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CAS Rugby 2012

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Frank Row (1)
CAS I – Henry Pederson ( B ), Tom Wilson ( B ), Faaope Satui ( T ), Cameron Mee ( C ), Wilhelm Marais ( B ), Harrison Williams ( A ), Jack Johnson ( W ), Tom Fay ( C ), Harry Jenkins ( B ), Jamieson Clark ( T ), Haynes Wileman ( W ), Liam Creeley ( K ), Brendan Flaherty ( B ), Henry Clunies-Ross ( T ), Will Paterson ( W ) Coach – Mr L Bower and Mr T Glassie, Manager Mr J Rownes, Physio Mrs N Vaverka,
CAS II – Cameron Orr ( T ), Sam Kitchen ( K ), Nick Ebney ( B ), Eliot Stuntz ( A ), Malaki Tiumalu Afele ( T ), Tanian Naude ( B ), Mitchell Wood ( A ), Ola Moala ( T ), Jack Whitaker ( W ), Luke Vevers ( A ), Jonathan Pack ( T ), Devan Stoltz ( B ), Gabe Farley ( W ), Sean Townsend ( A ), Tyson Davis ( B ) – ( Res ) Andrew Seton ( K ), Vincent Morsello ( T ), Thomas Heggarty ( K ), Ben Pearson ( B ), Oliver Nutbeen ( K ), Brent Whicker ( T ), Ben O’Donnell ( W ), Pierce Richards ( K ), Coach – Mr H Engele & Mr S Lundy


Larry Dwyer (12)
Pederson beating Orr for no.1 is interesting, and Wilson won the battle for 1s hooker.. It appears Williams is being played at flanker to allow Cameron Mee to play in the second row who was either spoke about very little or unheard of on this forum until now, so there you go a few interesting decisions but that is common, and there's nothing i could argue about with a look at this team.. I like the look of these centres, Flaherty and Creeley will be a strong combination against the other representative sides, both with great strong ball running, and big in defence.


Larry Dwyer (12)
my advice to the 2s coaches GIVE BEN PEARSON A RUN!!! He will undoubtedly impress if he gets the chance


i bet i can guess the coaches of the 2nds side... knox? I find it ridiculous the amount of knox boys in that side particularly on the bench when they lost to aloys and barker and got completely destroyed by waverley? One good game against trinity doesn't outway all these poor performances. politics strikes again i honestly feel for the boys who missed out due to these politics such as waverleys outside centre osbourne and barkers winger haltimeier

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
i bet i can guess the coaches of the 2nds side... knox? I find it ridiculous the amount of knox boys in that side particularly on the bench when they lost to aloys and barker and got completely destroyed by waverley? One good game against trinity doesn't outway all these poor performances. politics strikes again i honestly feel for the boys who missed out due to these politics such as waverleys outside centre osbourne and barkers winger haltimeier
I think you mean on the bench but I take your point.


Larry Dwyer (12)
i bet i can guess the coaches of the 2nds side... knox? I find it ridiculous the amount of knox boys in that side particularly on the bench when they lost to aloys and barker and got completely destroyed by waverley? One good game against trinity doesn't outway all these poor performances. politics strikes again i honestly feel for the boys who missed out due to these politics such as waverleys outside centre osbourne and barkers winger haltimeier

yes only one knox boy is starting, so keep that in mind.. but seeing as Haltmeier started in 2s last year it is quite strange to not even see his name there


i bet i can guess the coaches of the 2nds side... knox? I find it ridiculous the amount of knox boys in that side particularly on the bench when they lost to aloys and barker and got completely destroyed by waverley? One good game against trinity doesn't outway all these poor performances. politics strikes again i honestly feel for the boys who missed out due to these politics such as waverleys outside centre osbourne and barkers winger haltimeier
I wouldn't take up gambling Casking! CAS1 coaches are from Cranbrook and Knox CAS2 coaches are from Waverley and Aloys.


