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CAS Rugby 2015

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one of the new teachers at the school apparently he's alright

The coaching at Waverley will be good this coming season.

Anyway, who's going to win the Comp and why? any predictions?

Waverley will have a very strong team and will be right in the mix.
Trinity should have a strong team as well.
Knox are predicted to be strong again ..... not sure about Cranbrook or Alos.


Alex Ross (28)
The coaching at Waverley will be good this coming season.

Anyway, who's going to win the Comp and why? any predictions?

Waverley will have a very strong team and will be right in the mix.
Trinity should have a strong team as well.
Knox are predicted to be strong again ... not sure about Cranbrook or Alos.

I think the comp will be fairly close, with the weaker schools from last year improving quite a bit. One can't imagine Barker having two, for it, weak years. Waverley, Aloys and Trinity had young sides last year so these sides will be stronger. However for the latter two sides I see depth as an issue.

The two top sides from last year will miss some of their stars and it will be interesting to see how the improvement in Cranbrook Rugby continues.

Knox would be luke warm favourites and if they could develop greater consistency their claim to this year would be stronger.

However I think the competition should be well balanced - anyside on their day would be capable of beating a more favoured opponent.


Chris McKivat (8)
May 9 . Waverley v Knox at D/Valley.

Be curious to know who is coaching Waverley 16As in 2015. and that might be the difference

. shame they can't move the game to be a curtain raiser to 1s . too often high quality 16As games, go largely unseen.

Knox will have some good build-up games in Joeys and St Augs, and if they come through those unscathed, they might have a good head of steam up, and will have no excuses

Either way, hope they get a high quality ref for that particular 16A match, as I can already hear the whinging if Knox come away robbed :mad:
To the best of my knowledge, the coaching positions haven't changed. James Horrocks who was the 'forwards' coach last year in the 16A's is still in the role 100% confirmed. Not sure about Mr.Kennedy who I have not seen at the pre-season, but have not seen any replacements either. Whoever it is, it will be the best resource available to the school besides the 1st XV coaches and possibly the 2nd's. Both great coaches, J.Horrocks is still playing 1st grade at South Harbour on his weekends (may be injured at the moment). But i'm pleased as a spectator to see these long-awaited and positive changes. Optimistic to see every team clash it out at Death Valley this year. Waves to win!


Nev Cottrell (35)
The Cranbrook mail is all very quiet ... I hear that they have banned winter tennis for all age groups

and the headmaster is obsessed with the forthcoming school's centenary in 2018

not sure that any of the above will change much on the rugby front

however IMHO Cranbrook has the best coaching unit in Boyd/O'Neil and that big unit ...?

and with Brook being the reigning champions, it might be a mistake to write them off

they might have lost some big name players ... however have some handy forwards, and isn't there another younger Renton?


Frank Row (1)
Knox's physicality should be very strong this year, with a back row of Swinton, Basson and Chapman as well as all the chat about their size..


Herbert Moran (7)
The Cranbrook mail is all very quiet . I hear that they have banned winter tennis for all age groups

and the headmaster is obsessed with the forthcoming school's centenary in 2018

not sure that any of the above will change much on the rugby front

however IMHO Cranbrook has the best coaching unit in Boyd/O'Neil and that big unit .?

and with Brook being the reigning champions, it might be a mistake to write them off

they might have lost some big name players . however have some handy forwards, and isn't there another younger Renton?
Which handy forwards are returning? I can only think of the winger who is handy returning. Eldenstein?

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
With all of this talk about the off season training these guys have done- does anyone think the demand schools are starting to place on young people in the CAS is starting to be too demanding to allow them to complete year 12 studies adequately? If these boys are playing summer sport, doing weights twice a week and a skills session- they are doing 6-7 sessions a week. When does it become too much? Or is that just part and parcel of the demands first fifteen teams are now expected to meet?
I think there is a bigger demand on society as a whole, gone are the days of having to spend hours in the library or encyclopaedia's nowadays you have google in your pocket and stats at your finger tips. With new technology there is a bigger demand on the younger generation to exceed and become the best, if you don't you will not make it. Success is measured in a hundredth of a second. Those who can manage their time well can succeed. I guess we are also not all destined to become doctors or lawyers.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I think they're getting that prop back. Hill? And that unit 16 year old flanker - I forget his name, but the kid is enormous.

Yes, Hill is back and so, I think, is the other prop, Rathie. Hill was outstanding last year. Spira played a bit last year, and will take on the Makas role this year, I assume (running out wide and terrorising the backs with size). A few of the backs are returning too - Studdy is one.


Frank Row (1)
Returning Cranbrook players:



Spira is coming up from the 16's. The kid had gotten 3x the size that he was at the end of last season. The kid is enormous.....

Renton JR. is a good athlete. Very strong and will play 13 this year for the firsts.

