Ward Prentice (10)
Sounds like state champs
No points, no titles,trophies or crowns = Gala day, other wise yes like state champs. Maybe a after match function thrown in for all to attend.
Sounds like state champs
Yes I do know the player and his mother personally, regardless of his personal experience it dose not reflect the whole team experience. My point is if the problem is so great speak with the coach,manager,centre coordinator or the ARU directly. ( I know she has spoken to the coach without success ) . Everyone was given the opportunity to withdraw pre Christmas if you could not committ to ALL games, this was in writing via email. Don't get me wrong I feel for the boy he was superb in game 4 and his replacement in game 5 not so. I just don't think it should be a reflection of the entire program.
Interesting comments.I have boys in two different squads (which has proved a challenge) and I can say that the experience across the two venues has been completely different. That includes coaching, S&C, management, information shared etc etc.
I understand that coaches will have different approaches but the aim of the JGC should be the same across all venues. I know the ARU directive was for all boys to have one starting and one game off the bench. Which seems fair but then the ARU said pick your best team. A bit of a mixed message.
IMO for anyone to suggest that the competition shouldn't be competitive and was for player development is living in lala land. Put the coaches and managers in place and they would be all about winning end of store, they would be about winning if it was a training run. There is no such thing as player development anymore, everyone wants to win. Just look at the team stacking around finals time at SJRU. SJRU spend half their time creating rules to stop people manipulating the system so their 14D's (insert any team) will win the comp.![]()
It cost us $400-$500 per player to attend country or state championships. More if they made a state team so JGC didn't seem unreasonable.
All Sydney teams playing at the one venue this weekend. I assume so all the boys can be watched by the powers that be.
In some teams it will be interesting to see if the school you go to and not performance has an influence on being in the starting team or game time. I fear it will.
Most of the coaches of these sides coach senior sides as well.
They will not be spending their winter trying to ID talent for next years development program.
Interesting comments.
Did both centres do some things better than the other, or was one centre just better in all respects?
Not having any idea which centres are involved,was the better experience the local one,or the more distant one?
All Sydney teams playing at the one venue this weekend. I assume so all the boys can be watched by the powers that be.
In some teams it will be interesting to see if the school you go to and not performance has an influence on being in the starting team or game time. I fear it will.
All Sydney teams playing at the one venue this weekend. I assume so all the boys can be watched by the powers that be.
In some teams it will be interesting to see if the school you go to and not performance has an influence on being in the starting team or game time. I fear it will.
Obviously @Fat Cat is referring to the Clipboards.
IMHO many Clipboards are not from ARU. More seem to be from Clubs and Schools, with the odd Mungo Club, or Player Manager talking to players and their Mums and Dads.
ARU have sacked most of their Clipboards.
Hugh, the ARU have a network of Talent Identification Scouts. Some are ARU staff, but many aren't. I believe the TID process is being coordinated by Adrian Thomson ( Australian U 20 coach, could be wrong). I have been told the scouts have been allocated to JGC games and then collated feed back is provided back to Thomson et al for collation on the ARU data base. One of my mates who has done a few of these games hasn't had team sheets so the assessments have been done without names, just on jersey numbers and then the names added later once the lists were provided. Once again the the alleged high 5's by the ARU staff and focus just on those boys they know is more ill informed dribble....Some players were told there would be "NSW selectors" there.
Which NSW team would that be?
There's no U16s, and the 18s are NSWSRU and use the trials at Knox for selection.
Which pathway have I missed? or there a new pathway I've missed? No doubt its paved with good intentions.