In Wayne's article in The AUstralian on Friday:
"ARU's emergency meeting not likely to resolve very much", he mentions that the Force "will get a vote in proceedings, with the ARU confirming that even though the Perth franchise sold its licence back to the ARU last year it will be allowed to vote at the meeting because of the Alliance agreement it signed at the time."
However, according to the ARU's constitution, 3.2a, "the Voting Members are : the Super Rugby Licensees", so the ARU , who now own and operate the WAForce, will have that vote.
The ARU cannot contradict its own Constitution and make representations to WARU in an Alliance Agreement and other Voting Members that WARU have two votes when clearly they have one vote.
All the Voting Member states should be on board with VRU and RUPA (VIC, SA, TAS, WA,NT, ACT, 2 x QLD and 2 x NSW + RUPA = 11 votes) because their constitutions clearly state that they exist to grow the game and shame on any one Voting Member state that disavows that basic aim.
I can see the franchises wanting to cull a team - "as long as it is not theirs" as they get a 20% increase in player funding, but that is a different story.
The basic tenant that Australian Super Rugby must cull a team supports the ARUs agenda and fails to recognise the financial mismanagement of the ARU - and if one were to compare the management of the NZRU which face similar costs (particularly with regard to travel) then one would clearly see that cutting a team is not the answer, financial management would be the preferred answer.