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CAS Rugby 2015

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Alex Ross (28)
St Augustines vs Knox on Saturday.

13 Gold Knox 2:00pm Gillespie 2
13 Green Knox 1:00pm Gillespie 2
13 Red Knox 12:00Noon Gillespie 2
13 White Knox 11:00am Gillespie 2
13 Black Knox 10:00am Gillespie 2
14 Gold Knox 2:00pm Cliff Oval 1
14 Green Knox 1:00pm Cliff Oval 1
14 Red Knox 12:00Noon Cliff Oval 1
14 White No Game
15 Gold Knox 11:00am Cliff Oval 1
15 Green Knox 10:00am Cliff Oval 1
15 Red Knox 9:00am Cliff Oval 1
16 Gold Knox 12:00Noon Knox 1
16 Green Knox 11:00am Knox 1
3rd XV Knox 1:00pm Knox 1
2 nd XV Knox 2:00pm Knox 1
1 st XV Knox 3:15pm Knox 1


Frank Row (1)
Cranbrook 1st XV squad confirmed:

1. Rathie (Year 12)
2. Pilton (Year 11)
3. Barakat (Year 12)
4. Stenmark (C) (Year 12)
5. Burston (Year 11)
6. Kemeny (Year 11)
7. Szangolies (Year 12)
8. Doohan (Year 12)
9. Doyle (Year 11)
10. Stenmark (Year 10)
11. Fagan (Year 12)
12. Negus (Year 12)
13. Coppola (Year 12)
14. McNiven (Year 12)
15. Studdy (Year 12)

Cranbrook 2nd XV squad confirmed:

1. Chirnside (Year 11)
2. Antico (Year 12)
3. Senes (Year 11)
4. Nolan (Year 12)
5. Clifton-Bligh (Year 12)
6. Tanne (Year 12)
7. Burston (Year 11)
8. Matters (Year 11)
9. Reynolds (Year 11)
10. Searl (Year 11)
11. Wright/ Quinn (both Year 12)
12. Busteed (Year 11)
13. Renton (Year 11)
14. Stewart (Year 11)
15. Tierney (Year 12)

Interesting decisions from Brook coach Boyd.


Frank Row (1)
Possible Barker side for Stannies not sure but feel free to add or correct

1. Hasegawa
2. Stals
4. ?
5. Technitis
6. ?Du Preez?
7. Coghill
8. Purcell
9. ?Bluett?
10. Thompson
11. ?
12. Saar
13. Rowbatham??
14. Barry?
15. Caddy ?

The side named for the stannous game is

3. Anstey
4. Technitis
5. Ward
6. Du Preez
7. Coghill
8. Pursell
9. Teyjek (Year 9)
10. Thompson
11. Rowbotham
12. Saar
13. Van Woerkom
14. Caddey
15. Barry


Ken Catchpole (46)
no although rumour has it they are experimenting with Tom Woodcok a Year 10 boy at number 10. [mod edit: irrelevant comment deleted]

[Mod censorship] It's a big decision for a coach to put a Year 10 into a First XV and the boy must have a lot of rugby skills for him to be given a starting spot. Whilst I don't know either the boy, [edited], nor the coach I do expect schools to make selection decisions based on ability, size, and experience. Knox would not be making unsafe team selections based on unsubstantiated rumours of an external parties reputed influence.
[mod edit: Keep the rumours and potentially defamatory allegations off the threads - Not directed at you @FormerFlanker]


Frank Row (1)
Rumour Has it, Knox 1st XV starting Line up against auggies:

1. Brady Dawson
2. Nick Rowell
3. Alex cole
4. Jack Sharp
5. Hugh Margin
6. Lachlan Swinton
7. Rory Cheal
8. Tom Woodcock
9. Rhett Butler
10. Nick Frost
11. Jack Kane
12. James Armstrong
13. Joe Williams
14. Ottavio Galletta
15. Leo Bosch

Very strong line up, possibly the key to winning the CAS this year.

Mr Touch Finder

Peter Burge (5)
The side named for the stannous game is

3. Anstey
4. Technitis
5. Ward
6. Du Preez
7. Coghill
8. Pursell
9. Teyjek (Year 9)
10. Thompson
11. Rowbotham
12. Saar
13. Van Woerkom
14. Caddey
15. Barry

How come teyjek is allowed to play? isn't the aru rules that you are only allowed to play in a two year window gap with a signed form from his parents and the coach? The real question is how will he face up in contact with such a young body facing people like swinton? I personally don't think he should be playing at his age, give him another year maybe and he will be fine but not it year 9.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Those Cranbrook teams are correct, but I gather that Hill and Spira are both unavailable, which could have quite an impact on the pack.

