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someone please get me in touch with the jersey manufacturers and their respective contacts at the unions, I need to inject some taste into their offices.
I like all the new jerseys except for the Ireland one, which is inept. People get so angry about change. Collars and the lack thereof is a particular sticking point. At the end of the day it is all just sports equipment.
At least they don't have a bra:
http://a8.sphotos.AK (Andrew Kellaway) (Andrew Kellaway)-snc6/269154_10150689478380557_518940556_19598765_6780715_n.jpg
Man, there are some excrescences there already. What would you say to the guy who decided that Ireland needed a jersey with hexagons and a rugby ball on it. You might just pop him one on snout. God knows what Georgia will come up with.
Not that we'll probably need to wear it, but our training jerseys would be good for an alternate strip.
Argentina carrying the torch for simple, traditional designs: