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CAS Rugby 2013

Who will be the 2013 Premiers

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Rugby Fanatic

Bob McCowan (2)
Waverley were the better team on the day, aided strongly by a referee who was there to impress the home crowd. A red card for the Barker number 4 was a very harsh call and had an immediate impact on the game. From what I could see it will show up on video that it was the Waverley player who should have been sent. When a good team is getting such biased calls from the first minute of the match, it is hard to keep the intensity going. The barker forwards were strong but for some reason the ball died too much with the fly half, which cost them the match. Well played to the Waverley lads, they played the better game in front of a large home crowd.
Agreed, congratulations to Waverley 1sts they deserved to win on the day. Barker boys can hold their heads high knowing that 2 of the tries were scored from intercepts, always tough going when you are a man down. The red card was unjust, my only hope is that the assistant referee fronts a panel to explain his position also. Well done to the crowd who were quiet when the Waverley boy was kicking, shame it didnt set the tone for the whole game.


Ward Prentice (10)
Trinity 23-18 Cranbrook
Trinity lucky to win this with Cranbrook leading for most of the match and playing well.
A couple of bombed tries and 2 penalties hitting the posts cost Cranbrook dearly.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Great win to Waverley 24 to 11. Nothing to do with the ref at all. Waverley came out with far more intensity early on and took two early and deserved penalties to lead quickly.
The ref wasn't impressing anyone, it was the touch judge who filed the report which was a mandatory red which was unfortunate for Barker.
Two run away tries that Duffy from Waverley really had to work for were what killed the Barker spirit.
The final 20 Barker was camped in the Waverley 22 and they received 6 straight penaltiesin that time including a yellow to a Waverley centre. To their very great credit Waverley Defence was sterling.
Waverley boys talked about getting into the heads of some of Barkers stars, and I believe every player welcomed one Barker star to death valley at the starting handshake. It obviously worked because he was clearly not at his best.
Waverley suffered several injuries and it will be a nervous wait by the coaches and team to see how serious these are, esp after the injuries to Ben Gan and Jake Smirnotis last week.
The last two games for both Barker and Waverley will be interesting to say the least.


Stan Wickham (3)
What a game for the top of the table clash.
All I can say is that it would be interesting to see what happened if the correct player was sent from the field. As much as I hate to bad mouth the refereeing, especially being a ref myself, it was an appalling call. My blind aunty could see that. I think that Barker did exceptionally well considering the circumstances.

At least it evens up the competition, and should make for an interesting last two rounds.

Pick of the Barker players was the hooker Laundry, with a few very nice steals. Davis had some dominant runs as usual.

Waverley, has to be Duffy with his exceptional, game winning performance.

Benched '84

Allen Oxlade (6)
I think the Ref can be excused as it was a Touchies report, although it happened right in front of me I didn't actually see the ''hit'', I was following the ball, but as a result it left the Barker No#4 on the deck, quite groggie. Many others around me said it was a shocker of a call. I just hope, if that's the case, then there is good evidence to get him off, as a 2 week suspension would be a very unjust way to finish his school rugby.

C.A.S rugby observer

Bob McCowan (2)
The Barker waverley game was one of the most intense school boy games I have a watched in a while it was a great game to watch and both teams should be proud of there efforts.

Waverley were the better team on the day this nonsense about the ref winning waverley the game is ridiculous, barker lost them selves the game by pushing the passes that were definitely not on losing barker the possession multiple times in waverleys 22.

Not taking anything away from waverleys goaline defence it was brilliant scrambling defence. And to top off the great game the crowd there was one of the loudest I have heard in c.a.s. all in all great day of footy and both teams showed great sportsmanship

(Edited - just talk about the rugby on the field)


Frank Row (1)
Congratulations to the Waverley XV. Unbelievable top of the table clash between the heavyweights Barker College and Waverley College. I was privileged enough to be out there at Queens Park and watch this high caliber CAS schoolboy game. A large and roaring home crowd advantage was favouring the Double V, which may have paid its tolls during the game. For the Waverley boys to step up a couple of levels was amazing to witness against a very well drilled Barker squad.

