kiwi playing in Oz
Allen Oxlade (6)
All the more reason why you are susceptible to bias.. you've watched them from 13, probably meaning you know them on a personal level, and therefore as I doubt you've seen a substantial amount of any other team (or at least i doubt you've been following every CAS side since they were 13), the void, being your lack of knowledge of other players abilities is being filled with "oh they don't deserve to be there", "this trinity player is better because I've seen him play for this long and he's just been off form this year", its no excuse to put down another player who is perfectly capable of playing in that position.. It's strange how little complaints heard about a Waverly boy that supposedly deserves to be there, because from what I've seen the whole CAS team should practically just be Trinity. I have seen complaints of people from trinity not making CAS 1s in the following postions: 1,2,4,8,9,12 when there are already players from trinity in 3,10,14.. Sure voice your opinion, thats what this forum is for, but don't put people down in the process, and back your opinion with some valid evidence (ie they performed better against the other player, they are better in defence which is a quality that this side needs, they are more suited to this position because of ...). Simply stating "they don't deserve to be there" is more a personal attack than a valid argument, no matter what your intended reasoning is.. If wants to dispute a decision on this list try avoiding offensive tones and connotations, and perhaps wait to see how they perform on thursday? By all means then tell me how a trinity player is better suited to the position
Just for you r2d2 "wow the non-selection of Cam Orr and Malaki Afele is a statement! The CAS comp must be so strong and those players who were selected in their spots must be bloody good! Looking forward to hearing the result on thursday then i can eat my words". Hope that makes it all better