It was the Manly Marlins who won the mens. I'd also mention a big hats off to Inverell mens side who travelled to CH that morning apparently and had the crappest of draws in concerns to recovery time. Our Newcastle Uni mens team did not feature in the finals.
On the womens side it was Parra & Wanderers (from Newcastle) who played out the final (funny because both teams come from clubs called the "Two Blues", if Wanderers hadnt worn t-shirts that they had rigged up their jerseys would have been identical). I cant remember the score but it was a close win to Parra.
I had a great time except I've sprained my ankle I think, its really puffy. I wasnt real happy with our draw we had Merewether then a fresh Parra (their first game) - they had to be the two biggest teams. Beat Merewether about 4 tries to nil, went down to Parra 10-0 & got some injuries out of that game. Because Newcastle Uni took x2 womens teams we only had about 2 reserves each team (we learnt the hard way not to do this again, especially when its 30+deg heat & you do get injuries). My Uni team (Uni2) had to play Parra again in the quarters with injured players & lost but as a true 15's orientated team we managed to get our prop to go over & she hurt someone which kinda gave one back to the Parra girls for all the casualties we got in our previous game

. Our Uni1 team beat Wanderers (our rivals so we were happy with that

), & Tamworth but then were beaten by Parra in the semi final in a close game.
In one of the womens semi finals Wanderers played Hamilton (another local Newie grudge match) & everybody got to see a huge hit, pity it was a shoulder charge & illegal. Come the 15's season those two teams are going to have at it, I was surprised a brawl didnt break out.
Parra womens were very good, deserving winners, clearly had some experienced players. They really knew how to suck us into playing their game. I hope they come back again next year because we need teams with their kind of competitiveness in the womens draw.
Its a shame about Sunnybank womens they should have came to CH, it wouldve made the draw an even 10 rather than 9 which made it a bit messy.