These Waverley men came together as a team and dismantled Barker's recognised offense with strong and stable defence all game. It seemed to me that Barker lost the game, not because of some bias reffing but because of overconfidence in the opposing players.

This weakened Waverley squad should never have been underestimated. In saying that I cannot say the reffing was at its best, missing some foul play.

As an unbiased spectator, I really think Waverley won this game with a lot of heart and determination. As said earlier as well, the fans at Waverley drowned out every noise the Barker fans would make boosting the Waverley boys intensity.

This crowd was possibly the best home crowd response to a game I have ever seen. In Barkers defence however, they never showed glimpses of giving up, it was a strong battle till the very end. Although not enough to beat the Double V at home, to leave them undefeated at home all season at "Death Valley".

The outstanding players for Barker College were Devon Stolz for his willingness throughout the game, a never say die attitude on his team even when they were down and his illusive ball skills and Tyson Davis for his impeccable ball running abilities. This did rock the Waverley defence on all occasions when Tyson ran it.

The outstanding players for Waverley College were Thomas Duffy for his 2 run away tries to take Waverley into control mode, Ben O'Donnell to have an unbelievable sense of courageousness to play a confirmed 20 minutes with a broken arm and Nick Koutsoukis for his leadership charge the whole game.

Again, congratulations Waverley College Firsts.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Edited out - talk about the rugby, not behaviour - LG

To be frank I'm getting over these comments on players behaviour, particularly the ones directed at Tyson Davis. If the kid played on with a broken arm I doubt it was badly enough broken for anyone else to actually realise. And I'd be interested to hear which bone(s) this guy broke because back in the day I played on a broken scaphoid and didn't even realise it had been broken until 2 weeks later. Regardless, good on the kid for toughing it out but, to the point, leave what cyclopath would call 'hearsay' opinions out of this forum - they aren't necessary


Frank Nicholson (4)
To be frank I'm getting over these comments on players behaviour, particularly the ones directed at Tyson Davis. If the kid played on with a broken arm I doubt it was badly enough broken for anyone else to actually realise. And I'd be interested to hear which bone(s) this guy broke because back in the day I played on a broken scaphoid and didn't even realise it had been broken until 2 weeks later. Regardless, good on the kid for toughing it out but, to the point, leave what cyclopath would call 'hearsay' opinions out of this forum - they aren't necessary

agree. We shouldn't mention names of players when its negative.

For the record I didn't see the abuse or shove. I did see the injury occur. Davis was at full speed (fastest I have seen in any team all year), O'Donnel tried to make a very gutsy head on tackle and did not get up for a minute or so. In fact it looked like he had been knocked out at first until he got up favouring his arm. He slowed Davis enough for other team mates to finish off his run. Without his tackle I would say certain try.

As for the broken arm. Confirmed both radius and ulna fractured and radius dislocated. been in hospital for surgery since. A BIG loss to Waverley, especially when you add Smirnotis, Kava, Gan to that list.


Nev Cottrell (35)
yikes ... that is a lot of injuries to Waves ... and feel sorry for O'donnell, definitely one of the best in CAS

will make the game against Aloys more interesting

and Waves might have to bring up kids from their strong under 13s ... jokes ... although I think all those Murphys are related ... and pretty handy ... care of Dad Murphy's league pedigree

must say Waves rugby is on a shoe string budget ... no wonder there is no love lost between Waves and the likes of Knox & Barker

the haves and have nots


Frank Nicholson (4)
must say Waves rugby is on a shoe string budget . no wonder there is no love lost between Waves and the likes of Knox & Barker the haves and have nots

Barker doesn't have a rugby budget - no sports scholarships, no professional coach, & the boys pay their own way on tours...


Stan Wickham (3)
To clear up this nonsense with the red card, I saw the entire incident take place, and Im not too sure how any Barker supporters didn't either seeing as it was right in front of there bench. Number 4 red striked Number 8 blue atleast 4 times to the calf and thigh area before aggressively interacting with him. Number 4 was realized by Blue 7 to be a troublesome fella,so he proceeded to deliver one of the most devastating and subtle knock outs ive ever seen, in the following ruck. The sideline ref was a Waverley oldboy, so sh**happened, end of story. Waverley may not have won fair and square, but hey, that's death valley isnt it?


