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  1. terry j

    The League Media

    Yes, seems I might be a bit older than you but certainly not old enough to remember st george in their 'heyday'. But I'd agree that back then there was certainly far more contest for the ball in league. That has taken such a nosedive since even when I played the game. At LEAST they had contested...
  2. terry j

    Refereeing decisions

    A quick question (rather than ref decisions) A player contesting the ball has to remain on his feet right? So, to prevent him getting the ball they clean the guy out. Usually, by pushing him BACK off the ball. So he is braced for that and it takes some effort. Would it not be easier and...
  3. terry j

    The League Media

    (BTW, what was the gist of the smh article?) But, is it not true that 'the world' has already voted? Take for example your making rugby have limited tackles a'la league. Seriously, what other game does that? Imagine football only allowing a team six kicks then you give the other side a go...
  4. terry j

    The League Media

    seriously papabear, you just gonna have to accept that your views (at least on this forum) are the complete minority. I mean, I just don't know how to dislike/disagree with your post more. It is not possible. ALL you have done is 'highlight' the things that make rugby different from league...
  5. terry j

    France v Australia

    Did you mean to say 'WTF?'?
  6. terry j

    Ideas for NRC 2015

    I, for one, am not particularly thinking it is a magic bullet, but it could be. None of us will know the answer till it is tried surely? (has it been tried btw??) We could just as easily turn your argument around. How about (and not saying this is the case, only that we can just as easily...
  7. terry j

    Ideas for NRC 2015

    very much like. At least trial it and see how the crowds stack up. And it should lead to better viewing figures? Done properly with all the behind the scenes stuff, maybe jumping castles for the littlies, food stall (like they had at orange), decent grog prices, a band or two?, make it a fun...
  8. terry j

    England v New Zealand @ Twickenham

    double FFS, for fucking sake.
  9. terry j

    Wallabies v Barbarians - 1/11/14 (Twickenham)

    was my recollection too. Could not help but imagine a 'conversation' between he and cheiks, "every time you make a stupid kick I will kick you in the nuts. I won't tell you not to kick, but I will judge each of them after the game and kick you in the nuts accordingly. So the onus is on you out...
  10. terry j

    Ideas for NRC 2015

    Not my thang at all, but I DO read a lot about this thing called 'social media' and how it is the way of the future (?) Instead of spending money on old dinosaurs like 'consultants' howabout the ARU get on board a whole bunch of young rugby nutters (maybe slip 'em a few test tickets) who also...
  11. terry j

    Wallabies v Barbarians - 1/11/14 (Twickenham)

    fox are replaying it at four tomorrow afternoon.
  12. terry j

    Wallabies v Barbarians - 1/11/14 (Twickenham)

    fuckin A. The bloody golf went late, then they had some tour of a golf course, then tennis came on (don't know about darts) All the while advertising the currie cup final. They could at least bloody run a banner across the bottom so I did not sit on my arse checking every five minutes, I could...
  13. terry j

    Kurtley Beale

    I understand the humour behind the richie remark, and yes it is good to defuse it a bit whilst still being able to rationally discuss it, so thanks. What I AM saying, and not sure how to say it any more clearly, is for harressment, sexual or otherwise, to be 'proven' is that it was intended to...
  14. terry j

    Kurtley Beale

    Thanks louie (and yes I saw your later clarification). My entire point is that IF it is true, and I don't know how it can be done never having owned a mobile ph, it was mistakenly sent to her then none of these definitions apply. Ie the INTENT. He (then) never intended her to know any of...
  15. terry j

    Kurtley Beale

    I agree with the initial assesment. If it is true that the text was mistakenly sent to patston, then your illustration does not work. It show how much of a complete idiot beale is if he sends it to patston. All this talk of sexual harrassment, how can it be if she was never intended to receive...
  16. terry j

    Kurtley Beale

    yeah, that word really jumped out at me too, but surely it was just a poor choice (as there is no doubt an actual second text exists is there?) and meant authored.
  17. terry j

    How to respond to the haka

    man, get a dance instructor/musician to help with the haka on the basketball court. You'd get a fantastic rythmic stomp happening!
  18. terry j

    Kurtley Beale

    I was not aware of research that backs it up. Still, good to know that sometimes the research actually backs up *common fucking sense*. View women as mere sex toys, bang this one tonight (with your mates if you are lucky) and move on to the next slag tomorrow. And of course, in this society...
  19. terry j

    Kurtley Beale

    I have three beautiful daughters, and am so glad I have three beautiful daughters. I am not trying to tie this in with beale, but I weep for what I see as the almost inevitable future with this. From what age nowadays are the young exposed to (often vicious) porn on the net? How can this...
  20. terry j

    Kurtley Beale

    Shit, you learn something new every day. That actually helps!!