Dismal Pillock
Michael Lynagh (62)
Hello sir, I am Brother Zero, and this is brother Dismal. Please forgive my brother's silence, he is a mental and he completely forgot how to talk after about 4 matches of the Auckland Blues 2016 season. He's happy enough these days but a total dimwit with a deeply-traumatised and mental brain.
Now then, down to business. We are with the Church of Akira Ioane Martyrdom, based in Pitcairn-Onehunga. Can we quickly talk to you about a very important conspiracy related to our beliefs that not many people know about?

We believe this man pictured on the front of the pamphlet is involved in preventing Our Lord Akira from ascending to his rightful throne at the base of the All Blacks scrum. We don't know anything about the man in the picture but that hasn't stopped my mental brother Dismal from writing an elaborate conspiracy theory, all detailed in the pamphlet, revolving around this individual.
Fair warning though, some of the pictures detailed in the pamphlet are somewhat on the crude side as they were rendered while Brother Dismal was in the throes of one of his trance-like "visions" so if you are offended by backwards swastikas and comically-small wangers then please tread lightly.
Thank you for your time and we hope that the instructive examples contained in our pamphlet here demonstrate the strength of the Church of Akira Ioane Martyrdom. Please, take this literature and distribute it among your philistine wanker friends who we believe may be in on the conspiracy.
Have a good day, sir.