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ARU Junior Gold Cup - National Junior Championships

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Best get in touch with your local Centre contact, if you know who that is.

I'll check who the people for Brissie are on the flyer I've got and post their details if no one beats me to it.


Cyril Towers (30)
Best get in touch with your local Centre contact, if you know who that is.

I'll check who the people for Brissie are on the flyer I've got and post their details if no one beats me to it.

Thanks. I played in one of the 4 brisbane sides at the recent QJRU State Title's and the only information I have recieved is via this forum,the basic blurb on the ARU's website and I friend who made it to the Brisbane city side. His coach sent them all a trial application though I thought there were 4 brisbane teams?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
At times, G&GR does scoop the more traditional sources of information in a number of areas with some quality posts.

It can sometimes be more accurate and more timely than traditional sources, on both the forums and the blog.

Conversely, there can be a fair bit of "noise", misinformation, speculation and outright porkies on the forums as well.

Good luck with your trials, whenever they are.

Dark Shark

Alex Ross (28)
Tyrell Barker is co-ordinating the trials for Brisbane that I believe are on the weekend after next - 2nd and 3rd November at Ballymore.

His contact details via email are junior.gold@qru.com.au

I have not heard any details on the trials as yet, but believe boys were required to nominate by this week.


Cyril Towers (30)
At times, G&GR does scoop the more traditional sources of information in a number of areas with some quality posts.

It can sometimes be more accurate and more timely than traditional sources, on both the forums and the blog.

Conversely, there can be a fair bit of "noise", misinformation, speculation and outright porkies on the forums as well.

Good luck with your trials, whenever they are.

cheers. It's frustrating though from my perspective towards the authorities as no information has been let out

the baz

Alfred Walker (16)
Vote 1 George.:)

Have SJRU or CJRU got a succession plan in place, or is this going to be an sh!tfight to rival NSW Labour party preselections?

From the Constitution:
16 (b) The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 30th November of each year, and twenty-eight (28) days notice of the date and place of holding it shall be given by letter to each Member Union.

They will be nearly into the 28 Days notice if they haven't already held their AGM for 2012.

The Accounts should be finalised by now and be undergoing Audit.
shit fight 100%.

the baz

Alfred Walker (16)
I haven't received any recent invitations to have a cup of tea at Rugby Central in St Leonards, so I guess I'll have to continue my crusade via the keyboard.:)

My thoughts on the matter is that an outsider with community rugby nous is needed.

Belly from 2 Blues would be good but that would tear the guts out of what is currently a well oiled machine. In a couple of years, after some succession measures are in place, then by all means conduct a raid on 2 Blues, and extract Mr Bell.

Most other current (and recently non-active) NSW community rugby administrators and leaders are pretty meh, and IMHO are far too tainted with WII-FM and self interest to perform this role.

I hope Mr Pulver has a reasonable budget allocation for remuneration for the GM, as well as some decent $ for him to spend on growing the game.
We all know if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys, and that you have to spend to sell. Without adequate remuneration and operating budget for the GM Participation, the results will be a foregone conclusion.
Agree Hugh. Actually most of the more efficient (NSW now ARU) community rugby admin staff have moved on, which is a shame. I know of 2 that are in line for the role, and both have family connections working within the ARU. Again, it not whos best for the role, but more who will please the powers to be more. Pulver should look to club rugby for this role, or try to get some of the old NSW staff back... but i don't see that happening. look for little results if its any of the current executive community staff.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Trials today and next Sunday for the Sydney Centre teams.

Good luck to all trialists. Email announcement of the squads in a fortnight apparently.

If selected, awesome. Stay fit, train hard, listen to your coaches.

If not selected, stay fit, and give it a go next time around. It is not the end of the world.

Plenty of kids have missed out on junior rep squads to go on and be Wallabies.

Dark Shark

Alex Ross (28)
Not sure if full trials for the four teams in Brisbane are required for next weekend as planned. I have heard only around the required quota (around 120) plus a couple of extra more have applied for the four Brisbane teams in the u15 age group. While no confirmation, I think the u17 age group may have had less than the quota.

It has been said that some schools that have collected/attracted a lot of the talent from around Brisbane, Queensland and Australia are actively discouraging their students from nominating.

It will be interesting to see who turns up and who does not turn up next weekend for the Brisbane trials. Could have an impact on the success of the inaugural competition.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Boys had to write their number on their arms and legs today at Granville , saw 282 on one boy for U17s! Would hate the job of the selectors to whittle it down from 282 to 48 (if you don't include the ones already in it from schools and Sydney Juniors)


Cyril Towers (30)
Not sure if full trials for the four teams in Brisbane are required for next weekend as planned. I have heard only around the required quota (around 120) plus a couple of extra more have applied for the four Brisbane teams in the u15 age group. While no confirmation, I think the u17 age group may have had less than the quota.

It has been said that some schools that have collected/attracted a lot of the talent from around Brisbane, Queensland and Australia are actively discouraging their students from nominating.

It will be interesting to see who turns up and who does not turn up next weekend for the Brisbane trials. Could have an impact on the success of the inaugural competition.