CAS I – Henry Pederson ( B ), Tom Wilson ( B ), Faaope Satui ( T ), Cameron Mee ( C ), Wilhelm Marais ( B ), Harrison Williams ( A ), Jack Johnson ( W ), Tom Fay ( C ), Harry Jenkins ( B ), Jamieson Clark ( T ), Haynes Wileman ( W ), Liam Creeley ( K ), Brendan Flaherty ( B ), Henry Clunies-Ross ( T ), Will Paterson ( W ) Coach – Mr L Bower and Mr T Glassie, Manager Mr J Rownes, Physio Mrs N Vaverka,
CAS II – Cameron Orr ( T ), Sam Kitchen ( K ), Nick Ebney ( B ), Eliot Stuntz ( A ), Malaki Tiumalu Afele ( T ), Tanian Naude ( B ), Mitchell Wood ( A ), Ola Moala ( T ), Jack Whitaker ( W ), Luke Vevers ( A ), Jonathan Pack ( T ), Devan Stoltz ( B ), Gabe Farley ( W ), Sean Townsend ( A ), Tyson Davis ( B ) – ( Res ) Andrew Seton ( K ), Vincent Morsello ( T ), Thomas Heggarty ( K ), Ben Pearson ( B ), Oliver Nutbeen ( K ), Brent Whicker ( T ), Ben O’Donnell ( W ), Pierce Richards ( K ), Coach – Mr H Engele & Mr S Lundy

Seems to me the selectors have made a good job of making the referees look good! Which is a positive I suppose

Cameron Clark standard is alive and well (he holds the gold standard )- went straight to schoolboys last year without even playing a CAS game.

The word is that the teams were selected prior to yesterday's games.


cant believe orr and malakai are in the 2s.. absolute crap if you ask me both the best two forwards in the cas competition if you ask me


A few big name 16 reps missing ? Goodearl (A) has been consistent all season, surprised he didn't get a bench spot at least
they are majority year 12s in both teams its bad because its not giving year 11s this year experience for next year

The Chosen

Fred Wood (13)
i bet i can guess the coaches of the 2nds side... knox? I find it ridiculous the amount of knox boys in that side particularly on the bench when they lost to aloys and barker and got completely destroyed by waverley? One good game against trinity doesn't outway all these poor performances. politics strikes again i honestly feel for the boys who missed out due to these politics such as waverleys outside centre osbourne and barkers winger haltimeier

The Coaches have nothing to do with CAS team selection. There are some 6-8 independent selectors who attend games-both trials & competition rounds on a rostered basis and then meet up after each Saturday. I personally couldn't criticise as I've only seen 4 of the 6 teams this year. I imagine those critical have seen all 6 Schools?


Larry Dwyer (12)
The Coaches have nothing to do with CAS team selection. There are some 6-8 independent selectors who attend games-both trials & competition rounds on a rostered basis and then meet up after each Saturday. I personally couldn't criticise as I've only seen 4 of the 6 teams this year. I imagine those critical have seen all 6 Schools?

I have seen all 6 and I couldn't criticise a single decision made.. Pederson for Orr is questionable, but he is an exceptional player, and the selectors seem to think he is more suited to the CAS 1sts than Orr is (currently, as this may change). Lets not forget, they are choosing a team and perhaps some individuals characteristics and qualities may be more suited, in the selectors mind, than others who may appear more talented as individual players.


Ted Fahey (11)
Well, I wasn't "making excuses" for anyone. Nor did I over-rate this team, since I have always thought there are question marks over it. And yes, it's imbalanced for the reasons I gave. But, please - a "poor team"? It's likely they'll finish second. Does that mean every team except the winner is "poor"?

Plus, I'm not sure it's about "stepping up" or attitude. You can't tell a prop to be a second rower or a flanker and expect them to be outstanding in that role. It's schoolboy Rugby, which means you have to make the best of your resources and get your best players on the field one way or another. Sometimes that involves compromises. Not many schools are gifted with top-class players in every position.

