The 3rd tier investment will cost a lot of money either way, so pick your poison, SS Clubs reinvigorated or Uni's leveraged.
Today very few SS clubs have much in the way of infrastructure or financial capability to lift to the level required.
Many Universities have existing infrastructure and at least access to financial support.
The Infrastructure required looks like full-time professional coaches/doctors/physio's, training fields and secured playing fields, parking for players/supporters, gymnasiums, pools, lighting, performance testing facilities, video/filming/editing facilities, rugby hardware (scrum machine/range of protective clothing and shields etc) dieticians, coaches/players rooms, hospitality/function rooms, medical/recovery/rehab rooms etc.
Just stop now and do an audit of your SS club against this infrastructure checklist -how do they come up? Problems with councils? No money for staff? No gym? etc etc
Now do this same audit against Sydney Uni rugby - shit, they have most if not all of this infrastructure in place now at SS level!
Wonder why they seem to have well prepared teams in every grade?
We haven't even yet looked at the financial capability of SS clubs.
Now, who thinks their SS club can become as 'infrastructure capable' and/or as 'financially capable' as Syd Uni?
Who thinks anyone, including the ARU, can/should finance the SS clubs up to this level?
2 takeaways for mine;
1. The SS will continue being a Syd Uni benefit comp 9/10 years if things stay the same.
2. The more cost effective option is a Uni driven comp as a 3rd tier solution.