Predicted 1st XV Cranbrook Line-up:

1. Hill
2. Antico
3. Rathie
4. Stenmark
5. Matters
6. Szangolies
7. Mayer/Kemney
8. Spira
9. ?
10. Darcy Searl (new boarder, NSW Country 10)
11. Quinn
12. McNiven
13. Renton
14. Studdy
15. Wilson

Halfback options could include, Doyle, small halfback, played 2 games in the 16 A's last year, Reynolds, not generally a halfback, usually no. 6, but played a couple games in the 16A's as 9. Winton played most-all games at 10 in the 16 A's. Heard he's a goal kicker as well, as Brook lack goal kickers now that S. Renton has gone.


Trevor Allan (34)
Returning Cranbrook players:



Spira is coming up from the 16's. The kid had gotten 3x the size that he was at the end of last season. The kid is enormous...

Renton JR. is a good athlete. Very strong and will play 13 this year for the firsts.

Predicted 1st XV Cranbrook Line-up:

1. Hill
2. Antico
3. Rathie
4. Stenmark
5. Matters
6. Szangolies
7. Mayer/Kemney
8. Spira
9. ?
10. Darcy Searl (new boarder, NSW Country 10)
11. Quinn
12. McNiven
13. Renton
14. Studdy
15. Wilson

Halfback options could include, Doyle, small halfback, played 2 games in the 16 A's last year, Reynolds, not generally a halfback, usually no. 6, but played a couple games in the 16A's as 9. Winton played most-all games at 10 in the 16 A's. Heard he's a goal kicker as well, as Brook lack goal kickers now that S. Renton has gone.

No Harry Stewart in your line up????


Players returning for Waverley who played 1sts games last season.

Forwards: Arthur McKenna, Justin Cooper, Zac Cardassilaris, Jack Clifford

Backs: Cooper Murphy, Tyzac Jordan (formerly Tyzac Bailey), Jackson Mohi, Dion Narayan, Tom Fuller, Jaya Yoannidis


Chris McKivat (8)
Waverley's 1st XV and 2nd XV squads facing off in an internal trial tomorrow to sort team's out for their first trail against the View next Saturday. Will let the forum readers know the teams when announced by Tuesday.

richard header

Frank Row (1)
crannies chances in the comp this year are not as well hyped as last years, although they do have a strong core team however lacking depth in certain places. No pure stand outs however on the whole a very strong and reliable team. I think the decision to over look a player like the ones returning from last year (T. Hill, Z. Rathie etc.) is extremely foolish due to their obvious fire power in last years competition. The influence of these returning players can be seen in the highlights reel of them last year, in particular their strong forward pack, with (only my prediction) 6 of the 8 of this years forward pack already having played in the 1sts last year. Out wide, allot of speed and skill with the outside backs (E. Renton, T. Wilson, H. Stewart) already showing their worth as talented rugby players. The inclusion of a new 10 as Darcy Searl should provide unpredictability and should prove to be an interesting combination with whoever looks to play 9 (at this stage, M. Reynolds).

A very strong team to come this year with allot of pressure to perform up to the standards of last year.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Across pretty much all the age groups, waverley is looking very strong ... However whether that translates into success will be interesting in 2015

In my view there is a big challenge, for waves, in that so many kids play league

So there are a range of skills that need work ... From scrummaging, to line outs to subtleties of what you can and can't do at the breakdown

In the backs ...You see a lot of this one out midfield running that to me looks very league like ... After all it is a greater sin to run the ball out in league

Often that midfield running is great, but getting the flowing back line moves to supplement ... And better attacking the edges

In any event, the opens this year in particular , is a group that has tons of talent, but in the lead up to the start of the season, the coaching group (which I think is excellent) have their work cut-out

The nz tour might help, but I reckon it needs to be a crash course, as a lot of skills need to come up to speed, pretty quickly

Otherwise it will be a re-run of last season ...which no waverley fan wants to see


Frank Row (1)
All the talk of Knox and the extremity and money associated with their Rugby program, it is almost forgotten the occurrences of last season. Cranbrook won the premiership with a team that possessed great cohesion and players that knew their roles and played them to perfection. Waverley also beat Knox at home by showing great spirit and a desire to win, compared to Knox's attitude of "We're better than you". I believe the rugby program of Knox is overhyped and they can be beaten by any CAS team on their day. Chinks in the armour of their rugby team will be exposed and a rugby program and $150 grand coach won't save them.

Waverly didnt beat knox at home they lost by 20+, knox lost away to wavily


Charlie Fox (21)
Thanks to Sione
Possible (Knox) Team for Auggies Clash, Does Anyone have the Auggies team, maybe we could discuss matchups?
1. Cole
2. Rowell
3. Upton
4. Begg
5. Margin
6. Swinton
7. Chapman
8. Basson

9. Butler
10. Harry Schofield
11. Stenning
12. Armstrong
13. Tim White
14. Sam Stocks
15. Bosch
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