While most other schools are launching into full-blown trials this weekend, Trinity players seem to have a weekend off before a trial at St Stanislaus on the 28th. Trinity has followed this pattern in recent seasons, and you certainly can't accuse them of over-preparation. It's clearly a deliberate approach, so I assume the thinking is that the CAS season is a long and tough one, for which it's best to be fresh - plus, lack of depth means that if the school loses players to injury in the trials, they will struggle. In fairness, they will have a camp during the holidays followed by trials against Grammar and St Patricks.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
New posters need to lift their game. Don't post rubbish, rumour, schoolboy tittle tattle, or make cyberbullying pisstake posts about fellow students that you consider to be unpopular.

It would be a shame to lock the thread due to the immaturity of the contributors.

PS. G&GR software records the IP address of all contributions to the forum threads. That confirms where you are posting from. Sports masters of schools can, and will, be informed of the activities of their students when swarms of inappropriate posts pop up. If it is not something you would be comfortable discussing with your mother, then it is probably better not to post that on here.


Allen Oxlade (6)
16s Knox Team for Auggies - 1sts not out yet



Bob McCowan (2)
Result From This mornings Trial Game (Riverview v Waverley)
Riverview 17 beat Waverley 10.

Extremely dirty game with a total of 9 cards given out. 4 Red (2 to each team) and a combine 5 Yellow. Rumours going around the Referee was considering abandoning the game due to its extremely dirty nature, particularly from the Waverley side (whats new). Ref did not think twice when giving cards. Waverley really needs to get their act together, extremely unacceptable performance.

With Riverview missing 5 to 8 key players to injury and athletics (including their star Aussie schoolboys 5/8 Jack Mcgregor) they still outclassed a full strength Waverley team who at the best of times couldn't hold on to the ball. They had the chance one two occasions to level the game up but missed 2 penalties from right in front both times, a shocking kicking performance. The Waverley hooker couldn't through the ball in straight the whole game, which will be exploited by many teams this year. They struggled running the ball, with their #9 and #10 not delivering quick enough ball to the outside backs. However the Riverview defence was particularly strong even in a weakened side.

Overall with this performance against a extremely weakened Riverview side, Waverley will battle to contend for a top 6 placing in the competition.
Riverview game rating (8/10) considering extremely under strength team.
Waverley game rating (3/10) not a very pleasing performance at all.


Bob McCowan (2)
Sounds like an angry parent?

I was there too- Waverley were the better defensive team, Riverview the better attacking

Both teams were consistently causing foul play- it wasn't just the Waverley team- with cards going to the riverview 1,4, 7, 12 and sub.

In the end view thought it would be a walk over win, but Waverley were the fitter and stronger team also missing some players coming back from injury and some kids only just starting back from swimming.

Last year view beat waves 60-20 in the 1sts. This year Waverley lost 17-10. Either view are under performing or Waverley has a bit of strength this year? I would say it was the latter.

Riverview last year had a full strength team. This year they did not. Missing around 8 key players really affected their performance. Waverley were the cause of every card, that undisputed. Waverley has a reputation for being a dirty team, and they really showed their true colours today. Appalling performance.

Oh and i don't know what game you were watching. If Waverley were the better and stronger team why didn't they win.
Riverview clearly the better team which was shown in the final score

Oh and cards didn't go to the 1, 4, 7, 12. It was the 6, 10 , 13 and sub. Clearly shows you must of been watching the wrong game


Larry Dwyer (12)
Result From This mornings Trial Game (Riverview v Waverley)
Riverview 17 beat Waverley 10.

Extremely dirty game with a total of 9 cards given out. 4 Red (2 to each team) and a combine 5 Yellow. Rumours going around the Referee was considering abandoning the game due to its extremely dirty nature, particularly from the Waverley side (whats new). Ref did not think twice when giving cards. Waverley really needs to get their act together, extremely unacceptable performance.

With Riverview missing 5 to 8 key players to injury and athletics (including their star Aussie schoolboys 5/8 Jack Mcgregor) they still outclassed a full strength Waverley team who at the best of times couldn't hold on to the ball. They had the chance one two occasions to level the game up but missed 2 penalties from right in front both times, a shocking kicking performance. The Waverley hooker couldn't through the ball in straight the whole game, which will be exploited by many teams this year. They struggled running the ball, with their #9 and #10 not delivering quick enough ball to the outside backs. However the Riverview defence was particularly strong even in a weakened side.

Overall with this performance against a extremely weakened Riverview side, Waverley will battle to contend for a top 6 placing in the competition.
Riverview game rating (8/10) considering extremely under strength team.
Waverley game rating (3/10) not a very pleasing performance at all.

Either an angry parent or a schoolboy with poor grammar (throw, rather than through). I saw both 1s and 2s and, given that neither schools were at 'full strength' I thought that all today showed was that Waverley are stronger than in the last few years, or Riverview weaker, or both. I've never seen as many cards in a game as I did today, and you can add to that at least three yellows in the 2s. Two of them were against Riverview for dangerous (high) tackles which were warranted.