Definetly correct about the Brisbane under 15's. Most talented players who are on the fringe have been left out with parents friends having to notify other people. It's seems in organisation Sydney has trumped Brisbane for all money

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Boys had to write their number on their arms and legs today at Granville , saw 282 on one boy for U17s! Would hate the job of the selectors to whittle it down from 282 to 48 (if you don't include the ones already in it from schools and Sydney Juniors)

That is going to be hard to whittle those numbers down if there were 282 kids trying out. That represents 12 teams of 23. The entire NSW State Championships.

Someone has not been honest with those boys and parents, or the parents have not listened to Coach and Selector feedback.

How many thousand turned up for the Under 15's?

John Brown

Bob McCowan (2)
That is going to be hard to whittle those numbers down if there were 282 kids trying out. That represents 12 teams of 23. The entire NSW State Championships.

Someone has not been honest with those boys and parents, or the parents have not listened to Coach and Selector feedback.

How many thousand turned up for the Under 15's?

For Granville I think the U17 masses were broken alphabetically into 4 big groups.

Having been a selector in another life I just don't know how you would have picked the chosen ones for the following week in a 2 hour period from the 280 plus trialists. Plus I assume the selectors were unbiased and not invloved with kids or the age groups ideally.

Good luck to all who to tried out.


Bill Watson (15)
That is going to be hard to whittle those numbers down if there were 282 kids trying out. That represents 12 teams of 23. The entire NSW State Championships.

Someone has not been honest with those boys and parents, or the parents have not listened to Coach and Selector feedback.

How many thousand turned up for the Under 15's?
I was there for both trials, there was at least 220 kids there for the 15's.
The trials were different as you might expect the 17's had a few more drill with extra complexity. I'm not sure how next weekend will go as I believe you will only see those boys that clearly were not up to the standard missing a second trial. How does 14 teams of 15 go into 4 teams of 30, plus you need to accommodate the 16's national boys, luckily for the other boys only half of them have put their hands up.
I go back to my earlier post, they already know who they want as the 16's have been seen plenty of time over the last year and they just want that 15 year old that is a stand out. This year 14's that made the sydney Side will be in and i understand they had a long list of kids from the 14's state champs, the rest will come from the 13's that are stand outs.

I'd say both age groups will be 80% the older boy and 20% the younger.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
I go back to my earlier post, they already know who they want as the 16's have been seen plenty of time over the last year and they just want that 15 year old that is a stand out. This year 14's that made the sydney Side will be in and i understand they had a long list of kids from the 14's state champs, the rest will come from the 13's that are stand outs.

I'd say both age groups will be 80% the older boy and 20% the younger.

I understand what you're saying, but there are those boys that play in clubs that don't feed into rep teams, and don't go to fancy schools that can be overlooked. This gives them a chance to show their stuff!


Bill Watson (15)
I understand what you're saying, but there are those boys that play in clubs that don't feed into rep teams, and don't go to fancy schools that can be overlooked. This gives them a chance to show their stuff!
I totally understand what you are saying both my boys fit into the exact category, they both played at the state champs and one made a regional team which was great. But they don't come from a district that offers up coaches for these teams, they don't go to a GPS or rugby playing school or a public sports high so they are behind before they start, so I totally get how hard it is for a boy who doesn't make a rep team to get ahead. This isn't sour grages it's just the way it works. at the end of the day people go with what they know not what they see.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
I totally understand what you are saying both my boys fit into the exact category, they both played at the state champs and one made a regional team which was great. But they don't come from a district that offers up coaches for these teams, they don't go to a GPS or rugby playing school or a public sports high so they are behind before they start, so I totally get how hard it is for a boy who doesn't make a rep team to get ahead. This isn't sour grages it's just the way it works. at the end of the day people go with what they know not what they see.

And if they don't get picked, you just hope they get good coaching, good competition, and enjoy the game enough to keep playing once they reach Colts or beyond! As the vast majority of players do!!


Bill Watson (15)
totally agree, as I tell my boys it's not the end of the world, when you look at the stats not may superstars at 16 and 17 go on to play super rugby or test rugby so those player have to come from somewhere, just enjoy the game and work hard.


Watty Friend (18)
totally agree, as I tell my boys it's not the end of the world, when you look at the stats not may superstars at 16 and 17 go on to play super rugby or test rugby so those player have to come from somewhere, just enjoy the game and work hard.
Speaking to one of the selectors, they and the ARU guys are very keen to give every boy an opportunity to impress. There was a comment earlier re a few missing out and that sounds about right, but the majority will go through this week. They recognise that one skill drill doesn't always give a true reflection of the player. The selectors have used a rating system that mostly focussed on the weaker and strongest performers. The selection are being done without any bias ( if thats possible). The most pleasing thing for those who love the game was the massive numbers that showed up to trial. The process was done with as much objectivity as possible, with coaches only having a note pad to record numbers of players, ( no names), and the selectors generally only referring to names once the age group had finished and they compared observations and ratings.They felt this was the fairest way to assess the boys. Next week promises to be very busy but hopefully the right players put their hands up and get through.
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