knox )
3. Milan Basson ( Knox )
4. Leo Bosch (Knox )
5. Matthew Dainton ( Aloys )
6. Ryan Longville ( Trinity )
7. James Armstrong ( Knox )


Bob McCowan (2)
As the North Harbour and South Harbour battle in the 16's approaches and the selection for the CAS 16's side for 2015 is picked.
Can they continue the Winning streak of Coming first in the schools competition beating GPS like the CAS team did last year, by one point?

Mind you that CAS team ended up having 7 NSW players.
1. James Wayland (Trinity )
2. Hugh Margin ( Knox )
3. Milan Basson ( Knox )
4. Leo Bosch (Knox )
5. Matthew Dainton ( Aloys )
6. Ryan Longville ( Trinity )
7. James Armstrong ( Knox )

Yes that was a very good CAS side. Correct if I'm wrong but there was 8 players selected in the NSW side (not sure of who the 8th was???). And does anyone know why they have stopped the NSW U16 National schoolboys Comp?


As a matter of interest, the 23 CAS U16s squad members who won the competition last season were:

Knox - C. Grindall, H. Margin, M. Horsley, M. Basson, R. Butler, J. Armstrong, L. Bosch, L. Ireland
Trinity - M. Swallow, L. Rasch, J. Morris, J. Wayland, C. Molla, R. Longville
Alos - N. Hrdina, M. Dainton, E. Stene, P. Slaven
Barker - T. Ainstey, S. Hasegawa
Waverley - J. Yoannidis, E. Micaleff, T. Jordan

It looks like being another very strong CAS squad this year.


Frank Row (1)
Great game today between the Cranbrook 16A's and the Waverley 16A's. It was a hard fought game that went right down to the wire but saw Waverley edging out Cranbrook by a low score of 7-6. However the scoreline does not indicate how the game was actually played. Waverley dominated most of the game with 63% of possession and were tackled in opp 22 only 8 times. Waverley also had 2 tries disallowed which to the naked eye were trys. Cranbrook never crossed the line taking the 3 points on 2 occasions inside Waverley's 22. Cranbrook's fly-half Finnbar Stenmark was outplayed by Waverley's fly-half Ben Donaldson. Donaldson showed today that he is more than capable of being the CAS 10 as he displayed a great kicking game today and led his troops around the park. Waverley has shown it is first 3 games that is defiantly the favorite to take out the trophy in this 2015 CAS U16 season. Sins report.

well as of now, knox are on top of the ladder so good luck to all of the waverly supporters here.


Bob McCowan (2)
Watching these teams play this year i have predicted a CAS ladder, anyone's opinion differ?
1.) Knox
2.) Waverly
3.) Aloys
4.) Trinity
5.) Cranbrook
6.) Barker


Frank Row (1)
Watching these teams play this year i have predicted a CAS ladder, anyone's opinion differ?
1.) Knox
2.) Waverly
3.) Aloys
4.) Trinity
5.) Cranbrook
6.) Barker

I can put money on it being like this:

1. Knox
2. Waverly
3. Trinity
4. Aloys
5. Cranbrook.
6. Barker


Chris McKivat (8)
Its hard to see McLennan not making CAS 1st after that performance. He had a very intimidating presence on the field and ran the ball very well.
Did anybody see him play against Aloys or Waverley?

Against Waverley he played loose head prop i thought?


Chris McKivat (8)
Knox will win the comp and daylight will be second. It is hard to see anyone coming close to them. The competition is theirs to lose - just like last year.


Herbert Moran (7)
Its hard to see McLennan not making CAS 1st after that performance. He had a very intimidating presence on the field and ran the ball very well.
Did anybody see him play against Aloys or Waverley?
Would be also interested in the changes in the Trinity team line up vs Waverly to the team which took the field against Knox. I understand there were a number of players returning from injury??
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