Thanks, my guess, without knowing the numbers (why I asked!) was that broadcast revenue was the larger part.
It would interesting to see how negotiations would go with regard to a new broadcast deal if the broadcasters
knew we were bailing out of Super Rugby. I suspect they might hardball quite a bit.
So, to keep players remunerated at a similar level, there's a large shortfall in revenue.
If someone like Andrew Forrest stumps up $50 million, that's gonna be spread thinly over any number of years.
While the concept of having something of our own going forward is quite nice (Please note this bit before pitching in saying I'm not keeping an open mind to change), I see a few concerns and I don't know how to address them.
1. TV Revenue. 'Nuff said. Elephant in room.
2. Further decline in competitiveness at Test level. All the players comment how much faster Test rugby is than Super Rugby, and I suspect that Super Rugby is a step up from Club.

If we're pitching a broadly based lower level comp, then the urgency of a national coaching structure is even more acute. Our general skill levels and structures are woefully below acceptable. We just might not compete at more than a mid-tier level in Tests long-term with the status quo. I don't really want to get into a debate on the current national coaches - we all know the issues - but the coaching problem is far more extensive than just there. Gotta fix the whole bloody thing. Needs money, brands and willpower. Fuck this up and this will impact Point 1. and also Point 3.....
3. Sponsorship revenue. Sponsors need exposure (TV etc), and sponsors want winners ( yeah, they're idealists!

). I'd be concerned this too will shrink.
I'm sure there is more.
Someone like Andrew Forrest might need to set up a Direct Debit facility because $50 million may not go too far!