No they aren't, but then they probably wouldn't persevere with the same players and expect a different result. I just get tired of hearing how good some of these players are and yet the results don't frank the form. Maybe the recruitment officer should be sacked for overloading the team with props?

Monday tipster

CAS I – Henry Pederson ( B ), Tom Wilson ( B ), Faaope Satui ( T ), Cameron Mee ( C ), Wilhelm Marais ( B ), Harrison Williams ( A ), Jack Johnson ( W ), Tom Fay ( C ), Harry Jenkins ( B ), Jamieson Clark ( T ), Haynes Wileman ( W ), Liam Creeley ( K ), Brendan Flaherty ( B ), Henry Clunies-Ross ( T ), Will Paterson ( W ) Coach – Mr L Bower and Mr T Glassie, Manager Mr J Rownes, Physio Mrs N Vaverka,

CAS II – Cameron Orr ( T ), Sam Kitchen ( K ), Nick
Ebney ( B ), Eliot Stuntz ( A ), Malaki Tiumalu Afele ( T ), Tanian Naude ( B ),
Mitchell Wood ( A ), Ola Moala ( T ), Jack Whitaker ( W ), Luke Vevers ( A ),
Jonathan Pack ( T ), Devan Stoltz ( B ), Gabe Farley ( W ), Sean Townsend ( A ),
Tyson Davis ( B ) – ( Res )
Andrew Seton ( K ), Vincent Morsello ( T ), Thomas Heggarty ( K ), Ben Pearson ( B
), Oliver Nutbeen ( K ), Brent Whicker ( T ), Ben O’Donnell ( W ), Pierce Richards (
K ), Coach – Mr H Engele & Mr S Lundy

Couple of good 1sts selections: Mee (C), Marais (B). Overall the forwards look good. I'm scratching my head, though, over the backs. Clunies-Ross (T)- has he even played a game? Flaherty (B) and Creely (K) wouldn't be my first choices. Like to have seen Farley (W), Kotobalavu (T) and Haltimeier (B) in the 1sts.


Stan Wickham (3)
Monday tipster, i would say the exact oppisite Marais and Mee have had little impact on their respective teams and might i add Kotobalavu was playing 2nds on the weekend and Creely is apart of NGS/NTS so he compared to the other 12's i think he's a pretty solid player. With Clunies-Ross i 100% agree, he has played 1 CAS game this year, what selection process does he follow instead of the rest of the players?


Larry Dwyer (12)
Couple of good 1sts selections: Mee (C), Marais (B). Overall the forwards look good. I'm scratching my head, though, over the backs. Clunies-Ross (T)- has he even played a game? Flaherty (B) and Creely (K) wouldn't be my first choices. Like to have seen Farley (W), Kotobalavu (T) and Haltimeier (B) in the 1sts.

Clunies-Ross played yesterday, extremely well at that... Kotobalavu vs Flaherty yesterday was interesting, considering one of the 2 players was non-existant, and the other had a huge impact on the game, it wasn't the trinity boy out of the 2.. Interestingly it was also said (I wasn't there) that Creeley played a major role in Knox's victory over Trinity, would you care to explain, therefore, why a trinity centre should be picked over the two? Farley is a good player, without any doubt and perhaps should be in 1's, but we shall see how he performs in the upcoming weeks


Larry Dwyer (12)
Monday tipster, i would say the exact oppisite Marais and Mee have had little impact on their respective teams and might i add Kotobalavu was playing 2nds on the weekend and Creely is apart of NGS/NTS so he compared to the other 12's i think he's a pretty solid player. With Clunies-Ross i 100% agree, he has played 1 CAS game this year, what selection process does he follow instead of the rest of the players?

I believe Kotobalavu came on as a substitute in yesterdays game (please correct me if im wrong).. Marais has definitely earned his CAS 1st jersey, as for Mee I would not know

The Corner Post

Yeah, not sure on Kotobalavu. I would pick a mix of the Barker and Trinity forwards and the Waverley and Barker back lines. Tyson Davis and Gabriel Farley should definitely be in the Firsts.
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