In the 1s I'm not sure what was going on. There was certainly some niggle but not outrageous amounts. I assume that 3 cards were for punches thrown (2 Riverview, 1 Waverley) - there were certainly melees although it wasn't apparent from the stand as to whether a punch was thrown. A Waverley boy was red carded for a tip tackle (which was warranted) but the yellows mystified most there. At one stage the Waverley 5/8 was yellow carded for being offside in defence on the halfway (he was offside and a penalty was due, but a card ?). Discipline for both schools may be a problem if they continue in the way they (both) did today.

The touch judge was remonstrating with the Riverview coach at one stage about something he must have said, so overall a pretty strange game. Riverview were superior at the set piece and have some big units but the Waverley back line looks pretty slick although the forwards are outweighed which is a feature of the school nowadays. Waverley also missed two penalties from in front which is a concern, but there was much to be positive about.

I couldn't really finish this post off without making mention of the fact that I had to relocate from my position next to three Riverview fathers. A bit overweight, evidently experts on the laws of the game, they set a really poor example to kids from both schools as they were keen to let everyone know what they thought of the referee and any non-Riverview passage of play. Embarrassing.

Yep, a strange day indeed at Queen's Park.


Bob McCowan (2)
Either an angry parent or a schoolboy with poor grammar (throw, rather than through). I saw both 1s and 2s and, given that neither schools were at 'full strength' I thought that all today showed was that Waverley are stronger than in the last few years, or Riverview weaker, or both. I've never seen as many cards in a game as I did today, and you can add to that at least three yellows in the 2s. Two of them were against Riverview for dangerous (high) tackles which were warranted.

In the 1s I'm not sure what was going on. There was certainly some niggle but not outrageous amounts. I assume that 3 cards were for punches thrown (2 Riverview, 1 Waverley) - there were certainly melees although it wasn't apparent from the stand as to whether a punch was thrown. A Waverley boy was red carded for a tip tackle (which was warranted) but the yellows mystified most there. At one stage the Waverley 5/8 was yellow carded for being offside in defence on the halfway (he was offside and a penalty was due, but a card ?). Discipline for both schools may be a problem if they continue in the way they (both) did today.

The touch judge was remonstrating with the Riverview coach at one stage about something he must have said, so overall a pretty strange game. Riverview were superior at the set piece and have some big units but the Waverley back line looks pretty slick although the forwards are outweighed which is a feature of the school nowadays. Waverley also missed two penalties from in front which is a concern, but there was much to be positive about.

I couldn't really finish this post off without making mention of the fact that I had to relocate from my position next to three Riverview fathers. A bit overweight, evidently experts on the laws of the game, they set a really poor example to kids from both schools as they were keen to let everyone know what they thought of the referee and any non-Riverview passage of play. Embarrassing.

Yep, a strange day indeed at Queen's Park.

Sorry i just had the Erge to reply to about the manner of the Waverley students. They embarrassed the school by yelling continuous abuse towards the Riverview boys, extremely uncalled. The amount of swearing i had to tolerate from the students was appalling, they should be ashamed of themselves


Larry Dwyer (12)
Riverview last year had a full strength team. This year they did not. Missing around 8 key players really affected their performance. Waverley were the cause of every card, that undisputed. Waverley has a reputation for being a dirty team, and they really showed their true colours today. Appalling performance.

Oh and i don't know what game you were watching. If Waverley were the better and stronger team why didn't they win.
Riverview clearly the better team which was shown in the final score

Oh and cards didn't go to the 1, 4, 7, 12. It was the 6, 10 , 13 and sub. Clearly shows you must of been watching the wrong game

I think you mean 'must have been watching..'


Larry Dwyer (12)
Sorry i just had the Erge to reply to about the manner of the Waverley students. They embarrassed the school by yelling continuous abuse towards the Riverview boys, extremely uncalled. The amount of swearing i had to tolerate from the students was appalling, they should be ashamed of themselves

Dear Jake (the poorly spelling schoolboy), I think you mean urge, rather than Erge, and uncalled for, rather than uncalled. Do you mean 'I was subjected to', rather than 'had to tolerate' ?

Looks like the Riverview English Department has got some work ahead of it.


Watty Friend (18)
Regarding the rugby, I agree with the earlier post that it was a better Waverly side than has trialed against Riverview for the last few years. Waverly forwards worked hard , but not overly damaging. Waverly back line looked promising, but seriously with Riverview missing their 10, 12 and 13, + at least a winger or 2, they should have penetrated more. But the problem with the game in my view was the referee's performance. Every time I see the response from both sets of parents that is poor, and then watch the game degenerate into the fiasco of niggle , illegal tackles, and borderline all in brawls, it's always the refrees handling of it. What I saw was an over zealous pee blowing exhibition, which frustrates all players on both sides, and then yellow cards and reds being handed out like there's no tomorrow, it's the adjudicators fault. I'm the first to say we need our refs and they generally do a great job, but today the game control and facilitation was well below 1st XV standard. Sorry, but I'm not sure what either sued and their coaches learnt today.
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