The Nomad
Bob Davidson (42)
Yep, the FULL sign has been up at Terrace for quite some time, so any lad introduced on a "deal" does cost somebody something, whether that be a spot at the school or a financial loss of fees. Maybe that is not the case at other schools, but surely it costs something to educate these sports stars , or is educating them not a priority? Isn't that why you go to school, to be educated?^Oh I see you are still one of these guys that thinks student / athletes are “paid” for
Well I guess that has happened in some places with last minute ring ins of boys that rock up in Yr 11/12 and can’t receive fee concessions etc
But in the majority of cases, across all schools who have chosen to augment their sporting programs with talent who already weren’t on an enrolment list, the big shift over the last 3-5 years has been on earlier middle school entrance
This way the student has the additional opportunity to develop within , and contribute to , the place where they are at
It takes time to get this right as initially the temptation is to “fan boy” recruit - the end result being there is rarely any balance / reciprocity in the relationship
Takes a first wave where there is high ratio of takers / dickheads that ultimately get weeded out - either by their own hand or by that of the school before those responsible for it get better at judging the values / make up of the kid and family that seem to match those values that the school / their programs want to be about
Hence - results / culture growth / more results / New enrolment growth
I just think GT hasn’t quite got passed the first wave
Maybe it’s getting there though
But also to fairly acknowledge ..I am sure Terrace doesn’t have to worry about enrolment growth into any foreseeable future - so not sure what the one foot in / one foot out approach to talent addition is all about
All I'm really saying with my "can't buy it " comment , is that recruiting some age group stars doesn't automatically give you great culture. As mentioned in your "fan boy" comment , it can easily erode culture, nobody is going to be overly enthusiastic about bunch of self centred sports stars taking their spot. The feeling of others getting preferential treatment can quite quickly become toxic.
Schools like NC, Churchie and GT have got teams down to F's in every age group and 6ths in the Opens, so it's not an issue of needing more participation or future enrolments . The sons of rugby playing old boys keep these schools reasonably stocked with talent that are also passionate about the school. Guess that is where you are headed with your argument, the new recruits have to buy into the culture. Which is exactly what I'm saying , they don't make it.
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