Michael Lynagh (62)
Lol I though t he showed it by smoking Digby and O'Connor .. he probably not a 10.6 100 metresI know what you mean, and I agree with you - mostly. I just had a look at how fast he actually was, and I saw that he runs 10.06 m/s, which I make to be approximately a 10.6 second 100 m time.
For relativity's sake, Lachie Turner was crowned Australia's fastest footy player at an event in 2010, and he ran a 11.1
Even more impressive is the fact that Carlin Isles, the US 7s player who is the "worlds fastest rugby player" runs a 10.58 100 m time.
This guy can also boot the absolute shit out of a footy.
I could waste another 20 minutes of my life looking up how quick the other wingers are, but I know they aren't that close to that.
Sorry to labour the point, but I didn't know he was that fast..
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