Frank Nicholson (4)
Losing your number 4 in the first half (red card for punching) meant the outcome was all but sealed. Barker lost almost every lineout thereafter. The touchie who reported the punch also reported a barker player in the 2nd half, & he also reffed the 3rds where several times Barker were penalised for bringing down scrums that didn't go down & being off their feet in rucks where no players were off their feet, you get the picture....anyway the Barker 4 did throw a punch (which i'm told was a retaliation) but they all know not to punch. As an aside the punch was to the leg! But i guess a punch is a punch. The Waverley boys squared it up with him at the next ruck & when there was a break in the play he was red carded.

Don't really think the ref in the 1sts was biased. Early calls seemed to favour Waverley & after the red card seemed to favour Barker. Thought the second Waverley try (intercept) should have been pulled back. Was playing advantage for a Waverley knock on, barker pushed it out to the backs where it bounced off the shoulder of the barker centre, Waverley gathered on the full & sprinted 30m to score. A number of players looked like they stopped waiting for it to come back. At 17-11 barker on attack the flanker pushed a pass to davis which was intercepted for about a 65/70m run to score. Still 15 minutes to go but Barker seemed to panic and push too many passes & too many stars trying to go one out.

Have to give a lot of credit to Waverley defence. They moved up very fast all match on B10 & gave him no room. Barker stood progressively deeper but to little effect. Last 20 minutes Barker were camped deep in Waverley territory (aided by a string of penalties & a yellow card) but didn't look like scoring. Too many miracle passes went astray and didn't have the patience to build phases. Waverley defence basically frustrated them out of their game plan. For Barker to have that much ball and not even look like scoring is an incredible defensive effort.

Also credit to Barker, playing about 50 minutes a player short they were still pushing hard to the very end.

These 2 sides are very evenly matched and a win each on the season seems like a fair result.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I also hope this Barker no 4, doesn't miss the last 2 rounds

while I didn't see the incident, it sounds like it was part of a big melee, and sounds like contact wasn't made to the head

and there were other guilty parties

... and personally I don't think it wise that old boys should be linesman, at least not for the 1st XV fixture .... I thought there were rules around this ... maybe that's GPS?

do they have a juduciary .... we the whole incident?

again I come back to the shoestring budget ... the referees at Death Valley are invariably disorganised ... and understandably include current students ... and I have heard refs saying to boys that they aren't to use first names ... instead to use "sir"

oh well ... always issues with poor old refs ...

Old schooled

Frank Nicholson (4)
I also hope this Barker no 4, doesn't miss the last 2 rounds

again I come back to the shoestring budget . the referees at Death Valley are invariably disorganised . and understandably include current students . and I have heard refs saying to boys that they aren't to use first names . instead to use "sir"

oh well . always issues with poor old refs .

You are way off the mark with disorganised refs at Waverley. The school have qualified linesman at all games. The referees are independently appointed for at least 1st and 2nds.
Also 1 year 12 boy is on fast track with the referees to senior level.

From the last Waverley visit to Knox is seem to remember some games with no linesman. Then biased refereeing again by independent refs.

We all must remember what goes around comes around.

Teams that play well and have game a plan and execute well control refereeing decisions so that don't get beaten by the refs.


Frank Row (1)
I'm not sure if anyone has been keeping up with the under 16's competition but it would seem as though Cranbrook are going to look a lot stronger next year in the opens with a very solid 16a's team coming through.

Old schooled

Frank Nicholson (4)
I'm not sure if anyone has been keeping up with the under 16's competition but it would seem as though Cranbrook are going to look a lot stronger next year in the opens with a very solid 16a's team coming through.

Pretty sure the above post is an almost identical to last year, look where Cranbrook 1st XV are on the table.


Stan Wickham (3)
I'm not sure if anyone has been keeping up with the under 16's competition but it would seem as though Cranbrook are going to look a lot stronger next year in the opens with a very solid 16a's team coming through.

keep in mind the waverley 16s team have been injury ridden and have lost 2 or 3 boys to 1st throughout the season, and still coming within 6 points of cranbrook. cranbrook dont seem too threatening to say the least
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