carl spackler
Sydney Middleton (9)
I Like to WatchCarl are you suggesting that 8 kids who missed GPS selection (they picked 5 teams from a pool of 6) have been selected ahead of those GPS teams and the CAS,ISA,CHS squads?
I can’t agree with injured players being parachuted in.
A player who’s style didn’t fit either of the 4 GPS coaches, is better than all the kids from all the other Associations,who actually trialed?
I don’t think so.
The eight I refer to are a mix of CAS and GPS boys, and of those GPS boys, the majority were selected into one of the GPS teams. A couple have been picked from outside and I presume they belong to the academy that the team manager runs.
Don't think I am trying to defend the selections into this squad. Personally, inviting a Barbarians team such as this, I feel diminishes the status of the event, as does the non participation of the Queensland and (many of) the NSW boys.
But at least they have 8 teams competing.